Power loss


Have noticed, almost bad consequences, my Moscow plus lose power while climbing a short but relatively steep hill on a trail. I approached that climb in a lower gear and PAS around 2 to 4. Half way up that climb, my bike stopped, was unable to pedal (much too difficult without power assist). Perhaps I need to approach that climb at a higher speed, maybe 10 to 15 kph?
Appreciate any suggestions...thanks!
Had you been biking a lot? Maybe a heat issue?
Main reasons I can think of:
1) Overheated
2) Low juice in your battery
3) Stalled the motor

Shouldn't happen in my mind otherwise
Had you been biking a lot? Maybe a heat issue?
Main reasons I can think of:
1) Overheated
2) Low juice in your battery
3) Stalled the motor

Shouldn't happen in my mind otherwise
...unless the cadence is dropping below the minimum required to trigger the pedal assistance. My suggestion would be to get in as low a gear as feels comfortable and pedal quickly (rather than pushing really hard) as you climb.
...unless the cadence is dropping below the minimum required to trigger the pedal assistance. My suggestion would be to get in as low a gear as feels comfortable and pedal quickly (rather than pushing really hard) as you climb.

Yeah could be a problem with the cadence sensor too, that would cause the issue