SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Really ? When was the change from pennyfarthing to safety frames ? I heard it was the same family a generation apart and guessed electric bikes were several generations later.
You're right, I was referring to non-ebikes ... it looks like the first bicycles were built from 1817-19.

You're right, I was referring to non-ebikes ... it looks like the first bicycles were built from 1817-19.

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I often get so caught up in the marvels of modern-day bikes that it’s easy to forget the historical significance of these two wheeled machines. Once in a while something comes along that captures your attention.

@FlatSix911: Wasn't the road-bike a concept far earlier than 1960s?
Your right... the Wiki is referring to the modern road bike with a "ten-speed" gearset.
Europe had been racing bikes for over a century... here is another hisorical timeline.
These lighter bicycles, long used by serious cyclists and by racers, featured dropped handlebars, narrow tires, derailleur gears, five to fifteen speeds, and a narrow 'racing' type saddle.

I just saw this. It is at once awesome and frightening. Behold the future.
Ironic. It's not like we haven't been repeatedly warned where this would go. But then Orwell and Huxley along with C.S. Lewis were trumpeting warnings back in the 40s about political machinations leading to world wars and worse .... and little good came of their efforts.
I just saw this. It is at once awesome and frightening. Behold the future.
Compare the wooden bikes to the robots and imagine what kind of R-bikes there will be. How about a R-bike that can avoid any collisions and always keeps the rubber side down? Try not to think what it might do if it does not like you.
Spotted a lone bird out on a rocky point... geese nesting perhaps?
Maybe a birdwatcher can help identify what's going on here. ;)


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