We’ve had numerous break-in’s and attempted break-ins in our neighborhood. The most recent 3 incidents involved a meth-head who was released by a judge, after being advised the man is psychotic and a danger to others. The psychologist couldn’t even actually interview him, because he had s*it in his cell and smeared it all over himself and the cell, and was exhibiting violent behavior to the extent that jail staff wouldn’t enter his cell.
As a result, just this week I spent $8500 on an upgraded security system. I also paid $1900 for a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy (screaming low deal, actually), so my wife, who is hard-of-hearing, can feel safe when working in her flower beds. Then there’s the $1800 invisible fence. That brings us to a total of
$12,200 before accounting for dog training and other miscellaneous costs.
Is that the taxation number you’re looking for?
Believe me, I’d have much rather seen it go toward providing mental health services, as that’s the real problem, or the jail/prison system as a last resort. Paying judges and prosecutors to go through the motions, as is happening now, is a really bad option.
EDIT: I had no idea this site was so censored that the word “s*it” is automatically edited.