SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

I did end up getting a 5 speed Interceptor ...I think it was an 85. It was fun until a careless young woman driver backed out into it. I remember that it became a hit and run and I had to chase her across town before she finally parked in the West end. Then she jumped out of her car and ran into an apartment building. It was weird. maybe she didn't have a license or insurance? Anyway she took out the whole right side of my beauty.
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Oh yes ....I am thinking it must be a rough ride when you cannot see what bumps are coming!
Plus her shoulder is still a ways from being normal and even small things can aggravate it. speedbumch and such even gentle ones. so the suspension seaport really helps. I had a softer riding rear tire too but after twi flats in a week had to dump that.