Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Looking down at Manzanita, OR:


Break stop for hibiscus iced tea and peanut butter cookies, Manzanita, OR:


Tillamook Bay:

Don't you wish every trail had this? Wow, a work stand, all the tools, and a pump, right at the trail head!
I've spotted a similar setup on a trail near me -- complete with a drinking fountain that also features a bottle-filling tap. I think there may have even been a vending machine located there, stocked with various biking-related accessories! Will have to look more closely next time...
The first two pics are on the Forth Road Bridge near Edinburgh and the last one is a little place called Stronachlachar in Central Scotland, such a beautiful part of the country :)
Yesterday's ride was the "Fort to fort" trail starting in Derby Reach Park in Fort Langley B.C.
Was very foggy when I showed up!

Uh OH!!! Lol...

Stop for a coffee and a snack!

Had lunch at the "Little Donkey beer and burritos" restaurant. I couldn't resist the name.

Great ride. It was maybe 25kms round trip including the Brae Island loop/trail.
Yesterday's ride was the "Fort to fort" trail starting in Derby Reach Park in Fort Langley B.C.
Was very foggy when I showed up!

Uh OH!!! Lol...

Stop for a coffee and a snack!

Had lunch at the "Little Donkey beer and burritos" restaurant. I couldn't resist the name.

Great ride. It was maybe 25kms round trip including the Brae Island loop/trail.
Coffee break AND a lunch on a 25km ride. Sounds like my average speeds;)
Coffee break AND a lunch on a 25km ride. Sounds like my average speeds;)
I really liked the ride to Fort Langley. At that point I just started to tour the destination.
Before I knew it the clock had advanced to a point where I could either eat there, or somewhere else later.
The ambiance of my current location won out.:)
Out today on one of my regular routes, the Hanes Point road loop—though a portion is closed due to the very swollen Potomac River. (Hanes Point is a man made infill peninsula of mostly parkland, which maybe rises ~10-20 feet max, above the normal Potomac level.)
Here, Reagan National Airport is across the encroaching waters in Arlington, VA.
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Can’t resist another. Afternoon ride, stopping at Gavelly Point; a park area immediately north of the Reagan airport runway. Planes are taking off northbound today; they fly right over the bike path and folks gather all day to enjoy the spectacle and incredible noise.

Where is the bridge?
  • Riding on the left.
  • Suitably safety conscious.
  • Green grass. Pristine river.
  • Warmly dressed in September.
  • Almost summer.
It just has to be New Zealand - a caring and beautiful country that is prepared to make long distance cycle paths a national priority. It's worth doing a web search for the story of the bridge and NZ's cycle paths.

A long time ago, Jen and I lived near Pukekohe which is not too far from the new Perry Bridge across the Waikato River at Ngaruawahia.
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Yesterday's ride was more technical. I went to Campbell Valley area in Langley and did the Latimer/Old Stoke trails.
Lots of single track through the woods with rocks, roots, branches, and logs to jump over.
Couldn't really take any good pictures.

There's a rock/gravel quarry there that I roamed around.

And I came across a rather large mushroom. Must be over 8" across!

Anyway, those trails were exactly what the Fathom is built for. Lots of fun!
Yesterday's ride was more technical. I went to Campbell Valley area in Langley and did the Latimer/Old Stoke trails.
Lots of single track through the woods with rocks, roots, branches, and logs to jump over.
Couldn't really take any good pictures.

There's a rock/gravel quarry there that I roamed around.

And I came across a rather large mushroom. Must be over 8" across!

Anyway, those trails were exactly what the Fathom is built for. Lots of fun!

Death Cap (Amanita) mushroom. As the name suggests, do not eat!