Moring Ride …
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Woody Point, Redcliffe Peninsula
Seen from Moreton Bay Cycleway, Sandgate
Another cool start, nothing noteworthy by the standards set by our thread's northern contributors, but cool for us. No fermented rye bread or even boiled egg and sausage: I sat on the waterfront next to the cycleway and attempted, futilely as it turned out, to warm my hands around a mug (insulated cardboard!) of Fonzie's finest coffee. And a croissant (of course). Simple fare.
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A pitiful sight greeted me when I arrived later at Woody Point. Were the owners aware of what had happened: their yacht must have dragged its anchor and eventually, for there are no anchorages around this part of the bay, fetched up on the rocks of Woody Point.
As far as I am aware, the pile of rocks (and some concrete slabs, too?) were dumped there to shore up Woody Point. Why? The apartment blocks visible in the first photo might hold the clue. (Wish I lived there.)
The second photo was taken looking straight back to Fonzie's café – a repurposed horse float, not a building! – where I had been enjoying my over-insulated 'mug' of coffee forty minutes earlier.
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Woody Point Pier