Realistic mileage for Neo 36v 9amp models

With my Neo Xtreme with knobby tires I can commute to work 21 miles round trip (100 minute ride time eco/std modes) in urban/suburban riding with the 9ah battery it came with. On a leisure ride up the Palisades I nursed it up to 30 miles. I decided that I wanted an second battery. I bought a 12ah battery (gray stripe) that I was very lucky to find on eBay. I had to swap the old dashboard for one sent by BH for free. The old one worked, but kept flashing when used with the 12ah battery. The new 2nd battery saved my life. I can now spend a full day on the bike that includes 3 plus hours of continuous riding. My max range works out to about 60 miles on two batteries. If you ride average 10MPH and coast a lot I suppose you can raise your mileage some, but I did not buy an electric bike to ride at regular bike speeds and terrains.

The extra battery goes in a tripod bag strapped to a rack. Yes the rear gets quite heavy, but I am able to have normal control on single track. When I commute with the 12aH battery I come home with two bars left. This way I am not fully discharging the battery and have a hope of getting the advertised 2000 cycles out of it. I don't obsess over battery life since, even a thousand cycles means one charge PER DAY for 3 years and who among us actually does that?

Latest video from touring around Philadelphia (does not show bike):