New Easy Motion Neo Jumper 650b Video

Chris Nolte

Well-Known Member
We just put together our first video. We plan to do many more, but I figured we could post this here to get some feedback from you guys. My brother is in front of the camera and his girlfriend Megan is behind it. We hope it will prove helpful for those interested in purchasing this bike. The quality will improve as we produce more, the Zuma video we shot yesterday is light years ahead.

I think you did a great job wih the video.

the only thing I would suggest is to insert some kind of sound effect or segway between paragraphs. The talk between topics could use an extra pause it some sound effect.

I love what you have done with the light system.
Chris, great job. I especially like the explanation of how the PAS levels differ in their percent increase. I think that is the way to explain PAS when a torque sensor is involved. The lights are definately cool, and I think most people would come away thinking your shop takes care of the individuals' needs. I might mention what to expect as far as speed goes, for the average rider, and maybe a little about battery life.
A nice clear and concise video, which should prove to be very informative to potential buyers. :)

Interesting that it has a 180 disc up front, as that is something on my list of upgrades for the Xtrem.

Showing how the battery can both be locked and also removed could be worth showing in future videos.
I realise that the suspension lockout is mentioned in the video, but It could also be worth showing the front lock out in operation.

Good luck with future sales. :)
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Thanks Eddie. The disc swap should be pretty straight forward, just a different caliper mount and new rotor. I appreciate feedback, I will try to include that in my future Easy Motion videos.
The light integration is awesome Chris! Excellent video, you guys really covered the features but kept it short and fun. I liked the split screen with throttle/motor demo and mention of the taller customer with longer stem and seat. Two thumbs up ;)
We just put together our first video. We plan to do many more, but I figured we could post this here to get some feedback from you guys. My brother is in front of the camera and his girlfriend Megan is behind it. We hope it will prove helpful for those interested in purchasing this bike. The quality will improve as we produce more, the Zuma video we shot yesterday is light years ahead.

Nicely done Chris....Love the detail on the PAS and the custom light system. Hoping you do one on the e3 Dash. Would love to hear the details on the dash and if you can do any custom work. lighting systems?
Thanks Justin. We have the Dash on the agenda as we just got our shipment. We did a Zuma yesterday. I will look into how to integrate the lights this week when I'm in the shop, I mean it can be done with any bike really, it just requires special parts to adjust the voltage. Some bikes, including some Currie bikes come with the wires built in, the Dash might actually be one of them. Bikes like the Stromer and eFlow have a system built in but no lights come standard.

We generally use dynamo lights as they can accept an external power source, then it's just getting the voltage right.
Awesome review Chris! I like the USB port on the light switch.... Very clever! Cool shout out at the end about customization to each individual customer. Customer service will set you apart for sure! Nice work.
That is an interesting mounting setup of the Busch & Mulluer Lumotec IQ2 Luxos. Did you go with the e-bike version or the U version? I am also curious about the way you mounted it on the bars. Was that an off the shelf-mount you used or something your customised yourselves? I am a big dynamo fan and have three now with my latest one a Shutter Precision PD-8 getting built into a wheel for my LoGo P-38 recumbent. It will be powering a Busch & Mulluer Lumotec IQ2 Luxos as well.

James, thanks for the feedback and love. I really appreciate it. We are really all about service and customization, it has been serving us really well thus far, we just need to get more exposure, hence the videos. We look forward to sharing more videos that can offer value to the ebike community which we are so privileged to be involved in.

Andrew, this is the Dynamo version that we mounted with a Minoura camera clamp. The ebike version isn't available in the states, but we're working on changing that. This really works fine and we have some voltage converters that can really make anything work. It's exciting to work with these different systems, the possibilities are really endless. But the Busch and Mulluer are really sharp, those Germans do it right. I can't wait to visit in August. BTW - nice writeup on your site, I plan to poke around some more on their when I have time.
Andrew, this is the Dynamo version that we mounted with a Minoura camera clamp.


Is this the beast?

I think this is an interesting approach and has given me some ideas now, so thanks for that :)

Actually it was a bit different, but I think that could work as well. The important thing is to get the clamp size right as there are a couple of different sizes for different diameter tubing. If you notice the one below threads into the mount which works better I believe.
Actually it was a bit different, but I think that could work as well. The important thing is to get the clamp size right as there are a couple of different sizes for different diameter tubing. If you notice the one below threads into the mount which works better I believe.

Ah that looks much neater and makes sense. BTW how do you find the beam's performance at handlebar height?

Andrew - I imagine it could be better to mount the light lower, but there's no mounting holes on the shock (normally I would mount right above the tire) and it's also kind of nice to be able to adjust the light while riding.