I’m a proud French owner of a ST7 since January and this is my very first post.
I’ve been riding about 500 km, mostly for commuting and I’m still learning to know the bike.
I also had some issues with the brakes, or more precisely said, with the recup mode.
As you, I experienced that strange feeling of fighting the regeneration force, that being confirm on the screen while pedaling (when the power regenerated appears on the bar scrolling from left to right). I noticed that always happened just after braking, even at short speed.
My dealer helped me to fix it without any software update.
In fact, when you use the brakes, it first slightly starts the regeneration mode (maybe for half a second) and then, the brakes work. There’s a sensor on the base of the brake lever, that sensor being controlled by a simple screw. When you get your bike, this screw might be too tightened and your ST7 continues considering that you are braking even after having released the brakes, and still continues to help you braking.
To fix that problem, slightly loosen that screw on both levers upwards (maybe half a turn or one turn). Find the right balance and that should work

. Notice : you’ll need to loose a very small security screw that blocks the main screw with a small Allen screwdriver.
I hope your bike will work fine when you get it back.
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The screw is the one with some blue on it.