Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Were you climbing anything interesting?
It was in January (a few years ago)—freezing cold by anyone's standards!

The trail that we were on led, eventually, to the top of the distant peak on the left. It's absolutely not possible to go any higher that that!

The photo was taken at around 4000 metres—two-thirds the height of Denali or Kilimanjaro. The peak on the right is Ama Dablam (6812m).

Trekking to Base Camp

It is said that the news of the first ascent reached London on the day of the Queen's coronation which happened to be my ninth birthday. On that day I was busy planting a tree at my primary school in her honour.

A few weeks earlier my mother had prompted me to write to Her Majesty explaining the enormity of this coincidence—minus the 'conquest' of Everest which was still in the future. The only part of my letter that I recall is the 'I remain your obedient, humble servant' bit at its conclusion; and writing 'OHMS' on the envelope to save the cost of a stamp (tuppence, if I remember correctly).

Several months later I received a reply from a lady-in-waiting (presumably typed by someone of lesser importance) explaining that she had been 'commanded by Her Majesty…[et cetera]' to thank me for my kind thoughts. That sounded somewhat similar to the way in which I had been commanded by my mother to write my letter!

By the time the reply arrived at our home, we—mother, father, brother and I—were off adventuring and the letter from Buckingham Palace was redirected by my grandparents. It so happened that during the second half of 1953 Dad's long service leave had fallen due and he had decided to spend it exploring Africa. On the envelope containing the Queen's reply, our home address had been crossed out and replaced by Poste Restante, Blantyre, Nyasaland.

Now, that was proper adventuring!
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What a story, in fact I need to read it again to piece it together!

My friend climbed/ walked Mera peak to find himself in the 90s.
Unfortunately he met the woman of his dreams 2 days before leaving and then didnt want to go.
She convinced him, he returned and they been married ever since.
After the posts above, I feel that my spot will be a bit dull. I love this thread.

Not the famous character, but the sign is pretty cool.


This has become a covered bridge to nowhere. It seems to be in decent shape, but it is just a walk bridge to a nice little trail now. I did ride across and it held, (even the “cross at your own risk” sign is getting old and weathered.


From the other side.


The babbling brook is barely gurgling. It’s a peaceful spot, Cornish, NH.

After the posts above, I feel that my spot will be a bit dull. I love this thread.

Not the famous character, but the sign is pretty cool.

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This has become a covered bridge to nowhere. It seems to be in decent shape, but it is just a walk bridge to a nice little trail now. I did ride across and it held, (even the “cross at your own risk” sign is getting old and weathered.

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From the other side.

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The babbling brook is barely gurgling. It’s a peaceful spot, Cornish, NH.

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Ah, I can see times for Pepto Bismo on a bike ride could be good idea! :eek:
A fine low humidity morning for cycling mostly uncontested roads. Hardly out of my gate I spied this big-eared fawn fascinated by my ebike to the point of ignoring a passing car. A half a mile further my lane merges into the 'main' road...a half a mile up its grade I stopped for a look backwards at the old Amos farm which extends to my road. The old barn complex is part of the Duke empire which extends to hay, tow trucks, a junk yard and some clearing if the backhoe is working. Fourteen miles in I noticed riders behind me closing slowly. They were a young couple obviously serous about their pace....but enjoying the same great weather as me. The young woman passing greeted me warmly and then her lean companion passing said "Looks like fun." I responded to his back, "for an old guy." His laughed and yelled back "Isn't it great to be out here."


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A fine low humidity morning for cycling mostly uncontested roads. Hardly out of my gate I spied this big-eared fawn fascinated by my ebike to the point of ignoring a passing car. A half a mile further my lane merges into the 'main' road...a half a mile up its grade I stopped for a look backwards at the old Amos farm which extends to my road. The old barn complex is part of the Duke empire which extends to hay, tow trucks, a junk yard and some clearing if the backhoe is working. Fourteen miles in I noticed riders behind me closing slowly. They were a young couple obviously serous about their pace....but enjoying the same great weather as me. The young woman passing greeted me warmly and then her lean companion passing said "Looks like fun." I responded to his back, "for an old guy." His laughed and yelled back "Isn't it great to be out here."
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Where do I get one of those masks?
Long story short, I did something (have no idea what!) to my right knee, and haven't been able to ride since shortly after we returned home from Ohio two weeks ago yesterday. Even had a DVT scare, due to the area of pain and very elevated D-dimer level. Fortunately, following an ultrasound of the affected leg, that was negative and it was determined to be some sort of muscle strain. 6 days of ice, heat, Tylenol and rest later, felt good enough this morning to try a ride. Used much more assist than normal on the few hills of the carefully planned route, but felt pretty good at the end of it 🤞. The biggest problem was the smoky air, which became worse as the ride progressed. Noticed after stopping for coffee that my bike bag was covered with ash particles! Got my little asthmatic self home and hermetically sealed inside for the rest of the day! Taking tomorrow off, both because of air quality and to rest the knee.

Here's the ride:


Taking a leap of faith that all will be well with my knee, and paying the balance due for the bike tour 🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞...
Long story short, I did something (have no idea what!) to my right knee, and haven't been able to ride since shortly after we returned home from Ohio two weeks ago yesterday. Even had a DVT scare, due to the area of pain and very elevated D-dimer level. Fortunately, following an ultrasound of the affected leg, that was negative and it was determined to be some sort of muscle strain. 6 days of ice, heat, Tylenol and rest later, felt good enough this morning to try a ride. Used much more assist than normal on the few hills of the carefully planned route, but felt pretty good at the end of it 🤞. The biggest problem was the smoky air, which became worse as the ride progressed. Noticed after stopping for coffee that my bike bag was covered with ash particles! Got my little asthmatic self home and hermetically sealed inside for the rest of the day! Taking tomorrow off, both because of air quality and to rest the knee.

