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it is ok it is a joekie bike from China it had bad tires and seat so I upgraded them , I put a bike rack in the back to ,you have to keep the pressure hi on the tires, it is very heavy compared to a 10 speed,you have throttle lag with the e-bikes, it came from the west coast in a box in good condition to boston, it is a little bit harder to assembly than I thought have to adjust the disk brakes and head stem and shifter, I didn't like the handle bars too got new, they should of gave us the 10400, battery but they gave us a 7800 it is good enough for me I am handicap
so I get my exercise and I get to ride the subway to places and bike back like any bike you have to watch it like a hawk for people will take it from. you , most people on bikes could not ride a bike when they were little and they have no clue what can happen
if you are a dummey thak a bike- e-bike - motorcycle safety course or read a book about it they are fun and dangerous