SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

The unfortunately thing about buying these super cars is that you'll never use more than 10% of the car's potential unless you track it. I see so many of these super cars in my area (Ferrari, Lambo, Maclaren, MB GT, etc) and they are going 30-40 miles an hour just like the Corollas and Camrys. 😞 It really comes down to car design and prestige that you're paying for.

That's why my toy is the Miata which I can push and still be legal on streets. Oh and also that I can't afford any of the super cars. 😆

Here's my midlife crisis toy other than my ebikes.

I had a 1999 NB which was a lot of fun but I sold it when I discovered Ebikes and do not miss it and do not plan to own a personal car again other than the one I share with my wife. I still like looking at them. Sometimes I get a jones for my 74 MGB or a vintage Austin Healey but then it passes.
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Nice ride in the mountains this afternoon... until I came across a guy who drove his car down to the shoreline of the local reservoir.
A real no-no around here... I nicely asked him if he was lost and needed directions back to the road.😉

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Took a short ride around Susquehanna University, to a field of solar panels ... about 18 acres of p.v. panels IIRC, generates about a third of the university's electricity needs. I remember the one third b/c I have panels on two thirds of my roof and they generate about one third of my electricty too.
Same ride as above solar panels post, another turn off the paved road leads to a community garden on university land. It appears that they never restarted it this year due to the lockdown, lots of empty looking beds, but several beds were growing well. I suspect that no one cares if people use it, but AtYourOwnRisk .

The close up raised bed of potatoes and onions is from my backyard for contrast...