SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Been snowed in here for 2 months now. With nothing better to do, I've been reviewing some interesting pics taken recently.
I frequently ride a 1.25 mile private road leading to my house here in northeastern PA. I bought an adjacent piece of property on the road with a deteriorated house which I had torn down. The pics are in chronological order and taken over a 2 hour period:
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It's amazing how fast it went from pic 1 to pic 12. Except for the green capped well head, there is little evidence a house once stood there!
That looked too solid to demolish.
Been snowed in here for 2 months now. With nothing better to do, I've been reviewing some interesting pics taken recently.
I frequently ride a 1.25 mile private road leading to my house here in northeastern PA. I bought an adjacent piece of property on the road with a deteriorated house which I had torn down. The pics are in chronological order and taken over a 2 hour period:
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It's amazing how fast it went from pic 1 to pic 12. Except for the green capped well head, there is little evidence a house once stood there!
amazing, what a few hours use of heavy equipment can do.
That looked too solid to demolish.
It took a lot of thought but in the end, it would have cost more to bring it up to code than I could have hoped to get on a resale. It was built in 1985 with scraps and whatever the original owner could scrounge up. He used garden hose in the walls for some of the plumbing and electrical wire was spliced together without the proper enclosures. It was only partially insulated and some of that was newspaper. It needed a new roof and the septic system did not meet code. I could go on and on but I think you get the idea.

There is a steel building on the 4 acre lot which I'm using for storage. The eyesore is gone which improves both the view and property value as well. I stripped out all the recyclable windows, plumbing, wiring, etc so at least I received some value from the deal.
amazing, what a few hours use of heavy equipment can do.
It sure is! That excavator was the only piece of equipment used on the job. The debris was crushed with the bucket and loaded into 12, 40 cu. yd. dumpsters. The foundation was collapsed into itself and buried. The excavator operator's son and I provided the only other labor involved by picking up the smaller debris by hand.
More Turkeys... this group was a bit unruly and rambunctious. They seemed to be fighting for a dominant position. ;)

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I wish the turkeys around us would stay in the fields instead of landing on our deck and raiding the bird feeders:

Is it an art display?
Yes, it’s an art display. The tree is not a living tree, it’s a big tall stump.
Often with art you have a hard time to get an explanation of what the artist meant - you have to go with ”in the eye of the beholder”.
In this case, the carved fire extinguisher, there is a very detailed description. It’s about what we perhaps always see but generally don’t notice. This is my short condensed summary of a much longer text 😊
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Yes, it’s an art display. The tree is not a living tree, it’s a big tall stump.
Often with art you have a hard time to get an explanation of what the artist meant - you have to go with ”in the eye of the beholder”.
In this case, the carved fire extinguisher, there is a very detailed description. It’s about what we perhaps always see but genarally don’t notice. This is my short condensed summary of a much longer text 😊
Thanks for the explanation. I was wondering .....
I'd see one of those with an electric conversion ... they had a/c, so don't need no windows ... lightweight body ... movie star factor