Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Its been snowing here in NoVA the past few days. On Sunday, Mrs Jabber and I took the e-mtbs out for a ride around town and out and back on the local MUP. We traveled far enough west that we were among the first tracks (one hardy individual was doing an out and back and went further than we did).

Tooling through Leesburg.

Starting on the W&OD. Even early on in the snowfall, lots of people had been out.

About midway between Leesburg and Purcellville, we had lots of untracked snow to ride through!
Neither I would :D "Need For Speed", aye?

On the other hand, any continental Europe driver understands these signs in any country :)
UK has some signs with textual information. I liked this one the most:
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"If you don't look right
Your days are numbered!"
/Angelic Upstarts "Teenage Warning"/
@Stefan Mikes Earlier (in the 2020 thread ?) You asked about winter in Pennsylvania and I said we got very little snow. Apparently, I lied. The snow and slop from before Christmas finally melted , and then this hit. I haven't seen snow like this in decades, and never here.20210202_092205.jpg20210202_084728.jpg20210202_081150.jpg

Well, hello 2021 :) I am back in the land of living!!! It has been a rough Winter so far, got COVID the week after Thanksgiving, then caught Pneumonia which caused a partial collapsed lung. Had to go to Hospital for five and a half days, feeling much better now, though I do get exhausted pretty easy.

Went on two mile ride yesterday on the human powered vehicle :) It just about did me in, it wouldn't have been too bad except there is about a two tenths of an inch ice coating. I only went down once hahaha. I hope to start building up my stamina again soon.

Ride On!!!
@Prairie Dog ,in regards to the loop you captured on "off the beaten track", looks like a trip to Red Deer is in order. That's pretty well exactly the type of trail riding I like. With the warmer weather the last two days here, the single track runs i like to ride on Nose Hill were actually too soft yesterday to ride, but had they been in the trees like your ride, they would be fine.

Thanks for sharing. Between yourself, @Chargeride (& others of course), plenty of vicarious experiences to enjoy!
Well, hello 2021 :) I am back in the land of living!!! It has been a rough Winter so far, got COVID the week after Thanksgiving, then caught Pneumonia which caused a partial collapsed lung. Had to go to Hospital for five and a half days, feeling much better now, though I do get exhausted pretty easy.
Oh. I'm so happy you have survived the illness!
@Prairie Dog ,in regards to the loop you captured on "off the beaten track", looks like a trip to Red Deer is in order. That's pretty well exactly the type of trail riding I like. With the warmer weather the last two days here, the single track runs i like to ride on Nose Hill were actually too soft yesterday to ride, but had they been in the trees like your ride, they would be fine.

Thanks for sharing. Between yourself, @Chargeride (& others of course), plenty of vicarious experiences to enjoy!
I have to admit that I haven't done that in a while as it shows in the footage. Since my standard rigid has a shorter wheelbase and narrower bars it’s really quite nimble and maneuverable in tight gaps so it’s quite likely that my inexperience would have been more blatantly obvious if I were riding a larger bike. 🤕

Most of our trails/paths are in really decent condition as it’s usually a few degrees colder here than in Calgary. Studded tires are a definite must as there are very few bare sections which bodes well for us. A meetup would be great. Perhaps after this cold spell we could make some arrangements.
@Stefan Mikes Earlier (in the 2020 thread ?) You asked about winter in Pennsylvania and I said we got very little snow. Apparently, I lied. The snow and slop from before Christmas finally melted , and then this hit. I haven't seen snow like this in decades, and never here.View attachment 78103View attachment 78104View attachment 78105
Donner Summit about 1hr to the east got 36" of snow in last week's 'atmospheric river' storm. It's snowing up there now at over 7,000' elevation. We're just getting rain at 2,600' 😀.
The weather has been reasonable here for the last few days.

Although it was quite chilly when I left the house (-11C), the forecast was to warm up substantially so I bundled up and headed out.

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The ride was going to be a mixture of trails on the park, as well as paths and streets outside. My route was clockwise from my start in Huntington Hills, and took me on a route that was a reverse of one of my normal routes, where I was riding a lot of trails downhill where I usually am climbing. I will admit, going downhill on 12-19 percent grades is more fun than climbing them, although one does get a feeling of satisfaction when climbing too.

