Two Gravel Cycling Escapades
Bolimoza with Jacek (Saturday Oct 2nd 2021)
Only Jacek showed up in Żyrardów at the planned group ride for last Saturday. Both equipped with our latest toys (Garmin/Wahoo bike computers, both Strava subscribers), we started talking if we should beat some E-Bike KOM's en route. (A little explanation: Strava supports road segments where cyclists can compete. The male segment record is called KOM, and the female one is QOM. E-bikers have their segments made separately from ones created by traditional cyclists).
-- Jacek, are we willing to beat any KOM on our trip? -- I asked my brother.
-- I'm rather not inclined to make it today... -- Was his leisurely answer.
The point is, we both cannot ride slowly when we are on our trips together. When we reached a perfect asphalt road northward (and we were riding with the wind), we sped up. Nothing serious, as we both rode in weakened Eco modes of our e-bikes. Eventually, I let my brother win the race, as he indeed was stronger than me.
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Two days later:
-- Brother, how come you took my KOM from me?! -- Jacek asked.
-- Well... Unawares. It was not my intention. You see, I was on a Graveloza group ride in March. I was left behind and was trying to catch up with the group. I rode in the POWER mode at that time...
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Mikulski Brothers (The Elder and The Middle) in Popielarnia. (The Younger doesn't ride with us).
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Equipped with the excellent bike GPS computer, I missed my way and we reached the morass and the ankle-deep puddle I rode through six days before
We retraced our steps on last Saturday, of course.
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A German war cemetery of WW2 in Joachimów-Mogiły. There are more war cemeteries in the area, one of them being German & Russian of World War I.
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A picturesque singletrack with a steel gangway over R. Rokita.
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Ice-cream in Skierniewice-Ruda.
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A store, and six bikes: Four of them being e-bikes:
- A senior man riding a traditional bike, and his younger companion riding a Trek Powerfly 7 (for health reasons); both long distance off-road cyclists;
- A young couple: Him riding a traditional Giant XC bike, and her riding a Haibike SDuro;
- Two brothers, both riding e-bikes (Specialized and Giant): One for health reasons, and the other just for fun

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"The Haunted Manor" in Lisna.
I have been to Lisna for three times. The tourist map clearly indicated a manor there but that manor seemed to be inaccessible. Thanks to Jacek (he found the access), I could eventually see the 19th c. manor. A rather sad story:
30 years ago, an informal couple of a French and a Pole (of both sexes, and of unequal financial status) bought the manor and a huge surrounding property. The couple had big plans: a hotel or a restaurant maybe? Unfortunately, the rich party died soon, leaving the poor partner with nothing, except a house made in the former stables. The survivor could not sell the land, and had no means to develop. I hear that person (now very old) still lives in the stable-house. How sad.
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And we passed the Ewa & Jurek's Herbal Farm for one more time! That time, we paid no visit (it might seem rude without an appointment, and we needed to get back to Żyrardów before the sunset too). Top photo: Jacek plays with Ewa/Jurek cat 
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Jacek could photograph a snake on the road, and I also asked for a photo while in Jealousy 
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Ride Map. 51% of paved roads, 23% of dirt, 26% of gravel.
The Gang of Four (Sunday, Oct 3rd, 2021)
Przemek "the Gravel Man" is a fanatic of gravel cycling to the level that he -- having a perfect paved road nearby -- would always select a dirt path instead (the more bumpy the better!)

We started at
7 a.m. in Grodzisk Mazowiecki to be joined by Michał and Leszek some half an hour later (en route).
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The Gang of Four at a sand mine in Suchodół. Can you see the front tyre of my Vado?! (L to R: Przemek, Michał, Leszek, and yours truly).
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I stopped at some singletrack to document the 10,000 kilometres on the odometer of my Vado. The best e-bike of all I have owned!
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It is notable I could complete the ride on a single battery (due to its degradation, the initial charge has been as low as 502 Wh). I mostly rode in 33% Eco mode, with the average assistance of 36%. My Vado has turned out to be a capable gravel e-bike if not one thing: You couldn't carry it over serious obstacles
(Leszek and Michał helped me carry Vado in such a situation).