Novel Coronavirus discussions

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Try posting the evidence proving that you won. That might work instead of always just bald claims.
Yeah, I’ll need to see some evidence too. I’ve studied the viral genome now. I’m even more convinced this was a virus they were playing with in the level 4 Wuhan lab that escaped. Do I think they released it on purpose? Heck no. That’s just ridiculous.

Just simple communistic hubris and incompetence.

IMO - pure conjecture on my part:

As I said, If it gets bad enough that it seriously affects their military readiness, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them launch a “preemptive” strike against us based on this anti American propaganda, even if they know full well it escaped from their own lab.

Mutual assured destruction - regardless of what causes your own destruction, you destroy your enemy, in the minds of totalitarian communists.

We’re under a bigger threat right now than at any time since the Bay of Pigs, IMO.

Wanna call that opinion pure conspiracy theory? Be my guest.
Yeah, I’ll need to see some evidence too. I’ve studied the viral genome now. I’m even more convinced this was a virus they were playing with in the level 4 Wuhan lab that escaped. Do I think they released it on purpose? Heck no. That’s just ridiculous.

Just simple communistic hubris and incompetence.

IMO - pure conjecture on my part:

As I said, If it gets bad enough that it seriously affects their military readiness, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them launch a “preemptive” strike against us based on this anti American propaganda, even if they know full well it escaped from their own lab.

Mutual assured destruction - regardless of what causes your own destruction, you destroy your enemy, in the minds of totalitarian communists.

We’re under a bigger threat right now than at any time since the Bay of Pigs, IMO.

Wanna call that opinion pure conspiracy theory? Be my guest.

As I recall, The Bay Of Pigs was not the threat. Bay of Pigs was an attempt to "take back" Cuba by force--using Cubans who had escaped Cuba. It turned into a fiasco. The threat you are referring to was The Cuban Missile Crisis which was triggered when the USSR was shipping nuclear weapons to Cuba where they were to be set up.

My first grade class got sent home with letters to our parents informing them that no school was to be held if a nuclear war occurred. At least, that's what they said it was. I couldn't read very well yet.
As I recall, The Bay Of Pigs was not the threat. Bay of Pigs was an attempt to "take back" Cuba by force--using Cubans who had escaped Cuba. It turned into a fiasco. The threat you are referring to was The Cuban Missile Crisis which was triggered when the USSR was shipping nuclear weapons to Cuba where they were to be set up.

My first grade class got sent home with letters to our parents informing them that no school was to be held if a nuclear war occurred. At least, that's what they said it was. I couldn't read very well yet.
Yes, thanks for the correction.
Yeah, those were the days. Crouching under your elementary school desk in the nuclear bomb drills. We aren't afraid of you, Mr. Khrushchev! We have real wood desks.
Yeah, I’ll need to see some evidence too. I’ve studied the viral genome now. I’m even more convinced this was a virus they were playing with in the level 4 Wuhan lab that escaped. Do I think they released it on purpose? Heck no. That’s just ridiculous.


Wanna call that opinion pure conspiracy theory? Be my guest.

Yes, I do.

Evidence? The fact that the paper you cited as "evidence" for this being a modified virus was retracted by the authors. I sincerely doubt the authors would do that if they thought their claims were correct. And if some evil overlords forced them to retract the paper, they wouldn't have left the paper up for download on the site as well.

The fact that you moved on from "this is for sure a genetically modified virus from a Chinese bioweapons lab" to "the Chinese are pushing disinformation claiming that novel coronavirus is an American bioweapon" is also, in my opinion, evidence that you don't really think your first thesis is correct either.

It is a bit rich to have someone demand "evidence" from me when their "evidence" is from known conspiracist rag Zerohedge, a site and operation so sketchy that all of their posts are under one pseudonym.

Go drink your bleach. Or be a man about it and admit you were wrong.
Yes, I do.

Evidence? The fact that the paper you cited as "evidence" for this being a modified virus was retracted by the authors. I sincerely doubt the authors would do that if they thought their claims were correct. And if some evil overlords forced them to retract the paper, they wouldn't have left the paper up for download on the site as well.

The fact that you moved on from "this is for sure a genetically modified virus from a Chinese bioweapons lab" to "the Chinese are pushing disinformation claiming that novel coronavirus is an American bioweapon" is also, in my opinion, evidence that you don't really think your first thesis is correct either.

It is a bit rich to have someone demand "evidence" from me when their "evidence" is from known conspiracist rag Zerohedge, a site and operation so sketchy that all of their posts are under one pseudonym.

Go drink your bleach. Or be a man about it and admit you were wrong.
Demanding payment without evidence of winning is not only wrong, it's unethical and immoral.
Producing the evidence for payment demand is on you. It always is. There's nothing unusual about providing the evidence to back your demand. It's on you when you do that.
When I provided evidence on demand you blocked me and pretended it never happened. I DO have that evidence ANY TIME YOU WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN.
So let's not kid about who is evading their responsibility.
These are the people from Wuhan we rescued, now at our military base, with crowded conditions for families and no due care. Nobody taking temperatures or giving any other medical supervision.
Basically asking for trouble for Canada. Not taking any care for the disease possibilities.
If they spent 1/10 of what is our Prime Minister's alcohol and fine wine bill on the taxpayer's money, they would have some better accommodations and some medical care.
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These are the people from Wuhan we rescued, now at our military base, with crowded conditions for families and no due care. Nobody taking temperatures or giving any other medical supervision.
Basically asking for trouble for Canada. Not taking any care for the disease possibilities.
If they spent 1/10 of what is our Prime Minister's alcohol and fine wine bill on the taxpayer's money, they would have some better accommodations and some medical care.

