Deleted member 4210
In late breaking news, Politico reports that doctors at Simon's treating hospital have changed the cause of the injuries to Covid-19. Cowell reportedly told them after his surgery, and after they told him his bill, that his Covid19 mask blew up and over his eyes, due to the high rate of speed he miraculously achieved in his small courtyard. (Hospital receives $15k Federal bonus for every Covid19 treated patient.)When I first heard 'celebrity' and 'ebike' and 'broken back' in the same sentence, I immediately ruled out Shatner ( a REAL 'celebrity') and ruled out Pedego, because their ebikes are too heavy to attempt wheelies, and other celebs like Schwarz would never be caught dead on anything like what a fake celeb like Cowell would ride. So it had to be someone like Cowell, who's PR agent would (naturally and slimily) leave out all details except 'ebike' so MSM could fill in all sorts of other fake news, and allow them to inherently cast blame on the ebike, and not the rider. MSM took the bait, and with no other facts added conveniently that 'experts' say ebikes are '3 times more dangerous' than regular bikes. Classic MSM fake news. Of course Cowell has always been super nice to all contestants on his various shows, who are sending him thousands of eCards wishing him a fast recovery.