Here's the ride:

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Taking a leap of faith that all will be well with my knee, and paying the balance due for the bike tour 🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞...

The new normal is pretty awful. I hope that your knee feels better soon.
A Gravel Cycling Gran Fondo

Graveloza & Babska Korba (Female Crank) gravel cycling clubs announced a big group ride for this Sunday (today). Participants were issued with a GPX route: 112 km (70 mi), 45% of which would be forest/gravel/dirt/single track. As I was not sure of my own strength & endurance after several months of non-riding, I took my big Vado (with greatly reduced tyre inflation pressure: 2.2 bar or 32 psi) to recon the route solo on Saturday. I chose the starting point to be located closely to where I live, some 50 km to the original finish line.


The first surprise. I was so determined I just carried my Vado including the cargo over the obstacle :)


My first task was to manually tune the motor for the group ride. 35/35% assistance resulted in too low speed, and 45/45% made my Vado ride so fast in rough terrain it was dangerous! The 40/40% setting was about right. How much I miss the MicroTune feature of the Mastermind Specialized e-bikes! (MicroTune allows you motor tuning as you ride).


The day was cold: 8-10 C. My clothes were adequate except of the leg department: I should have worn warm trousers but had to survive with thin "thermo-active" pants and padded shorts!


A picturesque recreational area known as Górki Szymona (Simon's Hills). No hills there, actually :D A lot of ponds, though.


A pretty long visit to Specialized Warsaw, with a reason

My Samsung S21 devours the battery at a high rate. Currently, I own no good powerbank. As I realized the phone battery would not have lasted for the ride, I asked a Specialized guy to charge my phone. Meanwhile, I bought the 4th SL Range Extender for my Vado SL... :D The price increases are the fact and are painful. The RE was 350 US dollar a year ago and it is 480 now! As the charging was very slow, I rode to META bar for a lunch and then collected my phone (so no pictures!)


While eating sandwiches at the Zalesie Górne train station, I realised I had overrated my strength. And the longest part of the ride was still ahead. I turned into a pedalling robot.


50 miles behind me, and I had to swap batteries.


Nobody told me! There was a seemingly shallow ford with the bottom paved with concrete slabs. I exclaimed "BANZAI!" and rode right through the ford. Only the ford was not shallow. The Vado motor is waterproof but my cycling shoes were not :D I wonder how I didn't get cold feet for the rest of the ride!


Warming up and feeding in "At The Girls" cycling café in Rozalin.


The battery consumption was 818 Wh. Meaning, I should be able to do the same ride with my Vado SL at 80/80% assistance, as my Vado SL arsenal now consists of 960 Wh (installed capacity).

The best: The Sunday group ride will not happen. Heavy raining!
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Not the day I was expecting today, I set off for the motorcycle racing and everything was going swimmingly! I watched a few races and then it was lunchtime, I started to eat my lunch and I was struggling to consume it for some strange reason! I sort of forced myself to eat it and then I felt like throwing up, I was almost 40 miles from home and feeling awful and thinking I should maybe call my brother who has a campervan to come and collect me but I suddenly realised he was away on a trip way up north! My other brother was at home but he had an awful week as his wife's aunt had passed away and I really didn't want to trouble them!

Thankfully I had an almost full battery so I decided to try and head home on my own, I don't think I have ever freewheeled so much in my life! Luckily the first 20 miles or so was mostly downhill but I knew there was going to be a lot of climbing after that! My energy levels had been totally zapped and my legs had turned to jelly, as soon as I hit the first climb I turned the assist right up and was I glad of that! I struggled but I drew on all my inner strength and fought those hills and conquered them, I have never been so glad to see my front door! I immediately jumped in the shower and crashed into bed, totally spent! I'm hoping its just one of those 24hr bugs and all will be fine tomorrow! 🤞

I did take some pictures on the way up... now its time to rest and recuperate!


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"Whoever Didn't Ride Out Today, They Lost Their Game of Life"

These are words of the man who inducted me to gravel cycling :) Yes, the 112 km gravel group ride of today was called off because of heavy morning raining. I looked through the window in the afternoon today. Sunshine?! I put my Wahoo as a thermometer to see it was as warm as 16 C outside! I pulled my warm cycling clothes on in a few minutes and sped to Klimatyczna Café to save the day. Yes, a strong wind from NW was spoiling the ride a little. However, as I was testing the latest Range Extender purchase, I put my Vado SL in the 80/80% assistance, so the ride was easy!


The weather was gorgeous!


Among Mazovian fields.


A road favoured by "roadies" as it is straight, flat, and perfectly paved.


Klimatyczna will be closed for 10 days since tomorrow. It was the high time to ride out for the ice cream there!


The 579 or The Road That Is Not On The Map. Long time reconstruction. Ideal for me as there is hardly any traffic here.


A beautiful (and lit!) bike path between Błonie and Rokitno.


"Whoever Didn't Ride Out Today, They Lost Their Game of Life"


On local gravel roads. The Moszna Stack was a landmark and beacon :)


Less than 2 km to home.

Only 37 km but the day was saved!