Novel Coronavirus discussions

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The wonderful communists for the people perform their duty of keeping information away from the people for their own good.
Our wonderful Prime Minister Trudeau respects the regime's dictatorship so highly because of their efficiency in using force on the public to achieve party goals.

"The Liberal leader was asked which nation he admired most. He responded: "There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime."

So, let's see them produce face masks and virus tests on that dime instead of taking up all other countries' supplies and killing people who report honestly.
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Here's what I've noticed... Gold and Bitcoin are up over the past couple of months, but so are traditional markets (a favorite investment of mine is VTI, and I've been expecting it to drop with supply chain slowdown, so I've shifted a bit into BND). Speaking with some industry friends who manufacture ebike products that rely on Chinese parts (Bafang), it sounds like some factories are communicating a one to two month delay on shipments. I'm a little concerned about the timing of this proposed CDC budget cut in the US, given the spread of Corona Virus. Otherwise, I'm taking my vitamins, trying to get my sleep, and staying positive with work ;)
The WHO officially named this virus Corvid-19. Corvids are birds of the Crow family, the Crow being the traditional bird of death. You see it in Stephen Kings Book, ‘The Stand', about a pandemic and the ultimate battle between good and evil.

Maybe someone has a warped sense of humor.


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Number of new cases just skyrocketed by 14,840 in one day. Authorities seems to have finally come clean a bit on the real numbers. Deaths also jumped by 538. Hubei province.

About 60000 cases now, and 1360 deaths.

The scary part is now they are estimating only 1 in 19 who might have the Covid-19 virus are being tested and diagnosed. That would put the number over 1.1 million who likely have it. Closer to the 1.5 million epidemiologists have been indicating in the past few days likely to be the real numbers of cases.
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Here's what I've noticed... Gold and Bitcoin are up over the past couple of months, but so are traditional markets (a favorite investment of mine is VTI, and I've been expecting it to drop with supply chain slowdown, so I've shifted a bit into BND).
The bodybag business is getting a bump
The WHO officially named this virus Corvid-19. Corvids are birds of the Crow family, the Crow being the traditional bird of death. You see it in Stephen Kings Book, ‘The Stand', about a pandemic and the ultimate battle between good and evil.

Maybe someone has a warped sense of humor.

It was actually formally named "Covid-19", not "Corvid-19".

Here's what I've noticed... Gold and Bitcoin are up over the past couple of months

Everything is up since the Fed began massive repo injections back in Sept. Bitcoin and the barbaric relic both caught a bid in mid December, before anyone knew about the virus. So much Funny (oops, meant fiat) money sloshing around from every central bank on the planet, everything is being bid up.
Number of new cases just skyrocketed by 14,840 in one day. Authorities seems to have finally come clean a bit on the real numbers. Deaths also jumped by 538. Hubei province.

About 60000 cases now, and 1540 deaths.

The scary part is now they are estimating only 1 in 19 who might have the Covid-19 virus are being tested and diagnosed. That would put the number over 1.1 million who likely have it. Closer to the 1.5 million epidemiologists have been indicating in the past few days likely to be the real numbers of cases.
And we have an open door to people escaping it and no checks at the airport. A food festival for Toronto. Could they try any harder to sink us?
Masks at the big box stores in eastern Connecticut are sold out. The two tribal casinos out East employ a large number of Chinese born workers. They are buying up the masks in bulk and shipping them home to family and friends, Chinese made masks being exported to China. Guess they know something we don’t. Harbor Freight in my area has a large selection of rubber gloves and eye protection along with sanding masks(no rating). Been stocking up before it’s too late.
Watch this minute and a half video excerpt from Steven Bannon interviewing a Chinese billionaire who has been exiled from China.

