SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

how about we look both ways ok at least she had purple hear. hard to see but she was only looking to the right till l came to a full stop.
I know the feeling. There’s a controlled T intersection about a block from my home and we see vehicles constantly exiting out from the one-way street without hesitating to stop when turning right. It’s maddening to say the least! Like you, we’ve had a few close calls but believe that it’s just a matter of time before something bad will occur at that spot. :(
I know the feeling. There’s a controlled T intersection about a block from my home and we see vehicles constantly exiting out from the one-way street without hesitating to stop when turning right. It’s maddening to say the least! Like you, we’ve had a few close calls but believe that it’s just a matter of time before something bad will occur at that spot. :(
usually here in portland a 4 way intersection with only stop signs on one street and then eople without the stop signs stop then everyone is trying to figure out who should go. I hate it I come to a stop and then the cars with the right of way stop and it ends up taking more time than if they never stopped.
usually here in portland a 4 way intersection with only stop signs on one street and then eople without the stop signs stop then everyone is trying to figure out who should go. I hate it I come to a stop and then the cars with the right of way stop and it ends up taking more time than if they never stopped.
how about we look both ways ok at least she had purple hear. hard to see but she was only looking to the right till l came to a full stop.
What can I say ?.... check out this chart:
Lifetime odds of death for selected causes, United States, 2020
Cause of DeathOdds of Dying
Heart disease1 in 6
Cancer1 in 7
COVID-191 in 12
All preventable causes of death1 in 21
Chronic lower respiratory disease1 in 28
Opioid overdose1 in 67
Suicide1 in 93
Motor-vehicle crash1 in 101
Fall1 in 102
Gun assault1 in 221
Pedestrian incident1 in 541
Motorcyclist1 in 799
Drowning1 in 1,024
Fire or smoke1 in 1,450
Choking on food1 in 2,745
Bicyclist1 in 3,396
Sunstroke1 in 6,368
Accidental gun discharge1 in 7,998
Electrocution, radiation, extreme temperatures, and pressure1 in 14,705
Sharp objects1 in 26,744
Cataclysmic storm1 in 35,074
Hot surfaces and substances1 in 50,341
Hornet, wasp, and bee stings1 in 57,825
Dog attack1 in 69,016
LightningToo few deaths in 2020 to calculate odds
Railway passengerToo few deaths in 2020 to calculate odds
Passenger on an airplaneToo few deaths in 2020 to calculate odds
Don't know about you fellas but a lot of red neck p/u truckers seem to have it out for cyclists here. One passed intentionally close to us this morning at a high rate of speed. Also find that many of these same idiots like to tailgate other vehicles particularly on major highways. Must be a machismo thing. Go figure. :rolleyes:
Don't know about you fellas but a lot of red neck p/u truckers seem to have it out for cyclists here. One passed intentionally close to us this morning at a high rate of speed. Also find that many of these same idiots like to tailgate other vehicles particularly on major highways. Must be a machismo thing. Go figure. :rolleyes:
P dog I absolutely agree with the pick up truck thing. The knuckle-draggers vehicle of choice!
Dont know much about cows but I call these guys the Oreo herd.
What can I say ?.... check out this chart:
Cause of DeathOdds of Dying
Lifetime odds of death for selected causes, United States, 2020
Heart disease1 in 6
Cancer1 in 7
COVID-191 in 12
All preventable causes of death1 in 21
Chronic lower respiratory disease1 in 28
Opioid overdose1 in 67
Suicide1 in 93
Motor-vehicle crash1 in 101
Fall1 in 102
Gun assault1 in 221
Pedestrian incident1 in 541
Motorcyclist1 in 799
Drowning1 in 1,024
Fire or smoke1 in 1,450
Choking on food1 in 2,745
Bicyclist1 in 3,396
Sunstroke1 in 6,368
Accidental gun discharge1 in 7,998
Electrocution, radiation, extreme temperatures, and pressure1 in 14,705
Sharp objects1 in 26,744
Cataclysmic storm1 in 35,074
Hot surfaces and substances1 in 50,341
Hornet, wasp, and bee stings1 in 57,825
Dog attack1 in 69,016
LightningToo few deaths in 2020 to calculate odds
Railway passengerToo few deaths in 2020 to calculate odds
Passenger on an airplaneToo few deaths in 2020 to calculate odds
What is the source of this chart, BTW?
It's Blackberry time here for the last few weeks and if the weather stays cool will be so for another few. I pick a gallon a day off my bike, I have several patches to choose from, while under the guise of a bike ride.


I put them in the freezer and then vacuum bag them in half gallon portions. They are great to add to winter breakfasts and holiday pies!

But the Bears don't have a freezer and just gorge on them every time they come around.....

Blackberry Bear Poop.jpg

And that answers the question of where the Bear @#*%$ in the woods.