My life was threatened....

My understanding is a great many judges, particularly at the local level, are reluctant to keep people in jail at this time due to the continuing high risk of covid. I have knowledge of two specific cases, one in fall of 2020 and one a few months ago where someone who under normal circumstances would be locked up, at least temporarily, did not ever see the inside of a jail.
Yes, I think that is true as well. I’m conflicted on that, as I don’t want to see people sentenced to death-by-Covid, but on the other hand, they chose to commit the crime (assuming they’re guilty….which assumption shouldn’t be made in every case). Then, there’s the question of how serious the latest Covid variants are, or are not.

Tough questions. In the end though, it comes down to public safety, so if it’s reasonably certain a person has committed a serious crime, I’d choose to hold them, rather than leave the public at risk from their behavior.

There was a recent incident in Seattle, in which a guy went into an elementary school, assaulted a delivery driver who happened to be there, and took a child captive (though did not physically harm him, fortunately….but at what emotional cost?). He was released, which makes no sense to me. I’m not certain, but I don’t think he was even charged.
Well, there seem to be two other things going on that may or may not be related to covid that are also limiting law enforcement resources.

The first is that a lot more people seem to be having very public, very messy, and very ugly mental health crises. I swear the worst personal impact of covid-19 for me has been the fact that I have witnessed more adult humans have DEFCON 5 full-on public temper tantrums and breakdowns in the last two-plus years than I have in my entire life. All of the ones I've witnessed have been from white adults over the age of about 45. When I speak to police officers these kinds of incidents have become pretty common in the last few years.

The second is that when people witness somebody having a full-on meltdown, they are now much more likely to just call the police than I think they were previously.

Both of these factors consume more of scarce law enforcement resources.
We’ve had numerous break-in’s and attempted break-ins in our neighborhood. The most recent 3 incidents involved a meth-head who was released by a judge, after being advised the man is psychotic and a danger to others. The psychologist couldn’t even actually interview him, because he had s*it in his cell and smeared it all over himself and the cell, and was exhibiting violent behavior to the extent that jail staff wouldn’t enter his cell.

As a result, just this week I spent $8500 on an upgraded security system. I also paid $1900 for a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy (screaming low deal, actually), so my wife, who is hard-of-hearing, can feel safe when working in her flower beds. Then there’s the $1800 invisible fence. That brings us to a total of $12,200 before accounting for dog training and other miscellaneous costs.

Is that the taxation number you’re looking for?

Believe me, I’d have much rather seen it go toward providing mental health services, as that’s the real problem, or the jail/prison system as a last resort. Paying judges and prosecutors to go through the motions, as is happening now, is a really bad option.

EDIT: I had no idea this site was so censored that the word “s*it” is automatically edited. 😂
But you won’t pay to open mental hospitals and drug treatment programs. “Society gets the criminals it deserves.”
It is also hard to get junkies and crazies to accept that they have a problem and accept help, and they cannot be forced.
But you won’t pay to open mental hospitals and drug treatment programs. “Society gets the criminals it deserves.”
But I would pay, as I do have a heart, and I do realize we have a mental health and drug crisis first. You’re making assumptions based on limited Internet forum conversations.
Keep up the good work. Fired up the forum a little. Specialized rules and rear drives suck gets old after a while.
I grew up in the interior of B.C. ( for some of you here, that's the interior of the western-most province in Canada....just think of it as the equivalent of a state....very much like Oregon or Washington) Never a safety issue despite relatively lots of hunters and guns
Moved to Vancouver over 40 years ago, never an issue.
Moved to the 'burbs 3 years ago. No safety issues, other than getting run over or coal rolled riding your bike, certainly not getting shot.
I used to go into the states weekly for a few years. Covid came along and we stopped, naturally.
I have not been back now since early 2019. I have family in Arizona and Oregon and lots of friends down there, but I'm not sure I'll ever go back. I have many friends who also never plan on going back and those that own second homes down there that are getting rid of them.
The way I see it, the odds are that pretty much every other person down there has little sense at all. Friends that own down there just shake their heads at what's happened over the last bunch of years.
The last time I went through O'Hare Airport ( granted it was December ) it looked as though I'd entered a 3rd world country.
When I used to go down there regularly just about every car in a parking lot had a license plate frame indicating 'Alumni of (enter university or college name here)'. Everybody seems to boast they have some sort of post-high school education, but I rarely see that this equates to much intelligence or common sense. (when going to Costco, just look at what some people decide they just 'need' to buy)
It seems like every American knows their country is a mess, but for entirely different reasons, depending who you are. CN
My solution was to retire in a city that has a murder usually a domestic every 5 to ten years. Simple Eufy security cams capture any intrusion onto the property. Fire dept in 3 minutes, LEO in 3 or less. Biggest crime are tweezers stealing air bags from unlocked cars.
We’ve had numerous break-in’s and attempted break-ins in our neighborhood. The most recent 3 incidents involved a meth-head who was released by a judge, after being advised the man is psychotic and a danger to others. The psychologist couldn’t even actually interview him, because he had s*it in his cell and smeared it all over himself and the cell, and was exhibiting violent behavior to the extent that jail staff wouldn’t enter his cell.

