Christini say's their "Bafang Ultra Mid Drive Boost Chainring Adapter" is "18mm distance from base to inside of chainring."
Great tip, that Ritchey 4-axis.
The KINEKT (once dialed in) is really nice, the difference is huge, but it's heavy. Their carbon tube provides little relief.
As I've said, I have spare spring sizes if someone needs them - ping me.
In my stumbling along, your analysis - in general - matches my trial and error understandings.
I ordered a set of 660mm Jones Butted 2.5" H Loop Bars to test out. Pretty sure the rise is too much for my Cross Tour, on my Ltd's frame suddenly the bike feels much larger. The flatter version might be perfect for the CT, and they come in Titanium - my 'bling bling'.
Saddle-wise, I like my Selle Anatomica - can't wait to try the Brooks!
Took forever to break in. Selle's service was less than stellar.
I ordered carbon rails - that came deformed/ uneven. Even properly torqued to recommendations, they failed after a few hundred miles - plus, they restricted for/ aft alignment by a lot. I'm out of the saddle on bumps and rough surfaces, so probably just wrong for a commuter, my bad, crunch. Shattered laterally over 1.5", going forward from the clamp. Quick tip: Never reach under saddle and run fingers over suspected shattered carbon fiber
The stainless tube rails do work great - so far.
That guy's eye-piece on the helmet is priceless, but if I can't carry it up a flight of stairs it's too heavy.
I went with the lightest fork, a cassette and opt for alloy bars (or ti) over steel.
I'd go Nexties but I'm concerned about carbon's frailty (and stab wounds). Adding the Archer Dx1 was a couple-hundred-gram whim, but I anticipate my CT will be 62lbish - rolling.
The latest Frey. 5 months back I was ready to buy, I mean with card in hand, but for that answer to "what's the weight" - and I got it. 75lbs entry. Add the big battery = 90lbs.
Yes. Now I have the specs. The "boost" Christini being 18mm, FB being 32 x 33mm. From what you (29mm x 32mm) and Jon (32mm) post, they are the same offsets.
I stand corrected (Jon).
You read'n my mind? I'm set on 4.5"s for sand - low pressure, sidewall gets fatter = rub-a-dub-dub. Never thought of 'squaring off'. Makes sense. What about weight?
I was thinking "What will I have to change when I take bike on coastal fishing trips? Wheelset. Check. No worries". I was slick, going the CT x 3" 'standard size' (like the World Record Holder Cross Tour)
Now it's looking change the spider as well - and with that, I may require spacing the cassette outward/ mods to the spacers - whew
- oh, and different cranks of course when the Q- factor goes haywire, but I'll be on sand not pedaling cadence long distance - all I wanted was a Pepsi (and to yank another fat halibut outta the April - May surf).
I installed the Jones bars - whoa - on my test bike (Ltd). Old bars were 640mm, these 660mm.
Whoa, what a difference 20mm makes! The bike looks and feels much larger.
Under a pound and the layout is great for utility sake, the 22.2mm area is profuse. My cockpit looks barren.
Christmas 'bike' shopping is done, but my rides convinced me flat bars of this design are what I want on my CT and my next buy for January.
(Last minute rulebreaker), I scored a D1x Trail micro-shift mod for price I couldn't refuse. Looks like a PIA to set up on the (Black Wraith) Ltd. Selling bike when I get CT balanced and reliable - huge reason I insist on quick available parts. CT must first go, then be show.
Yanking the Ltd's shift cable could be a 'big stupid' - having to put it back - and the stock shimano works perfectly. I cringe at fixing things not (yet) broken, only to find a buyer resents "modifications" (and I'm an 'okay, two hours to put it back threaded into the frame, under the battery', happy guy).
Your positive input's inspiring. Hard to keep our joy, waiting, waiting. I'm kind of ancient, thinking 'sure and steady, stick with the plan can-do'.
Just a mindset, of little value to others, I discovered 'winning' by 'feeling good' in my head, not sweating failures; being 'as good as I can be'; not 'as good or as bad as my last choice', no matter the end consequence worked best for me -
to feel good - not be successful.
It's not metaphysical. Feeling positive attracts like kind and vice versa, negative. Mia culpa.
So, it's the motors, etc. If it can happen, the company we've chosen to make it so will do just that ... but I confess I anticipated hell breaking loose on the trade scene and sure 'nuff, we're witnessing a firm realignment of Western/ Eastern Bloc/ trade sources/ partners and loyalties are changing. It's a paradigm shift.
Not sure what "
I learned I'm getting cashed out for unused PTO (thanks WW for dumping on the second half of my summer?)" means, but I agree with your Christmas 'wish'. I know even cynicism is humor, and irony brings a smile - if (as a boxer I once knew said "you got your mind right"). lol
Largely, I see WW buyers (and commenters on these forums) as people making knowledgeable choices
and think buyers made the best choice.
The reason Winter's Fall is 'a time of peace' goes back a bit - to necessity I dare say. It's in every culture.
So, I wish the feeling of peace, harmony with the flow knowing
doing the right thing is better than succeeding regardless of outcome - lest we completely condemn ourselves to 'fools in our own minds'. lol. We're not. It just got funky out there and the trade (stuff) hit the fan.
Happy Holidays and a great 2022 to all!
Thanks for that fastener source.