riding my ebike


Rode my E bike in the rain yesterday , I bought me a new fluorescent green jacket with reflective stripes on it and it's water resistant , so I rode my E bike in the rain which I don't usually do just down to the store and back , I like using my ebike whenever I can to go to the store and back , Go to appointments , In this cold weather it's about keeping my hands warm my head warm and my feet warm and dry
Water resistant only goes so far but full on rain gear is too stifling and you end up getting sweat wet....so it is better than nothing. I have found that spending alot on "breathable" gear doesn't work for me either. I just use lightweight wind and water resistant, and I might add cheap as in got off eBay, jackets. I have an orange one for hunting season, just over, and a few others for all else. Make sure you get it loose fit for layering.

For pants I wear these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0777BL8KD?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details They are insulated just enough, breathe ok and haven't ever soaked them through although they do get damp. I live out on the coast so I find myself wearing them most of the time on the bike and off actually as they are very comfortable.

To keep my head warm I wear a hoodie appropriate to the temp under and put my helmet on over the hood. I tried a hat for awhile but when overheating it was a pain to stash it if removed and a hood just flops off.

I use insulated gloves, Amazon/eBay, that have little flaps to allow you to use your finger tips, handy for phone access. Look for ones with neoprene content. I wear a pair of Grundens short rubber boots that work well with flat pedals and have enough grip when off the bike. Too warm here in the OR for insulated types although I have lived where they are necessary in the past.

For really bad day outings, not store runs, I purchased a set of water proof coveralls recently that I have yet to try out. There are some some companies in England that make some that look good but are $$$$ but my eBay ones were cheap. I have always felt that for MTB riding on a crappy day it has possibilities. I'm sure there will be a time for a trial in the near future.

A good set of fenders goes a long way here in the OR also.
I don't ride in the rain often but when I do, I wear a lightweight rain jacket and carry a change of clothes in a waterproof pannier.
I ride sometimes 2 or three times a day in the rain. with a lot of different temps from 60 to 33 degrees. there are a Bunch of different gore-tex products. the normal gore-tex only breathes once you start sweating or it. gets damp inside. buts the cheapest gore-tex. but they have a lot more breathable types now. gore-tex active is the best its waterproof and really breathable. but its not as durable. you also have gore-tex shakedry that you can just shake the water off and its waterproof and super breathable but lightweight. I bought a gore-tex packlite it's about the same as the active but not quite as expensive. but it's light and breathes and it will dry out in a hour after a ride.
these make a huge difference then the normal goretex. they are dry and they breathe really well. I have some gore-tex active gloves for rain in the 50's. and light weight rain pants. I had to invest in better as the regular gore-tex would not dry out and would stay wet most of the day. Tyler rain boots helped too.
I stay perfectly dry now and I don't overheat unless I really work hard then I just need to unzip my jacket.