As a result, just this week I spent $8500 on an upgraded security system. I also paid $1900 for a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy (screaming low deal, actually), so my wife, who is hard-of-hearing, can feel safe when working in her flower beds. Then there’s the $1800 invisible fence. That brings us to a total of $12,200 before accounting for dog training and other miscellaneous costs.

Is that the taxation number you’re looking for?

Believe me, I’d have much rather seen it go toward providing mental health services, as that’s the real problem, or the jail/prison system as a last resort. Paying judges and prosecutors to go through the motions, as is happening now, is a really bad option.

EDIT: I had no idea this site was so censored that the word “s*it” is automatically edited. 😂
I think you're dreaming if you think it will improve. Just sayin'.
I like the 'move' suggestion. Sorry. CN
I think you're dreaming if you think it will improve. Just sayin'.
I like the 'move' suggestion. Sorry. CN
Yeah, I try to be optimistic. Anyway, I expect to be dead of old age before it gets so bad that I’m afraid to go to the grocery store.😂
I grew up in the interior of B.C. ( for some of you here, that's the interior of the western-most province in Canada....just think of it as the equivalent of a state....very much like Oregon or Washington) Never a safety issue despite relatively lots of hunters and guns
Moved to Vancouver over 40 years ago, never an issue.
Moved to the 'burbs 3 years ago. No safety issues, other than getting run over or coal rolled riding your bike, certainly not getting shot.
I used to go into the states weekly for a few years. Covid came along and we stopped, naturally.
I have not been back now since early 2019. I have family in Arizona and Oregon and lots of friends down there, but I'm not sure I'll ever go back. I have many friends who also never plan on going back and those that own second homes down there that are getting rid of them.
The way I see it, the odds are that pretty much every other person down there has little sense at all. Friends that own down there just shake their heads at what's happened over the last bunch of years.
The last time I went through O'Hare Airport ( granted it was December ) it looked as though I'd entered a 3rd world country.
When I used to go down there regularly just about every car in a parking lot had a license plate frame indicating 'Alumni of (enter university or college name here)'. Everybody seems to boast they have some sort of post-high school education, but I rarely see that this equates to much intelligence or common sense. (when going to Costco, just look at what some people decide they just 'need' to buy)
It seems like every American knows their country is a mess, but for entirely different reasons, depending who you are. CN
I'm not sure we can get out of the mess we are in. We don't have much choice in elections--if we don't vote for the candidate of the two parties, our vote seems wasted. The two parties are both lethargic in being able to do any POSITIVE change. One seems to be stuck in the past and crazy, the other seems to spend its time changing language and promoting causes that, well, aren't really the biggest problem we have today. I see no way out. Both cater to big money and are addicted to big money. Both are out of touch.

