David's frustration is understandable. IMO this is a problem with R&M as he said.
Car analogy is on the other hand may not be the best here. A car is a lot more complex than a bicycle and usually it is much more time consuming to service one. Still luxury brands like Mercedes, BMW etc took a big hit when their cars became very unreliable early 2000's because luxury doesn't mean that people will put up with lousy reliability.
The ebike makers are unfortunately working like a custom pc builder from 2000's. Mixing and matching components and just designing the frame so that they fit. In my perspective, I don't see why RM or any other manufacturers' bike would be more reliable than the others.
Servicing a bicycle is fast as long as components are regular bike components. Unfortunately rohloff or bosch ebike components are not easy or possible to service by your regular lbs mechanic.
So the question is what exactly RM brings you when it comes to servicing if service is going to be handled by the part manufacturer? If every bicycle having the same component will go through the same process then what are you paying that premium for?
David Berry is right at being disappointed here.
That being said there is a false sense of reliability/luxury perception in the forums, a lot of marketing going on, which leads to disappointment in the end. Also a good LBS will make things easier but then it will be true for any brand not just RM.
Car analogy is on the other hand may not be the best here. A car is a lot more complex than a bicycle and usually it is much more time consuming to service one. Still luxury brands like Mercedes, BMW etc took a big hit when their cars became very unreliable early 2000's because luxury doesn't mean that people will put up with lousy reliability.
The ebike makers are unfortunately working like a custom pc builder from 2000's. Mixing and matching components and just designing the frame so that they fit. In my perspective, I don't see why RM or any other manufacturers' bike would be more reliable than the others.
Servicing a bicycle is fast as long as components are regular bike components. Unfortunately rohloff or bosch ebike components are not easy or possible to service by your regular lbs mechanic.
So the question is what exactly RM brings you when it comes to servicing if service is going to be handled by the part manufacturer? If every bicycle having the same component will go through the same process then what are you paying that premium for?
David Berry is right at being disappointed here.
That being said there is a false sense of reliability/luxury perception in the forums, a lot of marketing going on, which leads to disappointment in the end. Also a good LBS will make things easier but then it will be true for any brand not just RM.