SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

On my ride Friday I rode up to the monument to the Thoen Stone found in Spearfish. It is supposed to document a group of people before Custer that came to the Black hills Looking for gold.

In 1887 Louis Thoen allegedly found a rock describing Ezra Kinds experience being attacked for gold his party found
The original is in the Adams Museum in Deadwood and there is a replica in Spearfish



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I came across this vintage tractor on my ride today and decided to add a bit authenticity to the photo.
vintage tractor.jpg

Sense a theme to this post? Both sides of this rural property were packed with old tractors, most in the state of disrepair and perhaps a handful were in some form of restoration mode.

As twilight engulfs us on All Hallow's Eve the veil between the land of the living and the land of the dead thins allowing some to pass to the other side...

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This fellow was captured earlier today in Grass Valley and put on display at the town's clock as warning to all. When i took his pic this afternoon he was not happy about his circumstances. Hopefully he won't get free tonight, though I'm sure his howls will still be heard all around town...👻
Dude that's fake. Werewolves don't transform during the day... duh
Wow, that is a nice Triumph! I haven’t seen a TR-3 in many years. Had a 1966 Spitfire for a few years in the early 70s, never used the doors... Just jumped over them and into the car. Like many Lucas electric equipped British sports cars, the steering wheel hub caught fire one evening driving through town and that was pretty much the end of that.
Interesting sky in Calgary this afternoon.
Was riding on Nose Hill, really only trying to run the battery down a bit as I had mistakenly charged to 98% this morning.

I wanted to get 32Km in to get to a milestone (and get battery down below 70%, but the rain and sleet that was quickly approaching (you can usually see it coming when you are up on the hill) at the 10Km mark convinced me that would perhaps be a better option and I rocketed back to my car at warp factor 5. Battery is now at 65% :)

