Quality first but dollars count!

As Stephan points out... Many happy users with Chinese brands also... Chinese doesnt mean cheap in all things...Think Frey..
I’m looking for most miles per dollar, not fewest dollars. You get what you pay for! I want a quality e-bike from a reputable company that provides fast hassle-free service through my local dealer. So right away we are looking at a shortened (alphabetical) list: Aventon; Breezer; Electra; Fuji; Gazelle; Norco; Orbea; Surtas. I’m in (hilly) western MA, 180 lbs, 70 years old, in good shape, looking to go farther faster while pedaling hard. Ideally I’d like one bike to last me 20 years, pedaling 10-50 miles a day on one charge. Any thoughts?

Here's my story, I hope it helps....

I'm 76 and own / ride two 5 year old e-bikes. A Trek XM 700 Commuter and a Trek Powerfly 7 Hardtail Mountain bike,
Both bikes, Bosch Power Trains Mid Drives. Total miles 10,000. I have not had a single problem in 5 years.
I ride rail to trails ( no off road ) and some paved.

When I bought the XM 700 I didn't know e-bikes from pound of cheese....I took a 20 minute test ride at my bike shop,
returned and bought the bike on the spot. Never looked back.... Five years later, when I ride it's still like that first day.
Best money I ever spent.

Not long after I bought the Commuter I decided to ride rail to trails...Thus the Powerfly 7 at the recommendation
of my dealer. Bought the bike with no test ride, who does that ? ( I trusted him ) I did. The 7 it's absolutely fantastic.
Love it.

I did install a Speedbox Delimiter because the MTN bike was Class 2 and I wanted to ride slightly above 20MPH

I really like your thought... " looking for most miles per dollar, not fewest dollars"
I share my story because some times you have to go with what you know and feel is right. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Good luck,
You can see a personal attack of the Forum trolls here.

Despite of I am a fan of a specific brand (and not a big fan of Gazelle), I read this Forum a lot and cannot close my eyes to see the Gazelle users are just happy users. Add to it the fact you have actually demo ridded these e-bikes and can judge them yourself.
And yet you clearly wrote, “I have never ridden a Gazelle, so I cannot compared the brand's e-bikes to Specialized Como.”
From what he has been sharing about his welfare, Tom is crippled and can only ride trikes. Be nice to see him post ride reports and pics from Minneapolis. We just got to take him as he is, a Cantankerous old man.
Man you frocking stoners oughta stay away from keyboards. Another 2 bike wonder posting ignorant blather. I chose to build trikes and guarantee I road more miles in my yoot than you’ll ever ride on your two motorbikes. I don’t ride in MPLS I live in a small city in the SE corner of Minnesota. I do not drive a cage, and ALL of my nearly daily rides are on two wheels. More often lately on the 2 wheel 2014 first build of a dozen personal builds. A very weird rainy winter has meant severely iced roadways so the cripple hopes to finish one of two eTrikebuilds and not miss any potential ride days. Sadly I made the mistake of reading a post of yours for the first time in weeks. I read through the ignore, only to find you’re still about as bright as a rock. Cripple indeed…
I’m looking for most miles per dollar, not fewest dollars. You get what you pay for! I want a quality e-bike from a reputable company that provides fast hassle-free service through my local dealer. So right away we are looking at a shortened (alphabetical) list: Aventon; Breezer; Electra; Fuji; Gazelle; Norco; Orbea; Surtas. I’m in (hilly) western MA, 180 lbs, 70 years old, in good shape, looking to go farther faster while pedaling hard. Ideally I’d like one bike to last me 20 years, pedaling 10-50 miles a day on one charge. Any thoughts?
Some prices are going to be dropping in the bike industry. Some companies have already cutting price quite a bit on left over 2022 and it looks like there are going be a little bit of a push on the new bikes as sales are slowing down. I don't know about that list you have is it because that is what dealers you have near you?
internet bikes
Translation = No Local Support & Sub-standard components. I just showed photos on another thread of one of these that has required about $1200 in upgrades to keep it running. Things such as new wheels, drive trains, tires, brakes begin to add up. You have to buy these bikes sight unseen. How can you know if the bearings suck?
its mostly on the internet bikes because they bot a ton of them and are overstocked. regular e bikes are behind on inventory. like trek is low on stock on e bikes.
you might want to check a little deeper into that while trek might not given the real numbers and where the markets are going it's headed there.
Translation = No Local Support & Sub-standard components. I just showed photos on another thread of one of these that has required about $1200 in upgrades to keep it running. Things such as new wheels, drive trains, tires, brakes begin to add up. You have to buy these bikes sight unseen. How can you know if the bearings suck?
How can you tell if the bearings suck on any given bike. Seen or unseen?
How can you tell if the bearings suck on any given bike. Seen or unseen?
Feel is one good indication.
I am betting that good eBikes are recession proof. If a family can go from two cars to one car and one cargo bike, they will save hundreds each month. Commuting on an eBike is so much better than in a car. I sold my car four years ago and have ridden eBikes every day since. I also happen to live in a place with good infrastructure and weather.
you might want to check a little deeper into that while trek might not given the real numbers and where the markets are going it's headed there.
been to a trek store? they have few e bikes. mine have no Allen's at all and most f the others are out of stock. they order a year ahead of time so the pandemic caused them shortages.
Right now my wife still needs the car for work on short notice, but when she retires we will become a one car, one e-bike couple. I fear for our grandchildren’s planet and will be glad to lighten our carbon footprint. This e-bike costs less than the ten days in Spain I canceled.
Right now my wife still needs the car for work on short notice, but when she retires we will become a one car, one e-bike couple. I fear for our grandchildren’s planet and will be glad to lighten our carbon footprint. This e-bike costs less than the ten days in Spain I canceled.
we have no cars and haul our grandkid around with us weather permits. found a tag along bike that will ill start using as soon as the weather improves.
I’m looking for most miles per dollar, not fewest dollars. You get what you pay for! I want a quality e-bike from a reputable company that provides fast hassle-free service through my local dealer. So right away we are looking at a shortened (alphabetical) list: Aventon; Breezer; Electra; Fuji; Gazelle; Norco; Orbea; Surtas. I’m in (hilly) western MA, 180 lbs, 70 years old, in good shape, looking to go farther faster while pedaling hard. Ideally I’d like one bike to last me 20 years, pedaling 10-50 miles a day on one charge. Any thoughts?
Riese and Mueller. Can't go wrong with them.
Riese and Mueller
Proprietary = Expensive. They (R&M) are also Heavy. How many weeks does it take for an LBS to send out a motor issue then have it returned? 12? They are big bucks, It sucks. Lightweight and local is better, faster. Within my town, I can replace all the electronics inside a motor the same day for $65 in parts. It is all open source like Wiki or Lynix.