Simon Cowell breaks back falling from ebike

Now my wife is on my back to not ride my Ebike anymore. Yeesh.
Well definitely don't tell her that there were 45,000 bicycle accidents in the US in 2015, and 857 deaths in 2018 from bicycle traffic accidents. Just did a quick Google search.
Really sad that he had an accident while riding an E-bike in his backyard. He must be lucky not to have that accident outside on the road.

With more power comes more responsibility!
E-bikes are much faster than a regular bike and for someone who's kinetic skills are not great, it could end up really badly.
I have had several close calls and consider myself very lucky. Most drivers are not trained to look out for a biker.

It reminds me of Michael Schumacher, a revered F1 driver. His skiing accident left him completely paralyzed. Even for such a legendary driver, who's reaction times are extremely fast, unfortunate things can happen.

I take this incident as a reminder for safe biking practices.
Simon Cowell had a tumble down a staircase a few years ago also. Maybe some arthritis or bone thinning. Hope he heals well. Maybe a trike for him.
Was he trying to do a wheelie on that M1 Spitzing in his courtyard ??

He definitely doesn't have the skills to be riding an 120NM 45mph ebike. A Spitzing R pedelec is wicked fast.
Ebikes are a lot of fun, but the rider needs a lot of skill sets to master them.

And the most imp. Q - Is the ebike okay ??
Seems every headline about this includes that did it on an ebike. Simon posted that you need to read the manual!? How was he “testing” this bike anyway?
“If you buy an electric trail bike, read the manual before you ride it for the first time,” he tweeted Sunday night. 🤔
On national news last night, they interviewed a doctor that suggested the e-bikes were more dangerous because they were "faster" with no further info to provide any context to that statement. Then he went on to inform everyone that many of the new e-bike riders were seniors, and that the bicycle injury rate has risen dramatically within that age group. Again, no further info to provide context.

Would have been nice if they had at least mentioned that without e-bikes, many more senior butts would be parked on sofas rather than out getting some fresh air and a little exercise.

So typical of "news" stories lately. You get the slant on the story they want you to hear..... to support their headline. Better than no news maybe, but it does leave me wondering about the "whole" story, if there's something relevant missing, many times.

And NO, not into conspiracy theories, and very little in the way of paranoia here. -Al
On national news last night, they interviewed a doctor that suggested the e-bikes were more dangerous because they were "faster" with no further info to provide any context to that statement. Then he went on to inform everyone that many of the new e-bike riders were seniors, and that the bicycle injury rate has risen dramatically within that age group. Again, no further info to provide context.

Would have been nice if they had at least mentioned that without e-bikes, many more senior butts would be parked on sofas rather than out getting some fresh air and a little exercise.

So typical of "news" stories lately. You get the slant on the story they want you to hear..... to support their headline. Better than no news maybe, but it does leave me wondering about the "whole" story, if there's something relevant missing, many times.

And NO, not into conspiracy theories, and very little in the way of paranoia here. -Al

I agree but I think it's more about money and what is attention grabbing and sells in limited air time over what they want you to hear.
I try to remind myself that we are living in the age of quick and fast with limited substance.
An example of more "Fake News", the truth of Simon hurting himself, with the fake spin of "Ebikes are dangerous".
No context that many local laws limit them to 20 mph, which is a protection from the speed severity any accident could bring, not much different than going maxim speed on a traditional bike.
On national news last night, they interviewed a doctor that suggested the e-bikes were more dangerous because they were "faster" with no further info to provide any context to that statement. Then he went on to inform everyone that many of the new e-bike riders were seniors, and that the bicycle injury rate has risen dramatically within that age group. Again, no further info to provide context.

Would have been nice if they had at least mentioned that without e-bikes, many more senior butts would be parked on sofas rather than out getting some fresh air and a little exercise.

So typical of "news" stories lately. You get the slant on the story they want you to hear..... to support their headline. Better than no news maybe, but it does leave me wondering about the "whole" story, if there's something relevant missing, many times.

And NO, not into conspiracy theories, and very little in the way of paranoia here. -Al
If you watch the story NBC did last night, Dr. DiMaggio, who did the study barely even mentions that it includes scooters in it.
I agree but I think it's more about money and what is attention grabbing and sells in limited air time over what they want you to hear.
I try to remind myself that we are living in the age of quick and fast with limited substance.

That's a good point as well. They have half an hour to cover a lot of country many days.....
If you watch the story NBC did last night, Dr. DiMaggio, who did the study barely even mentions that it includes scooters in it.

I disagree... It was clearly stated and the focus was the increased speed of both.
But I guess I have ol' school longer attention span.
When bikmo says ebike riders are more "risk averse", I think they mean we're older, more sensible.

Six hours of surgery ain't no joke. It is entirely possible that he landed on a curb in an unfortunate way. Ouch. And just because the picture shows him in flip-flops and pajama shorts and no helmet does not mean that it was taken minutes before the accident. In all likelihood, that was a promo picture done for a random interviewer at some time in the past, like, "Here, let's get you guys posing as a family on your ebikes." He seems to be an experienced ebike rider, if he has owned as many as the article mentions. Probably just got the new one, tested the throttle and flipped it or lost control of it because it was adjusted differently to his previous one, and landed wrong.

Stuff happens. Stop blaming the victim in the accident. He's paying for his mishap.

A source said: “He did a turn in his courtyard, changed gear, and then the bike went into a wheelie and threw him off the back . . .
When bikmo says ebike riders are more "risk averse", I think they mean we're older, more sensible.

Six hours of surgery ain't no joke. It is entirely possible that he landed on a curb in an unfortunate way. Ouch. And just because the picture shows him in flip-flops and pajama shorts and no helmet does not mean that it was taken minutes before the accident. In all likelihood, that was a promo picture done for a random interviewer at some time in the past, like, "Here, let's get you guys posing as a family on your ebikes." He seems to be an experienced ebike rider, if he has owned as many as the article mentions. Probably just got the new one, tested the throttle and flipped it or lost control of it because it was adjusted differently to his previous one, and landed wrong.

Stuff happens. Stop blaming the victim in the accident. He's paying for his mishap.

Yes I assumed that the photo was not taken just before the incident... and I also assumed that my comment didn't suggest that.
My bad.
But my point was... Repeatedly showing that you are a D_bag... more than likely means that you are D_bag.