We are seeing the results of 42 years of cutting taxes and the infamous Trickle Down theory, which I call The Race To The Bottom.

I camped with Canadian friends. They had spent a few weeks touring Utah. Their big concern was the money exchange. It was very expensive for them in the U.S.
My solution was to retire in a city that has a murder usually a domestic every 5 to ten years. Simple Eufy security cams capture any intrusion onto the property. Fire dept in 3 minutes, LEO in 3 or less. Biggest crime are tweezers stealing air bags from unlocked cars.

i think generally that's a good solution for people who are mobile - go somewhere that you don't feel unsafe.

we have very high (especially recently) rates of petty property crime, mostly car break-ins and shoplifting, but violent crime doesn't worry me. at all. my kids and wife and i (or just them, or just me) walk all around everywhere we need to go and don't ever feel unsafe. and while i encounter occasional a-hole drivers, nobody throws s*it at me on my bike.

the most dangerous places in the country do NOT match the rhetoric you hear on certain national media outlets.

I don’t think the issue is prisoner’s rights. Rather, it’s the release of criminals, particularly repeat criminals, with little or no consequences.

Watch “Seattle Is Dying” on YouTube for examples of repeat offenders being released by judges. In fact, one man featured in the documentary, Travis Berge, went on to murder a woman (his girlfriend if I remember correctly) about two years later. Just the other day, there was a guy who stole a man’s prized Harley and trashed it. It came out that he’s been arrested 39 times previously, and convicted of 6 felonies, yet he was released after one night in jail. How are people like this able to walk the streets?
Punishment without reward rarely works !
We have the the highest level of incarceration in the world ! Most are there for Nixon's drug war, which is actually a political prisoner action against the Vietnam war !(see Nixon's enemy list)
All it prison does is make super criminals.
The real crime is the unbelievably low quality of the US educational system. Besides the political prisoners (it's my body... doesn't work for recreational drugs), if the citizens were properly educated, they wouldn't turn to crime !
This evening, I rode my usual suburban route, which consists of side streets, dirt trails, and greenway (paved walking & biking trails).

As I rode along a greenway at around 9mph (just above a jogger's pace), a man was walking in the center of it, with these huge headphones on. I rang my bell numerous times, called out vocally "passing on your left" 3 times, yet he didn't veer from the center. As I approached, he stepped left, and I swung left to miss him and was about 2-3 ft away as I passed. He began screaming like a frickin' lunatic, get yer @$$ back here, I'm gonna f***in kill you, next time I see you I'm gonna shoot you. I did not say a word, but (regrettably) gave him the middle finger from about 50 ft past him. He then went into a full rage and started chasing me, but had no chance of catching me. I could hear him saying he'll carry his gun and shoot me next time. I just kept on riding, never looked back. FYI I've seen this guy on the greenway a handful of times now, and he always walks as if he's the only person to use it.

So, yeah.

NC is open carry and I have a hand cannon, but I'd prefer not to carry it (I do not have my CCW yet). I was thinking a real tear gas cannister might be worthwhile to carry; and I have quick access to my Foldylock which would do some real damage should I be ambushed. I'd prefer no violence, but I am going to do whatever is necessary to protect myself.

I can deviate from my route, but hate to cave to a moron - the greenway is for all of us, and I am very judicious about speed, right-of-way, being a good, courteous rider.

How would you approach this?
Keep your gun in your bedroom and your middle finger in it's holster. Chances are you flipped off somebody that is mentally ill. I grew up with guns but would not want to shoot somebody unless they were breaking into my house. The chances of you being a hero or saving lives by having a conceal and carry are slim.
conspiracy mongering is the strongest I can recall.
Unfortunately this is the dark side of the information age.
Before the internet, the crazies were separated from each other by thousands of sane ppl.