Looks pretty OK to me. The food doesn't look that great but it never does at such places. Do you have a solution? Or are you just trying to raise a ruckus?

I think I'll bundle up and go for a bike ride.
Looks pretty OK to me. The food doesn't look that great but it never does at such places. Do you have a solution? Or are you just trying to raise a ruckus?

I think I'll bundle up and go for a bike ride.
It's not OK to not be taking their temperature and checking them daily for signs of illness.
I have a solution. Cut the Prime Minster's alcohol spending and actually quarantine people individually and take the temperature of all people entering the country.
It's now reported to be fully aerosol particle transmittable, not just from coughed or sneezed droplets.
Fire all the the smug officials who treated this so casually as to declare no quarantining and no temperature checks, when it was exploding in China, and replace with sensible and careful people.
Turn on production lines like never before to produce test kits and safety attire and block everything practicable coming from China - including people of any race who are not citizens and are simply escaping China.
That should help.
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DOD setting up quarantine centers at eleven military bases near major metropolitan areas/airports.
"Sure, it's no problem, just a flu virus."
  • JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI (HNL)
  • Great Lakes Training Center Navy Base, IL (ORD)
  • Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base, TX (DFW)
  • March ARB, CA (LAX)
  • Travis AFB, CA (SFO)
  • Dobbins ARB, GA (ATL)
  • Fort Hamilton, NY (JFK)
  • Naval Base Kitsap, WA (SEA)
  • Joint Base Anacostia, DC (IAD)
  • Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ (EWR)
  • Fort Custer Training Center (DTW)
Full editorial here from the WA Standard:
DOD setting up quarantine centers at eleven military bases near major metropolitan areas/airports.
"Sure, it's no problem, just a flu virus."
  • JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI (HNL)
  • Great Lakes Training Center Navy Base, IL (ORD)
  • Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base, TX (DFW)
  • March ARB, CA (LAX)
  • Travis AFB, CA (SFO)
  • Dobbins ARB, GA (ATL)
  • Fort Hamilton, NY (JFK)
  • Naval Base Kitsap, WA (SEA)
  • Joint Base Anacostia, DC (IAD)
  • Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ (EWR)
  • Fort Custer Training Center (DTW)
Full editorial here from the WA Standard:
Move along, nothing to see here...
So they let the folks quarantined here at March AF Base go this week - no symptoms after 2 weeks. Now they’re saying it could take 3+ weeks.
What happens if some of these people are infected after all?
Last prediction I heard was up to 60-80% of the world population could become infected.
Holy smokes - looks like prophecy.
I have a suggestion. Face masks are produced in China. Why isn't China building bunkhouses next to the factories that produce the masks, selecting a few hundreds of healthy individuals, and running the darn factories 24/7. No going anywhere, but work and rest inside and clean cooked food delivered to them.
No way the regime should be able to requisition the masks from our countries leaving us with nothing for nurses and doctors and the people. NO WAY!
They can use their brains and their own usual labor methods and get cranking in their own factories instead of depleting every other country and leaving us wide open for epidemic. We don't have a billion masks. They should make their own right now.
And stop subverting our universities.
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“Do we know if this started in a research lab?" Bartiromo asked. "And how come they won’t allow the CDC in there to better understand how this started, because if they started this in a weapons lab, that’s evidence that they are developing or trying to develop weapons of mass destruction, biological weapons.”

So they let the folks quarantined here at March AF Base go this week - no symptoms after 2 weeks. Now they’re saying it could take 3+ weeks.
What happens if some of these people are infected after all?
Last prediction I heard was up to 60-80% of the world population could become infected.
Holy smokes - looks like prophecy.
I only criticize the lax effort that our officials are into. I don't have a concern with the quarantined people who are citizens here and were in the epicentre. The problem is that every day more people from China are pouring in with absolutely no checks and sick people have been waved through after reporting themselves. It couldn't be crazier.
The politicians are trying to whip the population with false accusations against the people paying their salary when there's no racism going on, no actual reports they can even point to, other than the restaurants in Chinatown are slow.
Because Chinese people are also going there less, the politicians smearing the population without any example instances, are simply doing it to get their faces on TV twice a day.
So they let the folks quarantined here at March AF Base go this week - no symptoms after 2 weeks. Now they’re saying it could take 3+ weeks.
What happens if some of these people are infected after all?
Last prediction I heard was up to 60-80% of the world population could become infected.
Holy smokes - looks like prophecy.
Not Yet : 1/3 of the world dies in the Tribulation : The 2 witnesses send plaques : I agree this is Biblical : But it's just the increasing Birth pains : We won't be here during the 2 witnesses time on earth: Maybe this is God's way of getting those in China whose names are in the Book of Life : The last of the gentiles to be saved : TOOO BE *Things are sure revving up fast
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