SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

I cycled up to the drive thru atm at my bank and found this receipt in the slot waiting to blow my mind !
found someones diabetes kit on the road in front of my daughters house. but she does not know anyone around that has it. I picked it up with my gloves o and the nI opened it and checked the thing had velcro on it and stuck to my glove and I spilled it.
Call him stupid, brave or a hero but he likely saved that child from harm.
I get the crazy thought that the bear had previously been fed by somebody and it was looking for a handout? It looked like it went toward the kid and was sniffing for food. The kid is holding his right arm in the air and the bear might have seen that as a feeding gesture. People have been known to do crazy things like feed bears around here.
Well my Bosch CX motor finally gave up the ghost at 43000 kms so I am treating it to a heart transplant. When I get it back from the shop it will show less than 1 km and have a 2 year warranty. I only hope I can put another 43k on that bike before I have to hang up my Fivetens. It was moaning and groaning loudly and shutting off intermittently but I kept riding it until it showed the dreaded error code 500 which means drive unit failure. And this bike got all the worst weather as it is my Winter bike.