SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Apparently we went to Seattle today even though the border is closed...
My ride today was closer to home and has a bit of a haunting theme to it. It was a crisp -3C when I set out this morning so adding another layer was a definite must. Aptly named, ‘The Ghost Collection’, there are eleven of these bronze sculptures that make up this city public art collection most of which are centered within and around its core.

'Francis Galbraith - First mayor of Red Deer and owner/editor of the local newspaper
Francis Galbraith.jpg
'Reaching Out'
Reaching Out.jpg
'The Face Off'
The Face Off.jpg
'Let the Music Play' - Keith Mann, Red Deer’s acclaimed music director
Let the Music Play.jpg
'Waiting for Gordon' - Juliette, wife of Gordon Sorenson and Co-founder of the city’s public transit system
Waiting For Gordon.jpg
'Sound the Alarm' - Erected on the site of the former downtown fire department which is now home to the public library
Reverend Leonard Gaetz – One of Red Deer’s early founding fathers
Reverend Gaetz.jpg
Hazel Braithwaite – Champion of Women’s rights and equality
Hazel Braithwaite.jpg
Doris & Mickey – Doris Forbes with her pet beaver Mickey who she nursed back to health in 1939.
Francis the Pig – Francis roamed the streets for five months after escaping from a local abattoir back in 1990.
A couple of obligatory pics seeing that I was riding in the vicinity.

A Trompe L'oeil mural (Red Deer Museum)
A Larger thatn Life Brick Rabbit
On my ride through town I saw this crew working on large tree just a block from downtown;
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This was a utility crew removing one of several hundred 'fire hazard' trees in town. This 150 year old tree had sparked local demonstrations, tree sitters, and a lawsuit that delayed removal for several months. A local judge finally put it all to rest announcing that only the State's Public Utility Commission had jurisdiction and they had ordered the utility to proceed with vegetation clearing in their their rights of way. In a compromise, the utility agreed to wait until the City had their own arborist inspect this tree. His report confirmed what the utility's report had said, the tree was at end of life and was posing a hazard to high voltage power lines in the canopy.

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The protesters, all dozen or so of them, had named the tree 'Bella'. By late afternoon Bella was gone. Locals left cut flowers on the stump. The City has very restrictive tree removal regulations but even they agreed that fire protection came first and that the Utility Commission had jurisdiction.

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But the protests go on. Tree sitters have taken up residence in a large pine in the City's historic Pioneer Cemetery in the hopes of preventing its removal. They vow to physically protect 10 large trees around town. We'll see how this plays out as the tree removal crews are nearing the end of their scheduled work.

Always something going on in this small town...🤣
Remember Julia Butterfly Hill? She was my hero for awhile ago!🥰
As twilight engulfs us on All Hallow's Eve the veil between the land of the living and the land of the dead thins allowing some to pass to the other side...


This fellow was captured earlier today in Grass Valley and put on display at the town's clock as warning to all. When i took his pic this afternoon he was not happy about his circumstances. Hopefully he won't get free tonight, though I'm sure his howls will still be heard all around town...👻
Reed, the thing that made the Polish infuriated was the Govt announced the ban only on Oct 30, when everybody had their flowers and grave candles already bought. I was smart enough to pay the visit to the tomb of my Wife and Parents a week ago...

A question to you: I work with a Texan software company. The CEO told me nobody rode bikes in Texas. How come you ride one? :)