Novel Coronavirus discussions

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What was the news article about that said some lab in CA had developed a vaccine within 3 hours?
Did they really come up with something or not?

Ah, found it...

Is this the one that failed in testing already?
What was the news article about that said some lab in CA had developed a vaccine within 3 hours?
Did they really come up with something or not?

Ah, found it...

Is this the one that failed in testing already?
They’ve already come up with candidates for a vaccine from RNA of proteins from the coronavirus spike region that could be used to create a vaccine in the future, but no vaccine has yet been created, and there just isn’t the capacity for making hundreds of millions of vaccine doses in under a year.

Furthermore previous SARS coronavirus vaccines caused more damage than benefit because they precipitated a bad reaction in the lung tissues of the ferrets and monkeys they vaccinatedwhen those animals were subsequently challenged by the live virus. Their own immune response killed the animals, not the virus itself.

Good explanation here:

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If you feel ZeroHedge is not “credible”, go ahead and ignore it. No skin off my back.

A genetic analysis of the spike-protein genes – the exact region that was bio-engineered by the UNC lab in 2015, where Zhengli Shi and Xing-Yi Ge previously isolated a batty coronavirus that targets the ACE2 receptor just like this 2019-nCoV strain of the coronavirus does – indicates an artificial and unnatural origins of the Wuhan Strain’s spike-protein genes when they are compared to the genomes of wild relatives.

“And so
, as the report goes on, a scientist who’s been prolifically involved with studying the molecular interaction of coronaviruses and humanity, spending decades and millions of dollars, and having even helped build a hyper-virulent coronavirus from scratch at UNC – just so happens to be working at the only BSL-4 virology lab in China that also just so happens to be at the epicenter of an outbreak involved a coronavirus that’s escaping zoological classification and whose novel spike-protein region shares more in common with a commercial genetic vector than any of its wild relatives”

And regarding researcher Shi Zhengli in the controversial lab in Wuhan:
Caixin reported Shi made further public statements against "perceived tinfoil-hat theories about the new virus's source", quoting her as saying: "The novel 2019 coronavirus is nature punishing the human race for keeping uncivilized living habits. I, Shi Zhengli, swear on my life that it has nothing to do with our laboratory".

"Nature punishing the human race".
...sounds very strange... as if holding a grudge against humans, and foolishly unscientific to attribute animus to nature. Maybe unconscious self-revealing. Maybe it wasn't the lab.Maybe it was a scientist. Her. How could she be so positively certain it wasn't an accidental spread from their leaky lab or someone in the lab?
Also we have a top researcher in Canada known to have sent live virus illegally to China on a passenger plane. Why would that happen?
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Not the flu. Considerably worse in many respects:
- Spreads much faster, much more contagious (R Naught 4.4 to 6.7, whereas flu has R naught of around only 1)
- Spreads during no symptom phase - up to 24 days without symptoms
- early evidence shows virus can live on hard surfaces for up to 9 days (?)
- since also can attack small intestine, and showing up strongly in fecal matter, possible spread via sewer systems
- Multiple organ failures- attacks proteins in artery walls, heart, small intestine - can get DEEP into lungs, and really affect respiratory system - Cause low oxygen to get into body both at lungs, and then also imperal oxygen uptake in artery/blood cells. Why you see many reports of heavy oxidation treatments for critical patients. And intubation. Heavy fluid build up in lungs in many patients when it gets critical. High percentage of case do get critical.
- Can be infected 2nd time - no immunity in body from first time - often results in heart failure and death
- No vaccine - likely not one for 18 months
- Very very hard to treat patients who become critical - many challenging symptoms, and medical conditions, very resource intensive to fight.
- Harder to diagnose accurately - a LOT of false negatives. (i.e. test shows no virus, but after 4 or 5 tests, and confirmed CT, finally positive)
- CDC now admits it will be here in US, more strongly and widespread in fall 2020 and 2021 to become 'pandemic' (also likely to become endemic - well there is your characteristic where people who wish to claim the flu is worse, where this becomes endemic just like the flu. )
- Japan has infection rate has 'blossomed' and CDC expecting spread to increase rapidly now in that country


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World Health Organization praised China's efforts to contain the new disease, saying they have "bought the world time" and that other nations must make the most of it.