He has multiple contacts within China
I do marketing and advertising for a distribution company that sells janitorial and sanitation products....
I was going to be brilliant and run an ad for surgical masks, nitrile gloves, and sanitizers, but we can't get them. :rolleyes:

US hospitals are stocking up on supplies. Military bases are setting up quarantines. There are lots of preparations being made for an outbreak, but it's not clear what's being done to stop this thing. As typical, I doubt you can believe anything out of the mainstream media.
I do marketing and advertising for a distribution company that sells janitorial and sanitation products....
I was going to be brilliant and run an ad for surgical masks, nitrile gloves, and sanitizers, but we can't get them. :rolleyes:

US hospitals are stocking up on supplies. Military bases are setting up quarantines. There are lots of preparations being made for an outbreak, but it's not clear what's being done to stop this thing. As typical, I doubt you can believe anything out of the mainstream media.
Our Trenton base with quarantined Canadian citizens extracted from Wuhan serves their meals ON THE FLOOR in front of the room door. What do they not understand about where germs are most dense? It may be the Canadian Red Cross again. They were forbidden from doing most of their previous work after they kept selling tainted blood from Bill Clinton's jailhouse blood sellers after HIV facts were known. Then they turned their business model into grief counselling and trademark lawsuits. But now they are active in this somehow.

Justice Krever released his landmark report in 1997. Fundamentally, he found that the relationship between the Red Cross and the federal and provincial governments was dysfunctional, and as a result, the country lacked a national blood policy.

That lack of a clear policy, he found, resulted in a series of disastrous decisions, including importing plasma collected from high-risk prison populations in the U.S.; not using a test that may have caught as many as 90 per cent of hepatitis C cases; delaying the purchase of safer, heat-treated blood products for hemophiliacs out of a desire to use up the potentially contaminated products; and a failure to track down all those who might have been infected.

In the wake of the report, the Red Cross was stripped of its control over the blood program
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Experts out of Los Alamos National Laboratory are now providing new updated R naught levels of 4.4 to 6.7. This is off the charts really bad ! Infection counts will double every 2.4 days.

Bottom line is its highly contagious and more infectious than previously initially estimated.

Clearly the numbers China has been reporting are severely below what's occurring. The complete lockdowns in so many cities and the videos that keep leaking out would suggest the contagion is far worse than the numbers they are letting out.

The global supply has to be impacted rather significantly by this, as quite simply China's factories cannot risk going back to regular operations. Keep in mind the flu has an R naught of less than 1.

I don't see how this can be contained.
If you feel ZeroHedge is not “credible”, go ahead and ignore it. No skin off my back.

A genetic analysis of the spike-protein genes – the exact region that was bio-engineered by the UNC lab in 2015, where Zhengli Shi and Xing-Yi Ge previously isolated a batty coronavirus that targets the ACE2 receptor just like this 2019-nCoV strain of the coronavirus does – indicates an artificial and unnatural origins of the Wuhan Strain’s spike-protein genes when they are compared to the genomes of wild relatives.

Instead of appearing similar and homologous to its wild relatives, an important section of the Wuhan Strain’s spike-protein region shares the most genetic similarity with a bio-engineered commercially available gene sequence that’s designed to help with immunotherapy research. It is mathematically possible for this to happen in nature – but only in a ten-thousand bats chained to ten-thousand Petri dishes and given until infinity sense.
“And so, as the report goes on, a scientist who’s been prolifically involved with studying the molecular interaction of coronaviruses and humanity, spending decades and millions of dollars, and having even helped build a hyper-virulent coronavirus from scratch at UNC – just so happens to be working at the only BSL-4 virology lab in China that also just so happens to be at the epicenter of an outbreak involved a coronavirus that’s escaping zoological classification and whose novel spike-protein region shares more in common with a commercial genetic vector than any of its wild relatives”

In plain english?
It's an escaped bio-weapon? Is there a confirmation of such?
No one is going to “officially” say that but the genetic circumstantial evidence overwhelmingly points to it being an escaped bioengineered virus.

Not necessarily a “bioweapon” per se, but a viral line they were engineering to develop a vaccine with broad efficiency across all the coronaviruses.

Only AFTER they developed an effective vaccine for their own people could it be used as a bioweapon.

That’s why the idea they deployed it against themselves, or a western country deployed it against them, is preposterous. There is no effective vaccine.

All the experimental vaccines against coronavirus developed to date killed their research animals because it set up a hyper immune reaction in the host that flooded and drowned the lungs with immune fluid when challenged by the live virus.
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