SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Not everyone likes e-bikes. Ecountered this hater last year. Made out of wood, these guys will fade away this summer. (Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL).

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Being a city slicker, I am still trying to identify the dam in those dam pics.
Beavers dam up running water in the best way they can. It's usually not a mass concentration in one spot. In this case they've created a lake on state gameland where they are somewhat protected. Some call it a beaver pond.


The picture is taken basically on the waterline, probably a hundred yards from the running water. Beavers won't stop there though, they'll keep refining their habitat for living, food and procreation. Amazing animals, amazing workers and they can do serious damage left unchecked. If this were private land, the dam would have been torn down or blown and beavers trapped or destroyed. I think the US Fish and Wildlife Service will help states manage beavers on state land. I find the sight of how large trees are felled by beavers amazing.
another 97 km today...some cars caught my eye. I have never seen this model Saab sports car before. My guess is that hideous front bumper was only added for North America.


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