PLANET3 - mechanical e-bike derestriction device.

Thanks Stefan. I've decided to give the planet3 gizmo a go- should arrive in few days. I think it is a neat solution, with only few minor drawbacks- i don't think this bike is capable of doing 45MPH, so this is going to be an interesting test. On a closed airstrip, that my friend owns- obvs...
I have been running the Planet3 on my Vado 4 for about 2,000km. I modified mine by sanding all of the artifacts from the 3D print off of the moving parts and then used silicone lubricant. Works perfectly and smoothly. I had to remove it to replace a cracked rim and there was no visible wear. High speeds are no problem but they use up the battery very fast. After the initial rush of being derestricted I only use the extra speed on down hill sections where the Vado felt like hitting a wall once it hit 32km/hr. Pictures show before and after sanding.


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Mine didn't require any sanding down, perhaps manufacturing process and quality control has been improved...
It is fairly smooth out of the box.
As Stefan said already- this will not bend the rules of physics but it enables the bike to do what it was designed to do, go about 20- 25mph smoothly.
I feel the lack of torque on 1.2rx street tuned, but it isn't as bad as I feared. And it is much quieter and smoother than my deceased 2019 Vado...
A wee little update...

So, bike has covered just about 666 miles (ominous sounds playing- oh that's the chain)... Unable to work out what replacement chain I should buy for this- any recommendations? Pretty please with a cherry on top...

No issues with planet gear- works just fine. I do miss the torque of 2019 Vado and had to play with the mission control settings to get it just about right.

Speed wise- with underpowered motor, it takes a bit to get to 30MPH- staying at 30 for prolonged durations hardly possible, half a mile, up to a mile but that's about it- but, it happily and effortlessly cruises at around 20MPH which was what I wanted.

Someone mention that this bike would benefit from having gear 5 and half- I agree.

Underpowered 1.2e motor is just as power hungry as 1.3 in my old Vado was- same route, same user, same conditions, same settings- 1% of battery is used to cover about 0.4 mile, so total range in real world conditions is in region of 40 miles. My daily commute is 30, so I top up the battery to just under 90% and that covers all bases.

I still think components used are really bottom of the bargain bucket- fenders must be made out of tinfoil as they bend and twist when wind blows. I still miss the funky rack mounted rear lightbar- it was cool.

Other than that, it is ok, but I wouldn't pay £2800 they sell them for for it- realistically, it should be priced at £1999- tops.

Cheers all :)

Unable to work out what replacement chain I should buy for this- any recommendations?
Remind me how many gears you have on your e-bike. It is also necessary for you to count the links in your chain and tell me the number.

P.S. Will, you are probably not aware how good e-bike you've got. Any doubt? Go and buy a Bosch e-bike :)
Hi Stefan,

It's a 9 speed. In the spec it says "KMC e9T, 9-speed w/ Missing Link™ " but I've not been able to locate the exact match in the UK. It is super annoying that one to the most commonly replaced part is not listed in a way that would enable the user to replace it.


I did look at Trek commuter and Scott before I bought Vado, it was a close call.

Will, you need not the exact match. I will gladly give you an advice with several alternative chains but please count the links on your chain first!

Technically speaking, any 9-speed chain would do but these are typically too short for a mid-motor e-bike (that is, have too few links). For instance, typical chain is 114, 116 or 118 links, while you might need as many as 126 (that makes e-bike chains specific).

Good example of what would work

I think is it the right time to ask your LBS for a chain. We live in hard times.
Ok, I counted the links, 118 + missing link, so not sure if that makes it120 or 118.

Also, found an exact match- delivery date 23 June 2023....

Majority of chains I looked at are about 114, 118, I guess because the frame is XL it needs a slightly longer chain, or, I'll have to buy few sorter chains and start splicing, which i'd rather avoid.

I tried my Concept store, they don't sell chains. I rest my face...

Not happy at all, i can feel the gears grinding even tho wear indicator is at 0.75%

Found this

Will I be ok with 118 links or should I go for 126? This isn't with missing link, just a bog standard pin.
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The one you have found is perfect. Choose the 126 link version. How fast the delivery would be, taken Bikester is in Germany?
Thanks. Yeah, their estimated delivery is about 10 days but customers who have purchased stuff from this store aren't exactly completely satisfied- a lot of issues with orders, so I'm looking for something more local.

This bikes should come with a complimentary chain, or specialized should be able to supply...
Thanks. Yeah, their estimated delivery is about 10 days but customers who have purchased stuff from this store aren't exactly completely satisfied- a lot of issues with orders, so I'm looking for something more local.

