Novel Coronavirus discussions

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Case count over 35,000 and 724 deaths. About to pass SARs.

China's busiest ports (8) are on lockdown. (No cargo going out of China for all intents)

Shenzhen is now on lock down.
Here's the agents of China's dictatorship answering all over now, through our politicians:
Rrrrrrrrracists! You're all safe, flu is much more a cause for concern. Do not wear masks, it's causing rrrrracists!

But it's better to pay a bit more attention to how the stats work than to listen to their feeble distractions.
Supposing the regime (China's one, heh) is being fully forthcoming. OK, let's say that.
When they give these figures, the dead are counted from the start of knowledge of the existence of the disease up till now - today. But the dead were infected IN THE PAST ....some time ago when the infected number was much lower. The first accounts had about half the people die even with medical interventions. But they were all sick people being studied.
Then came more reassuring ratios.
Now the numbers make it look much less threatening...but one should use these present mortality numbers against what is predicted as infections number at maybe 2 to 3 weeks from now.
The presently dead numbers don't come from the presently infected numbers.

Also going back we can figure it out from the infected number, say 18 days ago as the fullest span. But let's make it just ten days ago from yesterday. Say about 700 dead? Say they lasted only 10 days? That came from the number of infected at Jan 28. 700 out of about 4500.

For SARS the number of infections was 8,098 and 774 deaths. This is twice as bad and more catchy.
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I had heard vague rumors that this virus targets Chinese but thought it was nonsense.

This video quotes a non peer reviewed Asian study saying this coronavirus targets a receptor in lung tissue that is much more prevalent in Chinese males than blacks or Caucasians.

That might explain why it’s seemingly going parabolic in China but not outside China.

The Chinese communists IMO will eventually use that to claim this was a bioweapon attack on China by the USA (to cover up their own incompetence) and could actually cause a war.

The numbers presented in the beginning of the video come from a site called worldometer, website
That was Thursday 6 Feb.
Today’s numbers from worldometer
The death rate is still 2% but the percentage of patients in a severe condition has gone from 13.6% to 17.5%.
Recovery rate looks a little bit better going from 5% to 6.7%
People are now being dragged from their homes in roundups by police.
The death rate is still 2%
That is the false death rate resulting from the way the Chinese are using dead vs. infections when the present infections haven't had their dead counted yet because they haven't died yet.
People are now being dragged from their homes in roundups by police.
That is the false death rate resulting from the way the Chinese are using dead vs. infections when the present infections haven't had their dead counted yet because they haven't died yet.
So it may be.
The increased percentage of patients in severe condition may very well indicate that death rate will increase.
Let's go with the site you're using, which seems reasoned.

I'll try by looking at Jan 22 infection number and see how many are dead 1 week later.
Jan 22 infections: 579
Jan 29 dead: 170
That's almost 30% mortality rate
Deaths are now exceeding SARs. (813). Total cases 37,198. SARs was 9 months to reach its total. n-COV-2019, exceeded total deaths by SARs in 29 days.

German scientists have now shown that n-COV-2019 virus can stay live on surfaces for 9 days.

Doorknobs, hand rails, faucets, grocery cart handles, public transit surfaces, ... the list is endless. Even JP Morgan now has its own forecast of how many cases will occur for the next several months.
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During the week development period that I used, more infections occurred, therefor some of the death toll must be attributed to the extra cases not included in the Jan 22 infections count. The infections count on Jan 29 was 7816, that is a very big jump from the 22nd at 579. People must have died soon after being counted as infected in this period. I'll try to zero in on where the major change occurred.
Some politicians comprise a more insidious disease of providing a screen of protection for the communist government of China. The mayor of Toronto scolding the people for racism seemingly cannot supply a single case of police action.
While the China regime drags people screaming and fighting out of their homes, Toronto's fool of a mayor has decided to hold a FOOD FESTIVAL.
That rings a bell. What could go wrong?
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First glimpse and a professor is shocked at the lack of safety gear for staff and shows the disgracefully careless preparation for reception of the evacuees wrt housing; nice rooms, motel-like, but shared rooms and even crowded ones for a family. That's bizarre considering they are quarantined and the professor voiced that there is personal danger to the staff - meaning, possibly, that he fears there might be a spread to staff.
This is awful, to be housed in a room with someone who might potentially be infectious.

"REPORTED" Virus Death Toll now Tops 900 And 40,000 Confirmed Cases. Exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui said Sunday, citing leaked information out of Wuhan, that the ACTUAL death toll could be as high as 50,000, as Chinese officials burn bodies to cover up the true extent of the crisis. Wengui also said he has information showing 1.5 million confirmed coronavirus cases in China.

WHO Director-General (finally) reports this is "Tip of the Iceberg". (so is WHO now finally starting to admit what the Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui seems to already know ?)

Chengdu has been added to cities under lockdown. This adds another 14.4 million people under quarantine, and effectively barred from leaving their homes (except to go out for food every couple of days).

Locally, I have heard reports from 2 people I know, who work for companies that have 'sister factories' in China, and they report the delayed return of their Chinese located employees from the New Year Holiday, has been extended 2 more weeks beyond Feb 10.

BRAIN is reporting on more officially announced bicyle industry delays...
"Coronavirus could cause bike delays — even for brands that don't make bikes in China."
The two most despised and feared words, but most likely to be used over the next several weeks for every global supplier will be "force majeure'. Its in every single contract for goods and services.
China is gearing up propaganda to accuse the USA of a bioweapon attack on their mainland. This could lead to a real war.

China is gearing up propaganda to accuse the USA of a bioweapon attack on their mainland. This could lead to a real war.

This is what the Chinese ambassador said according to the article/interview you linked. Hardly a statement that could lead to war.

“Of course, there are all kinds of speculation and rumors,” Cui continued. “There are people who are saying that these virus are coming from some — some military lab, not of China, maybe in the United States. How — how can we believe all these crazy things?”
This is what the Chinese ambassador said according to the article/interview you linked. Hardly a statement that could lead to war.

“Of course, there are all kinds of speculation and rumors,” Cui continued. “There are people who are saying that these virus are coming from some — some military lab, not of China, maybe in the United States. How — how can we believe all these crazy things?”
And China’s proxies in the Middle East are saying??

“Numerous reports in the Arab press have accused the US and Israel of being behind the creation and spread of the deadly coronavirus as part of an economic and psychological war against China, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported.”
“MANILA, Philippines – As the 2019 novel coronavirusoutbreak continued to stir public concern, Senate President Vicente Sotto III showed a conspiracy theory video that claimed the coronavirus to be a form of "biowarfare" developed by the United States against China.”

You can’t convince me that China’s CCP isn’t behind this propaganda push that started in the Philippines and is now being carried in multiple middle eastern outlets.
You don't need a government to spread deranged conspiracy theories. All you need is malevolent kooks and credulous boneheads. Which the Internet has a seemingly unlimited supply of.

Oh, and @BrianK, I want to collect on that bet. A gentleman's bet is $1, and you can PM me for my PayPal. Alternatively, you can publicly post here that you were mistaken and I will consider honor to be satisfied.
You don't need a government to spread deranged conspiracy theories. All you need is malevolent kooks and credulous boneheads. Which the Internet has a seemingly unlimited supply of.

Oh, and @BrianK, I want to collect on that bet. A gentleman's bet is $1, and you can PM me for my PayPal. Alternatively, you can publicly post here that you were mistaken and I will consider honor to be satisfied.
Try posting the evidence proving that you won. That might work instead of always just bald claims.
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