My life was threatened....

If it was a large and vicious dog had menaced you, you probably wouldn't insist on riding that particular route no matter what. You probably would reroute to avoid the vicious dog. If it was another danger, like a 60mph highway or a landslide or washout, you would reroute. It is the sensible thing to do. As Bruce Lee used to say, "Be like water."

There was a man who used to come into my teahouse, and we got to talking. He said he was one of those custom closet installers and that he drove all over the northwest to do his work. I said that must be stressful, the way traffic had gotten. He said he never got stressed out. He said, one time, he got a call that his daughter was dying in a hospital. He raced to the hospital, speeding and breaking every road rule. My jaw dropped and I said, "I am so sorry!!"

He said, "Oh, she didn't die. She survived and is fine. But now whenever somebody is on my tail and wants to pass me, I just pull over and wave them on by, because they might might be rushing to see their dying daughter at the hospital. I never have ego involved in driving anymore."

Since then I have also figured stuff is going on in people's lives that we don't know. We don't know what stress they are under, what their hurry or foul temper is about. Best to "be like water" and let them get on with their struggle. And keep our fingers to ourselves.
I used to live in Montana and enjoyed hunting. I never hunted in grizzly bear country though. Even if you kill one in self defense the legal ramifications can be a nightmare.

The same logic applies to bike riding…if you think that you might need a gun don’t go there. If you shoot someone, justifiably in self defense, the legal problems can be a nightmare. Even if law enforcement agrees with you you are still open to civil suits. In the best case scenario you still go through great stress and have to live with it on your conscience forever.

Same as with a grizzly, there is no winner. Everyone loses.
I used to carry in some location where I ride. I did it more for protection from wildlife than humans. I once startled a black bear and it was pretty scary for a couple of minutes. Fortunately, he just stared at me until he lost interest and walked away. I still renew my CCW permit but, due to some of the reasons mentioned above, I rarely use it anymore. I came to my senses after an incident 5 years ago. It still gives me nightmares and I don't like to talk about it but I think it appropriate to mention here.
I truly appreciate you sharing this, it's an eye-opener for many reasons. I am just relieved to know you did not experience any violence or legal issues.

I served in the military, my personal firearm then was a .45cal 1911 (other weapons included a 7.62mm M60 machine gun, a .50cal machine gun, a 105mm main gun on our tank, .45cal grease gun which was a hoot to fire!). I own a firearm for self/home defense. Re-reading through this, and esp your reply, is a hammer-to-the-head reminder to keep my firearm safely secured in the house, and take it to the range and nowhere else.

The mindfulness principles will serve me well, and I have work to do. Guess that's why it's called a practice...


Tangentially, I have been doing my absolute best to be an ambassador. When I ride the greenways, I keep a jogger's pace (8-9mph). I always ring the bell and announce myself when overtaking people. I happily slow down or stop (or go off the greenway where it is allowed) for families, dogs, people in wheelchairs, strollers, etc. I always verbally thank people when they ack my approach and I give wide berth. Greenways are for everyone to use, and everyone has a responsibility to be courteous to other users. Well, most everyone... and that is what is so disappointing.
I wear a kevlar vest now anywhere in town. $490 on ebay. I'm small so I don't overheat. I keep a sabre pepper spray tied to the handlebar at all times. One button disconnects it. I've used it 3 times on dogs that thought they owned that road and were aiming at my ankle. 2 of those stay away from me now. If some person powers through the pepper spray I carry a 6' x 1/2" SS sling with a 1 lb lock closed on the end of it. I'd swing it if necessary. I don't communicate with random strangers, either with words or gestures. i do say "left" or right" or "rear" if someone is in danger of wandering into my path. On tight quarters like the bridge across the Ohio I keep speed down to 4 mph near people. I trained with various firearms in the Army but don't view them as suitable for resolving personal differences. I don't own one. As Appalachian native I'm not suited for "fair" fistfights. I could break my wrists off against any European or African jaw and never hurt them.
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Indianajo, if I had to live like that, I'd move. Life is too short to go about in a Kevlar vest, as though one were in a war zone. Of course, no doubt someone will quip that it might be a lot shorter without one. 🤪 But really, why live in such fear?
People have been executed at the grocery in El Paso, Buffalo, central Tennessee, & Louisville. I shop at groceries. I'm ethnic looking, which many of the victims were. 3 dead last Sunday at a mall 100 miles north of here. The crazies have been riled up & empowered with assault guns in the US, and medicare won't work if I move out of the US. Anywhere else wouldn't be as much fun either. Ignore the problem if you wish. I spent $1200 this year supporting a party that wants to stop sale of assault weapons to civilians. $1400 in 2020. A regulated militia (constitution) does not include every crazy with $1400. IMHO.
Lucky me I live Hawaii.
It's a cultural shock for me to learn that's the kind of things @Avg_Joe has to put up with.
I ride through unprotected trails all the time.
Even early morning hours in the dark through homeless camps and guerrilla canabis growers camps.
Freaking nuts in the mainland US.