At this point point here, I've climbed up to the plateau and am just riding some trails in the middle of the park, while heading towards the southwest corner.
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At the point where I took these next photos, I'm past the steep section but this trail was a blast - got some good flow going thanks to the suitable tires for the conditions.
In a kilometer, it drops about 60m so you can let it go a bit.

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From the bottom of that trail I went back to the east where there's an overpass that accesses a good pathway system. I went a bit west and rode some side streets in an area I'd never ridden in before, and went searching for a route to another pedestrian/bike overpass that would allow me easy access to the rest of my general route plan. By this time it was warming up and I had to stop and remove the balaclava and open some zippers as I was starting to overheat.

Here's some pics of from the overpass that joins the communities of Dalhousie and Edgemont, and goes over the major road called John Laurie Blvd.
I followed a lot of one of my normal routes on MUPs through the ravines and eventually stopped by an old work colleague's and used their facilities before heading home.

All in all, a really enjoyable ride, which ended with a quality beverage (to be documented at the bottom of this post)

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Monday's Ride (yesterday)

Much warmer weather, and I dressed down a bit for it. By the end of the ride, I wished I had taken my pack with my green jacket as it cooled down pretty quickly about 2/3rds into teh ride. Not super cool, but it gave me incentive to ride vigorously, so not really a bad thing.

I didn't take pictures, as most of the ride was on urban pathways and roads. When I'm riding and am in a rhythm, I'm often not interested in stopping to take photos unless it's something interesting. To be fair, I don't think urban paths and side roads all that interesting most of the time.

The brief bit of time on the park single track paths - I found that the weather had softened the S/W facing paths too soft to ride, or at least to have an enjoyable ride anyways.



So my ride took me west to within a few KMs of the western edge of the city. Unfortunately 3 KMs of pathway I had intended to use was all fenced off and dug up for some reason, so it was on teh streets. At that point I decided that it was going to simply be a return home via the fastest route as, like I mentioned, it was getting cold.

At point X above, my phone died. I was listening to an audiobook, "I'll Keep You Safe" by Peter May and it stopped. Checked the phone - dead as doornails...
The blue line above, is an approximation of the actual route, rather than that perfectly straight red line as applied by Strava once it was charging.

When I got home, I really enjoyed standing on the heated tiles of my master bath for a few minutes before the hot shower, which was especially enjoyable.

Finally, the ride on Sunday and the one on Monday had some new post-ride beverages to enjoy.
My wife had ordered some specialty beers from England as a late Christmas gift. We'd been watching a TV show ("Escape to the Country" I think) that featured this Victorian Brewery called "Hook Norton Brewery" and I'd commented that "those sounded good", so she ordered some for me and some Cider for herself.


They did NOT disappoint. I had the one on the right on Sunday, and the one on the left on Monday (it's the one in the glass).
Both were quite good, but I was really, really happy with the one on the right - the "Off The Hook".
Next time we are in the UK, whenever we can do that again, we intend to visit and tour the place.

We have very good friends who live about 30 miles away in Milton Keynes, so it should be a great day out.

I'm pleased that I've already surpassed 400 Kms in 2021 already, and I've passed 2k KMs on my Fathom.

With each lesson learned about clothing and routes, I am pretty confident to keep this going as long as it doesn't go totally Arctic on us here. But as Sunday started at -11C and ended at +4C 3 hours later, we Albertans are used to saying "if you don't like the weather - wait a few minutes...".



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Well, hello 2021 :) I am back in the land of living!!! It has been a rough Winter so far, got COVID the week after Thanksgiving, then caught Pneumonia which caused a partial collapsed lung. Had to go to Hospital for five and a half days, feeling much better now, though I do get exhausted pretty easy.

Went on two mile ride yesterday on the human powered vehicle :) It just about did me in, it wouldn't have been too bad except there is about a two tenths of an inch ice coating. I only went down once hahaha. I hope to start building up my stamina again soon.

Ride On!!!
Way to hang in there Powerflylee !