SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Is that a finch?
On steroids maybe. It's a kookabura… a terrestrial tree kingfisher.

Late breakfast with Jen before heading off with the Powerfly. I have to wait until Jen's Alzheimer's Association carer arrives (currently for seven hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday).

Wild kookaburras just arrive and announce that breakfast ought to be ready. To feed them by hand, it's best to do so with fingers together (that's important!) and tasty morsel placed on your open palm. In other words, don't do what is shown above!

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Thank you for posting that.
My grandfather had Model A. I have not seen it but my father told me about it. My father, born 1904, got his driving license circa 1925 and then taught my grandfather how to drive a car. Now I got inspiration to plan a ride to go and have a look at my grandparents house. It’s 40-45km by car so I think a roundtrip by bike will be close to 100km. That is more than I’ve ever done but should definitely be possible on a full charge (604Wh) on my Vado.
I could make the ride shorter by using commuter train but I’m not too interested in close contact with strangers for the moment.
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View attachment 52580

Late breakfast with Jen before heading off with the Powerfly. I have to wait until Jen's Alzheimer's Association carer arrives (currently for seven hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday).

Wild kookaburras just arrive and announce that breakfast ought to be ready. To feed them by hand, it's best to do so with fingers together (that's important!) and tasty morsel placed on your open palm. In other words, don't do what is shown above!

View attachment 52582
Wow those are huge and how tame ? !!
Ok, I may have been complaining a little about low temperatures for pleasant cycling during month of May this year but ...


... for some it’s apparently not cold enough.
Shot this afternoon just outside my home. I was on my way to help best friends daughter to put a frame lock on her new e-bike.
21km roundtrip.
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Winds out of the south bring massive waves crashing into the retaining wall. Pictures don’t do justice to the power being unleashed by the water hitting the concrete and blasting 20 feet in the air.