When has it ever been safe to ride through through homeless camps in the dark, or cannabis grows? Never in the mainland U.S.
Our United States has gotten crazy lately. We have shootouts on our freeways now. So in certain areas you have to be on your A Game. If you need to gear up and add something like a kevlar vest than so be it. I don't want to get trapped in my house the rest of my life and let the criminals enjoy freedom. It's funny that kevlar vest got brought up in the first place, as I'm considering doing the same thing for night commuting.
When has it ever been safe to ride through through homeless camps in the dark, or cannabis grows? Never in the mainland U.S.
I ride through cannibis grows frequently. It's legal to grow here. It does stink and the workers seem to drive very fast to get to work. The farms look a bit prison like. It's the law that they must be a bit hidden, I think so they all have solid fences or fences covered in black plastic to keep them hidden along with security cameras spaced on the fence. I think our county and state make quite a bit of money off the taxes.

The U.S. seems to be going absolutely crazy and no help will be forthcoming I fear. Our incumbent congressman will probably be re-elected and even he has a photo with him packing a broken open shotgun. But I don't think he is wearing a cowboy hat in any of the photos. Guns are religious icons in this country now and an easy way for idiots to try to solve their problems. We are a sick country.
It’s sad that anyone would feel the need to wear Kevlar. It’s high time to demand our representatives in government put the rights and freedoms of law-abiding citizens ahead of catering to criminals.

I have pictures of people with guns, with machetes, smoking meth, and passed out on the sidewalk, along with heaping piles of rat-attracting trash……all at a homeless camp directly in front of a DAYCARE (BTW, what parent in their right mind would leave their child there?!!)! It took a coalition of area business owners over a year to pressure the city to offer services to the addicts within and arrest those with warrants (no point in just forcing them to another camp), and clean it up!

Use your vote to put officials in place who care about public safety, whatever your political leanings. And, remember that this has to happen on the local level, as federal officials won’t or can’t fix it. In the long run, this would be a far better solution than wearing a vest or carrying defensive weapons!
We will derail the original topic quick but....

We need to make prison a punishment again. Look into how many rights prisoners have. It's now an adult daycare. People aren't afraid anymore.

Gun control needs to be implemented and taken seriously. Every time we have a mass shooting I tell my wife no one cares because nothing will be done.

I have a series of quick and easy solutions that may be worth another thread. Criminals need to see and feel consequences for their actions, both short term and long tern.

Sorry for the derailment. Lets put the train back on track.

And yes, rayray said it best. VOTE local! Not just for a president. Get people in office that have the public best interest at heart.
Locally, a guy killed two people. All were armed and met for a discussion on some kind of construction project. Shooting happened. That's all we know--no arrest has been made that I am aware of. They were not criminals, they were locals and there hasn't been much more revealed on it. What would have happened if none were packing? What caused the shootout? We don't know. I imagine a lawsuit will happen.
Obviously, you've never been to or even seen the inside of a prison.
I don’t think the issue is prisoner’s rights. Rather, it’s the release of criminals, particularly repeat criminals, with little or no consequences.

Watch “Seattle Is Dying” on YouTube for examples of repeat offenders being released by judges. In fact, one man featured in the documentary, Travis Berge, went on to murder a woman (his girlfriend if I remember correctly) about two years later. Just the other day, there was a guy who stole a man’s prized Harley and trashed it. It came out that he’s been arrested 39 times previously, and convicted of 6 felonies, yet he was released after one night in jail. How are people like this able to walk the streets?
Say what tomjazlsz? My wife ran security at a worst of the worst Level 5 prison for 23 years. She watched it go from a prison to a daycare over her years there. The inmates kept getting younger and younger and weren't worried. It was a right of passage for them.

Do you know most prisons have ice cream and movie nights? Do some research and you'll see why our politicians cater to inmates families. Easy votes.
Say what tomjazlsz? My wife ran security at a worst of the worst Level 5 prison for 23 years. She watched it go from a prison to a daycare over her years there. The inmates kept getting younger and younger and weren't worried. It was a right of passage for them.

Do you know most prisons have ice cream and movie nights? Do some research and you'll see why our politicians cater to inmates families. Easy votes.
My dad was a road and bridge engineer. It didn’t make me an expert in highway and bridge construction.

My first education post secondary was criminal justice and rehab. I’ve seen my share. We also ran group homes for chemically dependent teens. Our current justice system IMO is the failure. I’ve cream and TV is worrisome? I find that silly.

Like the reggae song, “ A hungry man is an angry man…”
The craziness in the US…gun culture, Christian Nationalists, conspiracy mongering is the strongest I can recall. All this abetted by an ideological Supreme Court setting reason and progress aside in assistance to the worst of society.
Say what tomjazlsz? My wife ran security at a worst of the worst Level 5 prison for 23 years. She watched it go from a prison to a daycare over her years there. The inmates kept getting younger and younger and weren't worried. It was a right of passage for them.

Do you know most prisons have ice cream and movie nights? Do some research and you'll see why our politicians cater to inmates families. Easy votes.
That’s cheery picked nonsense. I have a MUCH deeper experience than your wife.
Mulezen, you worked in a prison? How long? For what security level?

Or have you done time? For how long? What security level prison?
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