All it took to ruin the republicans, was one crazy woman from Alaska, because the crazies were able to band together on social media and biased news media ran with it.
BTW ,much of that blame goes to John MCcain for not vetting the loony tunes governor from Alaska. He actually warned her that she could destroy the party !(see the movie GAME CHANGER).
Keep your gun in your bedroom and your middle finger in it's holster. Chances are you flipped off somebody that is mentally ill. I grew up with guns but would not want to shoot somebody unless they were breaking into my house. The chances of you being a hero or saving lives by having a conceal and carry are slim.
I actually was saved from a kidnapping attempt because I had a gun !
A disgruntled prospective tenant had two perps brake into my house and tried to take me to my bank for cash, my little Jennings j22 to the rescue!
The really sick thing is that the police actually gave them my address !
This evening, I rode my usual suburban route, which consists of side streets, dirt trails, and greenway (paved walking & biking trails).

As I rode along a greenway at around 9mph (just above a jogger's pace), a man was walking in the center of it, with these huge headphones on. I rang my bell numerous times, called out vocally "passing on your left" 3 times, yet he didn't veer from the center. As I approached, he stepped left, and I swung left to miss him and was about 2-3 ft away as I passed. He began screaming like a frickin' lunatic, get yer @$$ back here, I'm gonna f***in kill you, next time I see you I'm gonna shoot you. I did not say a word, but (regrettably) gave him the middle finger from about 50 ft past him. He then went into a full rage and started chasing me, but had no chance of catching me. I could hear him saying he'll carry his gun and shoot me next time. I just kept on riding, never looked back. FYI I've seen this guy on the greenway a handful of times now, and he always walks as if he's the only person to use it.

So, yeah.

NC is open carry and I have a hand cannon, but I'd prefer not to carry it (I do not have my CCW yet). I was thinking a real tear gas cannister might be worthwhile to carry; and I have quick access to my Foldylock which would do some real damage should I be ambushed. I'd prefer no violence, but I am going to do whatever is necessary to protect myself.

I can deviate from my route, but hate to cave to a moron - the greenway is for all of us, and I am very judicious about speed, right-of-way, being a good, courteous rider.

How would you approach this?
I think this is the same guy I ran into the other day : ) I flipped him the bird and he started to chase me lol.
You just have to realize there are a lot of ignorant ppl out there and be happy you're not one of them ! With that frame of mind you actually begin to feel sorry for them .
When you stop yourself from raising that middle finger
I don't believe this is a problem. You can flip someone off without losing control.
The important point is don't lose control of yourself, that is the real problem, because you can lose control and NOT flip ppl off.

Being a landlord, I have had to deal with all kinds of creeps, male and female.
If I just let them abuse me verbally it just all goes down hill.
We will derail the original topic quick but....

We need to make prison a punishment again. Look into how many rights prisoners have. It's now an adult daycare. People aren't afraid anymore.

Gun control needs to be implemented and taken seriously. Every time we have a mass shooting I tell my wife no one cares because nothing will be done.

I have a series of quick and easy solutions that may be worth another thread. Criminals need to see and feel consequences for their actions, both short term and long tern.

Sorry for the derailment. Lets put the train back on track.

And yes, rayray said it best. VOTE local! Not just for a president. Get people in office that have the public best interest at heart.
I used to vote : ( Then I realized, in the US individual votes are meaningless. If you don't vote for the winner in your state, it's as if your vote didn't even count !
If that's not unsettling enough, with the electoral collage, even your state vote can be over turned by some faceless individuals in the EC !
Finally, when it comes to making laws, if your BIG money you can get laws passed in your favor, if not, forget it !
the last time I was excited to vote, the whole establishment conspired to eliminate Bernie from the process (see the documentary Bernie Blackout). Remember how the dems demanded that Bernie support the vote leader during the primaries? Then when Bernie was the leader, they all threw their support to Joe !

I don't know that Bernie would be able to plow through the gridlock called congress, but with the support of the people he would have the best chance.
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