Can't argue with that at all, given how devastatingly fast the virus spread in China. I wish all of them well, especially all the medical personnel there putting their lives and health at such extreme risks. A lot of unsung heroes in China.
71,336 cases. 1776 deaths. 750 million now under quarantine in China.

The Naval University of Engineering in Wuhan, issued an entry control notice on Jan 2nd. 18 days before the government admitted to the Corona virus epidemic. They wanted to prevent the spread of an unexplained 'pneumonia'.

There was a long gap there to China's Lunar New Year Day on Jan 25th. The rapid multiplication of asymptomatic spreaders seems like it really had a chance to get to thousands of people who just had no idea this was going on. If the original cases were early December, or perhaps even before that, it explains a lot of how this got so out of control.
If the original cases were early December, or perhaps even before that, it explains a lot of how this got so out of control.
I saw one of the “experts” this week say that judging by the current numbers and the degree of spread, this probably started in October or November.
As of Feb. 17, the Chinese government said a total of 72,436 people are confirmed to have had the COVID-19 virus while 1,886 people have died.

Washington DC insiders now indicate they don't believe the numbers.

If they are intentionally under reporting, it's going to show up when workers get back to the factories and recognize how many are missing, and when they talk to each other about who and how many fell ill due to the virus. They've all been under quarantine which has greatly contained the flow of information, if not the virus itself. Eventually the true numbers will come out. 2 to 3 million cases thus far would not surprise at all. Number that have died is probably too shockingly high and morbid to even contemplate.
More delays making the industry headlines...

Beijing reportedly is now implementing crisis level “Wuhan" quarantine enforcement. So they've upped the lockdown limiting people going out from homes.

40 mobile furnaces sent to Wuhan from Beijing. They have the ability to reach 840 F degrees. Sufficient to destroy the virus. And significant pollution controls built in.
hubei province just announced that instead of letting people go back to work today, the date of quarantine is extended now to March 11th. So anyone counting on any products from manufacturers located in Hubei province is going to have to wait at least another 19 days. Obviously something more serious is going on there than they are revealing publicly. Pretty major economic hit to a lot of firms not just there but suppliers to them, and people who get supplied by those located there.
Supposedly they’re shutting down all internet access in Wuhan this week. If so, it makes one wonder why...
Supposedly they’re shutting down all internet access in Wuhan this week. If so, it makes one wonder why...


Actually I am trying to find a live webcam in Wuhan right now and all of them appear to be offline.
The internet gets shut down to control what information gets out. Truth control...
Expert statisticians are saying the China data and number of cases being reported is following an R squared of .99. Basically an impossible feat unless it's manipulated since 1 means it's perfectly predictable. No virus spread is ever perfectly predictable. It would mean they know the next days count before it happens.
China’s Fosun Bank bought Germany’s H&A bank in 2015. They are a huge banking interest in China; they went into “receivership” today in China.



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With 750 million people in China now under quarantine, and some in Wuhan now entering their 4th week, how is China's government getting food to all these people locked indoors ? How is the production and distribution of food continuing ? How do all these people not working, pay their rent and food and utilities ? Is China's government subsidizing all the landlords now ?

The logistics of addressing this must be staggering. Some prayers for this country are needed.
Citizens extracted from Wuhan showing no signs of illness are held in quarantine for 2 weeks.

Woman arrives in Toronto from China and goes to the hospital with "intermittent cough".
Told to self isolate. Tested positive.

Province announces: "Given the individual's clinical assessment and history, there is a low risk that she was infectious."
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