This bikes should come with a complimentary chain, or specialized should be able to supply...
They (LBS) would have had spare chains in more normal times... A chain is a "breakable", you see. Ironically, the easiest thing to buy nowadays are 11-speed chains as not many bikes use them. On the other hand, it is hard to get 12-speed ones just because there are even fewer bikes with such number of gears. There is a big demand for 9-speed chains but the supply is scarce.
Following this. I ride a USA spec Como3, 1.2 E motor, same 9 speed. End of 2 year warranty and first chain replacement should be around the same time. I intend to go to a smaller chainring for more power at same time. I understand that this is for more speed, not more power.
Following this. I ride a USA spec Como3, 1.2 E motor, same 9 speed. End of 2 year warranty and first chain replacement should be around the same time.
No, Art. The chain should be replaced at 0.5% stretch mark. It all depends on how much you do ride. (Excessively stretched chain is the cassette then chainring killer).
I intend to go to a smaller chainring for more power at same time.
It will give you better climbing ability but even less speed unless you can really spin your crank. Necessary to say I dramatically reduced the size of my Vado chainring and love it! It allowed for dramatic climbs in the mountains, and it gives enormous acceleration (but slower speed achieved). What is the size of your existing chainring?
I understand that this is for more speed, not more power.
What do you mean by "this"?
No, Art. The chain should be replaced at 0.5% stretch mark. It all depends on how much you do ride. (Excessively stretched chain is the cassette then chainring killer).

It will give you better climbing ability but even less speed unless you can really spin your crank. Necessary to say I dramatically reduced the size of my Vado chainring and love it! It allowed for dramatic climbs in the mountains, and it gives enormous acceleration (but slower speed achieved). What is the size of your existing chainring?

What do you mean by "this"?
This thread ... the planet thread.
This thread ... the planet thread.
A de-restricting device (any de-restrictor, mechanical or electronic) cannot add any more power to what the rider and the motor can produce together. The de-restrictor "cheats" the controller of the e-bike, pretending you are riding at far lower speed than you actually do. Let us say you can manage 20 mph on your Class 1 e-bike. If you are stronger than that, you will "hit the wall" at 20 mph, and are unable to ride any faster (you might have experienced that in Turbo mode of your Como). With any derestrictor, the controller "thinks" you are at 7 or 10 mph. Therefore, if the combined rider + motor power is sufficient, you might hit 25 mph (doable in Turbo mode).

I use an electronic derestrictor on my Vado SL (bear in mind we have 15.5 mph speed limit here). My legs are weak, and the SL motor can produce 240 W of assistance max. You might laugh at me but I can ride up to 15 mph if I'm riding in low assistance mode to conserve the tiny SL battery. In other words, I might well ride on a restricted Vado SL! If I put Turbo on, I rarely can exceed 20 mph. It is because the derestrictor does not add any power but only relieves the attainable limit.
Following this. I ride a USA spec Como3, 1.2 E motor, same 9 speed. End of 2 year warranty and first chain replacement should be around the same time. I intend to go to a smaller chainring for more power at same time. I understand that this is for more speed, not more power.
As Stefan said below- chain needs to be replaced when it is worn to say 0.5%. I'm not there yet but I can already feel the gears slipping- it only took 600+ miles, one month of commuting...
At least where you are you shouldn't have a problem obtaining the chain...
A de-restricting device (any de-restrictor, mechanical or electronic) cannot add any more power to what the rider and the motor can produce together. The de-restrictor "cheats" the controller of the e-bike, pretending you are riding at far lower speed than you actually do. Let us say you can manage 20 mph on your Class 1 e-bike. If you are stronger than that, you will "hit the wall" at 20 mph, and are unable to ride any faster (you might have experienced that in Turbo mode of your Como). With any derestrictor, the controller "thinks" you are at 7 or 10 mph. Therefore, if the combined rider + motor power is sufficient, you might hit 25 mph (doable in Turbo mode).

I use an electronic derestrictor on my Vado SL (bear in mind we have 15.5 mph speed limit here). My legs are weak, and the SL motor can produce 240 W of assistance max. You might laugh at me but I can ride up to 15 mph if I'm riding in low assistance mode to conserve the tiny SL battery. In other words, I might well ride on a restricted Vado SL! If I put Turbo on, I rarely can exceed 20 mph. It is because the derestrictor does not add any power but only relieves the attainable limit.
I can outride the boost on level ground anytime I want for a few yards. Gasping and heart pounding ... not fun. And my estimate on when the chain will need replaced is based on expected stretch .
I can outride the boost on level ground anytime I want for a few yards. Gasping and heart pounding ... not fun.
The PLANET 3 might be the answer for you then.
And my estimate on when the chain will need replaced is based on expected stretch .
We, more technical people believe in measurement :)
Although our great poet Adam Mickiewicz once wrote...

Adam Mickiewicz

Methinks, I see...
- In my mind's eyes.

Listen, my girl!
- She’s not listening -
It’s a town! It’s a day bright!
There is not single soul by your side.
What are you gripping?
Who calling, with whom greeting?
- She’s not listening -

Firstly like lifeless stone
Won’t turn the sight on you,
Then running eyes around,
Then bursting into tears,
As if catching something, clutching;
She’s crying, then laughing.

