Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

The days keep getting longer...

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We're entering week three of our lockdown here in New South Wales, Australia. The leaves are beginning to turn orange - what few are deciduous anyway - and the weather is just starting to get crisper at nights (and by crisper I mean sub 20 degrees celsius). Under the new regime full time work and full time home school means sleep and exercise have been the slack to fall by the wayside. I used to commute to work each day on my bike, which was always time I really valued, bookending each working day, clearing the mind and exercising the legs and lungs. I'm trying to get into some regular exercise habits to fill that void.

Today after editing at the computer all day I took my new Giant on a blast up some hilly suburban streets, down into some rough MTB tracks and back home. The MTB tracks were probably a bit ill-advised as the bike is geared up for my sealed commute with 40mm Marathons and pannier - I slid, skidded and rattled my way up and down very loose 20 degree inclines and gingerly through a few shallow creek crossings - but it was good to see what the bike was capable of. The engine was certainly more than willing on the steeper climbs but I won't be taking it back in there regularly with the predictable lack of traction.

The gentle incline down from the park was nice, all on a wide shared pathway with the motor cut just peddling along. The pathway was busy with exercisers. Like others here I've never seen so few cars on the roads and so many people out walking and cycling. I'll try and do this every few days to preserve some degree of metabolism and sanity.


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Feel fortunate to be in an area where roaming freely about is easy and without limitations other than standard social distance protocols but easy enough to do because I don't see hardly anyone and keep my distance if I do.

View to the north of Bay Ocean spit


My north out and back that has options enough to keep it interesting for awhile

After my last ride I felt a little guilty about taking so many photos, after all we are only allowed out for exercise! So I will be cutting down on the photos until things return to normal...

32 enjoyable leisurely miles today, it was one of those days the direction you were travelling in made all the difference due to a cold south westerly breeze! At least it was dry and sunny so thats always a bonus in these parts, once again I got home with a clean bike! :D My 2020 total now stands at 1156 miles from 25 rides giving me an average of 46.24 miles, the next 2 days are looking good with rain coming on Friday so that will be my rest day I think;)


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After my last ride I felt a little guilty about taking so many photos, after all we are only allowed out for exercise! So I will be cutting down on the photos until things return to normal...
Firstly, I'm positive some of us view (;)) your photos as essential.
Secondly, will things ever be "normal" again?🤔

Great post and impressive mileage!
Firstly, I'm positive some of us view (;)) your photos as essential.
Secondly, will things ever be "normal" again?🤔

Great post and impressive mileage!
I'm really not sure if things will ever be normal again but life goes on I guess and we just need to try and enjoy it as much as we can! Thank you for your kind words :)
crazy man crazy...
36v and at 20+ mph the controller is smoking hot in that bag after a 12 mile ride..
may have to relocate controller and straiten those fenders... ...she turns heads....and is fun....
nders out..


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RabH, someday we are going to see a picture of that bike with some dirt on it. Probably not today, but it will happen! :)

Love your pictures, keep clicking
A break in the rain was enough to get me out to close my exercise rings ... 8 miles from home to the southern tip of Old Town Alexandria where the soaring (relatively) new Woodrow Wilson Bridge carries I-495 across the Potomac River to Maryland. Chose the vintage Bianchi rather than the ebike...