SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Well my Bosch CX motor finally gave up the ghost at 43000 kms so I am treating it to a heart transplant. When I get it back from the shop it will show less than 1 km and have a 2 year warranty. I only hope I can put another 43k on that bike before I have to hang up my Fivetens. It was moaning and groaning loudly and shutting off intermittently but I kept riding it until it showed the dreaded error code 500 which means drive unit failure. And this bike got all the worst weather as it is my Winter bike. View attachment 165676
A pretty good run for a bike motor, especially with your weather.
I get the crazy thought that the bear had previously been fed by somebody and it was looking for a handout? It looked like it went toward the kid and was sniffing for food. The kid is holding his right arm in the air and the bear might have seen that as a feeding gesture. People have been known to do crazy things like feed bears around here.
Possible, but he may also have been sniffing the kid AS food. 😋

You're probably right though. We have black bear in our garbage cans and bird feeders on a weekly basis this time of year. I've had several face to face confrontations over the years and they seem more curious than aggressive. The exception is when it's a sow with cubs.
Yes, Amazon. Got this one and it fits perfectly:

Someone on another forum stated that it was a bad idea to use these as they could trap condensation and actually harm the battery. Not sure what I think of that. To me the analogy is like putting on a pair of gloves when the weather gets colder........
if your using the battery it will keep a bit warm its the spares that will need to keep warm but not sure if any wrap will do that.
Went by this on the way back from my Chilliwack bike ride:

That's a big tank of gas. I saw one of those decorated like a WWII submarine once. Might have still been in use for gas as well.
It's funny that we call it petrol in the UK, but would understand an American saying they were putting gas in their car.

But no one in the UK says 'hit the petrol' for putting your foot down on the accelerator.

We would probably say 'hit the gas' because of US movies, but 'floor or gun it' is the most likely.
It's funny but the older generations of Poles still say (translated) "add some gas" (hit the gas) or "the gas pedal" (the accelerator) when talking about the cars :) Even if petrol is "benzyna" in Polish and we never even think of petrol in the terms of gas(oline), the sayings hold!
Right across the street from each other...


Lexus SC430 hard-top roadster, ca. 2001 - 2010. At least 2 more SC430s in my largely geriatric neighborhood, both soft-tops.

TopGear had this to say about the SC430:

Well, Lexus apparently got the message. Parked right across the street:

The recently introduced SC500 is just gorgeous, and the burbling V8 exhaust note makes it sound gorgeous, too. The performance specs are quite impressive — as is the price — but no idea how it's being received in the motoring press.
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Monkey Business

We spotted these varmints just before leaving for a ride from my wife’s home in Japan. They see us leaving the house and make a beeline for the fruit trees along the power lines. We picked all of the kiwis and persimmons a couple of days ago so they may be disappointed in what little fruit they find if any.