‘Was it you by night? It’s you, Johnny!
Ah! Loves even after death!
Here, there, go step by step,
Stepmother may hear by chance!

Oh, let her hear, there’s no more you!
They’ve buried you in a grave!
You’re already dead? Ah, I’m so scared!
Why do I fear of my Johnny?
Ah, it’s him! Your cheeks, sweet eyes!
Your white cloth on the body!

And you in the flesh, so white,
Cold, your hands so ice-cold are!
Let lay them down, here on my lap,
Hold me, just mouth to mouth!

Ah, it must be freezing in a grave!
It’s been two years since you died!
Take me, I’ll die with you, Johnny,
I don’t like the world and that life.

It’s badly in bad people crowd,
I cry, they sneer at me;
I speak, but no one catch;
I see, they do not see!

Come to me by day… Or by night, dreamy…
Don’t go… I hold you in my hand.
Where do you vanish, where, my Johnny!
It’s too soon, too early, wait!

My God! The cock is crowing,
The dawn in window flashing.
Where have you melt away?
Ah, stay, my Johnny, stay!
I’m all in misery.’

That’s how the girl caresses her lover,
Running by him, yelling and falling;
Hearing the fall and sound of pain,
A group of people is gathering.

‘Say prayers!’, the villagers shout,
‘There must be the ghost of him.
Johnny must be by his Caroline,
He loved her when he was alive!’

And I hear that, I have faith,
Cry and my prayers say.
‘Listen, my girl!’, amongst the tumult
shouts the greybeard to the crowd:
‘Confide in my eye and glass,
Cause there is nothing around.

Ghosts are invention of silly ruck,
Foolishness is what they believe in.
The young girl is talking nonsense,
And stupid folk curse reason.’

‘The girl is feeling’, I’m saying in modest,
‘And people profoundly believe;
Feeling and faith tells stronger to me
Than sage’s glass and eye, indeed.

Dead are your verities, unknown for plain people,
You see world in atoms, in every star’s spark.
Don’t know living truth - won’t see a miracle,
Have heart and look into heart!’
The PLANET 3 might be the answer for you then.

We, more technical people believe in measurement :)
Although our great poet Adam Mickiewicz once wrote...

Adam Mickiewicz

Methinks, I see...
- In my mind's eyes.

Listen, my girl!
- She’s not listening -
It’s a town! It’s a day bright!
There is not single soul by your side.
What are you gripping?
Who calling, with whom greeting?
- She’s not listening -

Firstly like lifeless stone
Won’t turn the sight on you,
Then running eyes around,
Then bursting into tears,
As if catching something, clutching;
She’s crying, then laughing.

‘Was it you by night? It’s you, Johnny!
Ah! Loves even after death!
Here, there, go step by step,
Stepmother may hear by chance!

Oh, let her hear, there’s no more you!
They’ve buried you in a grave!
You’re already dead? Ah, I’m so scared!
Why do I fear of my Johnny?
Ah, it’s him! Your cheeks, sweet eyes!
Your white cloth on the body!

And you in the flesh, so white,
Cold, your hands so ice-cold are!
Let lay them down, here on my lap,
Hold me, just mouth to mouth!

Ah, it must be freezing in a grave!
It’s been two years since you died!
Take me, I’ll die with you, Johnny,
I don’t like the world and that life.

It’s badly in bad people crowd,
I cry, they sneer at me;
I speak, but no one catch;
I see, they do not see!

Come to me by day… Or by night, dreamy…
Don’t go… I hold you in my hand.
Where do you vanish, where, my Johnny!
It’s too soon, too early, wait!

My God! The cock is crowing,
The dawn in window flashing.
Where have you melt away?
Ah, stay, my Johnny, stay!
I’m all in misery.’

That’s how the girl caresses her lover,
Running by him, yelling and falling;
Hearing the fall and sound of pain,
A group of people is gathering.

‘Say prayers!’, the villagers shout,
‘There must be the ghost of him.
Johnny must be by his Caroline,
He loved her when he was alive!’

And I hear that, I have faith,
Cry and my prayers say.
‘Listen, my girl!’, amongst the tumult
shouts the greybeard to the crowd:
‘Confide in my eye and glass,
Cause there is nothing around.

Ghosts are invention of silly ruck,
Foolishness is what they believe in.
The young girl is talking nonsense,
And stupid folk curse reason.’

‘The girl is feeling’, I’m saying in modest,
‘And people profoundly believe;
Feeling and faith tells stronger to me
Than sage’s glass and eye, indeed.

Dead are your verities, unknown for plain people,
You see world in atoms, in every star’s spark.
Don’t know living truth - won’t see a miracle,
Have heart and look into heart!’
I DO read the forum more than I ride, remember ... it's my LBS guess on expected chain replacement, not mine.