We need more emojis.
Not bad
Super Love it
Mad bastxrd.
Anyway did a quick ride from a little cute town called Dunsop Bridge in the Trough of Bowland, which is near Pendle hill famous for its witches and black cats.
Its a tiny village but has a huge Haibike ebike rental shop in the middle.
Also famous as Englands official geographical center, plus home to the 100,000ths phone box fittted.
I had a route, but that went out the window as it turned out the farmers have redesigned the tracks...as in made new ones and hidden access to the old ones.
The scenery is fantastic but also rather modern agricultural in parts which kind of spoilt the ambience.
I cycled past the farmers front room window, under his clothes line, past his quads and the path promptly vanished, unconcerned I soldiered on..knowing I had the full weight of the Queens ramblers and rights of way charter behind me...well possibly.
It was seriously steep, surely too steep for a horse rider, eventually rediscovered it half way up, but it had turned into a footpath, complete with a post that had practically the magna carta nailed to it for path restrictions.
Including paragraph 5 sub section 6..use of horse and carriage!
If you watched the video, its hilarious to think someone hiked up there with the sign.
Youd need a helicopter to bring anything bigger than a bike.
Kept going..fell off, then gave up
It beat me, Im not afraid to admit, but I broke the back of it and I'd rate it 9/10 for completely unsuitable for a pushbike.
Past farmers house again who I know was in their judging me.
Moved on to a purpose built track for shooting lodges, which was 4x4 suitable but still quite a challenge and gave a beautuful trip into the dramatic scenery.
Found some shooting lodges all boarded up, quite desolate and remote.
Had an incredible freeride back down and smoked front and rear pads...battery expired, coasted 2 miles back to the van at 5mph on the tiny incline.
Stopped for fish and chips on the way home.
Great day.
I'll.post some pics later.
Oh yeah, all my friends are up near Fort William in Scotland, doing those lovely mtb trails the EU graciously built to get the Sottish tourism going.....what??
Theyve just sent me this clip of halfway through the first track...ithe track crosses here.
I should have gone .
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