Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

A few pics from this morning's 38km ride to the local nature park:

Right now I am just getting used to my 2 new e-bikes. Doing shake down runs on the new one to prep it for the wife to use.
My area has a good amount of multi-use trails and I take advantage of. I also take the time that if I see a good spot for a phot, to stop and take it all in.
Too much has passed me by in my life, and now in my later years I like to take in the wonders around me. And my e-bikes do that for me.


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Right now I am just getting used to my 2 new e-bikes. Doing shake down runs on the new one to prep it for the wife to use.
My area has a good amount of multi-use trails and I take advantage of. I also take the time that if I see a good spot for a phot, to stop and take it all in.
Too much has passed me by in my life, and now in my later years I like to take in the wonders around me. And my e-bikes do that for me.
Welcome to the forum!

Plenty of places to ride up your way. The Erie Canalway is one of my favorites!
Welcome to the forum!

Plenty of places to ride up your way. The Erie Canalway is one of my favorites!
The only issue with the Erie Canal Path that I do ride as much as I can is the limestone dust that get’s everywhere! It’s a good thing to have a quick link in your chain so you can clean that stuff out every now and again. I really try to keep all my bikes cleaned and lubed properly.
Which tires did you do with ??
All the flats were with Maxxis Forcasters on my 2019 Fathom. Those tires were tubeless ready so never a flat after doing that.
The Stance I now have came with Maxxis Rekons and I went tubeless immediately. Wore those out and now am on Continental Ruban, again immediately went tubeless and still no flats for years.
All the flats were with Maxxis Forcasters on my 2019 Fathom. Those tires were tubeless ready so never a flat after doing that.
The Stance I now have came with Maxxis Rekons and I went tubeless immediately. Wore those out and now am on Continental Ruban, again immediately went tubeless and still no flats for years.
Thx, I'll check into them. I've hd my own run in with those darn blackberry thorns. Someone told me that after a nuclear war the only things left would be cockroaches and blackberry bushes.........
One of my all time favorite trail systems to ride is located at FT. Stevens Stater Park in Hammond, OR. When I first started riding here 40yrs. ago horses were on them and helped to keep them trodden. Sand base so they would chew up the slopes but not alot of elevation that close to sea level. Was surprised to find them in pretty good shape and all ride able. Met a group of Eastern European's collecting mushrooms and a few hikers but saw no bike tracks. Even though there is a group of mtb'ers in the area for some reason they don't like that area and prefer one a bit farther inland by the Lewis and Clark visitors center. I liked them both when I lived in that area for a number of years.

This trail goes around Coffenbury Lake. Only did the west side in my loop today but the same giant roots were still there.

Coffenbury Lake Trail.jpg

This section has all Coastal Pines which also are good at producing roots.

DeLaura Beach Trail.jpg
One of my all time favorite trail systems to ride is located at FT. Stevens Stater Park in Hammond, OR. When I first started riding here 40yrs. ago horses were on them and helped to keep them trodden. Sand base so they would chew up the slopes but not alot of elevation that close to sea level. Was surprised to find them in pretty good shape and all ride able. Met a group of Eastern European's collecting mushrooms and a few hikers but saw no bike tracks. Even though there is a group of mtb'ers in the area for some reason they don't like that area and prefer one a bit farther inland by the Lewis and Clark visitors center. I liked them both when I lived in that area for a number of years.

This trail goes around Coffenbury Lake. Only did the west side in my loop today but the same giant roots were still there.

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This section has all Coastal Pines which also are good at producing roots.

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Nice! Thanks, good to know. I need to get up there sometime and bring my beach and xc bikes (both single speed non-ebikes however).

Here's a shot from last week at South Beach south of Newport. Basically just me and gulls, a couple seals, a few herons, pelicans and some snowy plovers.
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Nice! Thanks, good to know. I need to get up there sometime and bring my beach and xc bikes (both single speed non-ebikes however).
No worries. I rode those trails for more years on a bike than an eBike and a good share of those also with a single speed, well technically it was a dingle speed as I had a Schlumpf Speed drive on that bike. There is a network of paved paths in there as well that are fun to ride with little traffic, even on the weekends. Park at the DeLaura Beach Rd. and ride into the park. It is right next to Camp Rilea and when I pulled in yesterday I heard gunfire and they were doing range testing, luckily not pointing in my direction. I've ridden, and clammed, that beach many times. There is a way to ride all the way from the car to the South Jetty on 90% trail so you can catch the tailwind back down the beach.
Looks just like our May, June, August, and September this year in coastal San Diego County, and October's been much grayer than normal as well. Do you get those low cloud decks often?

Old timers say May and June were to be expected, but August and September were real outliers here.

Still, there's really no bad day at the beach.
Yeah, we get a lot of "gray days", regardless of the season. I guess it comes with living in a region of very changeable weather.