CYC Photon Update
As mentioned previously, my CYC Photon seemed to stop engaging the motor for assist. You could hear the motor spinning, it just wasnt engaging. This didnt happen out of nowhere, I noticed it more and more over a month or so.
Kudos to Electrify Bike Co. who sold me the photon. I contacted them since my photon was only a year or so old and it comes with a two year warranty. They replied with a prepaid shipping label to send it back to them. I just never got around to it and eventually decided to just fix the problem myself since if this is going to be a recurring problem sending it back for repair would be a major hassle. The Photon comes with two sprag clutches (one way bearing). The stage 1 is at the motor output and the second stage is embedded in the chainring mechanism.
Research indicated I needed a chainring removal tool ($15) and stage 1 sprag clutch ($15) of which I bought 2. I ordered all of this from CYC in Hong Kong and it arrived within two weeks or so (roughly).
The stage 1 sprag clutch can be seen starting at 11:30 in the following video
As it turns out, the Photon is easy to disassemble and replacing the stage 1 sprag clutch is super easy. The hardest thing is getting past the gasket compound as shown around 1:30 in the following video
As can be seen in the attached pic, the stage 1 sprag clutch is super small, about the size of a penny. They also supply sprag clutch specific grease although I bought some brose sprag clutch grease from an ebike motor repair shop for backup.
The only special tool other than an allen wrench was snap ring pliers required to remove the sprag clutch from the gear assembly it was in.
Easy Peasy, 30 minutes the first time. Now that I know what I am doing, it would probably take about 15 minutes next time.
I by no means have been easy on this motor. I have been running in the highest asisst levels quite alot although I backoff as the temps reach 90C.
Magura MT5 upgrade
I decided to reinstall the Magura MT5 brakes on the Soma Juice. While there were no issues with the Shimano Deore setup, I always liked the feel of magura brakes on previous bikes. I like the feel so much that I installed a second kit. Its hard to quantify why I like the feel so much more. In a nutshell, the Shimanos are more off/on and SRAMs(which I have on two bikes) are all about modulation which can take more lever travel. The maguras seem somewhere in between and the MT5 kit was a steal at ~$230 at jensonusa
ToSeven DM01
I figured out how to make a california ebike motor brace work with the DM01 so I will eventually put it on one of my bikes once it becomes chain replacement time. Sometime this summer
Surly Ogre GMAC bike
Unfortunately trying to sell this bike in the Nov timeframe had no potential buyers thru the end of the year so I took it off the market and have been riding it about once a week. I really like this bike and setup...especially the torque sensing which leads to the next subject.
Torque Assist vs Cadence
While the BBSHD is such a powerhouse, its non torque based pedal feel is about as fun as working out on a treadmill while staring at a blank wall.
Comparing rides around 17.5mph average speed, 1500ft elevation gain, 25 miles, its hard to see much less than 17wh/mile on the BBSHD and I dont enjoy it at that level. I typically seem to run about 19wh/mile when it 'feels good'. My heartrate is also much reduced on BBSHD rides (about 20BPM). It easy to do the same ride details on the GMAC and photon at about 16wh/mile.
And yes, I am pedaling and getting a workout (at least on the torque assist rides). Torque assist rides usually end up at 130/160 bpm avg/max heart rate and BBSHD rides are about 110/130 avg/max bpm. Human power average according the cycling analyst is usually 150watts (torque assist setup)
In the end, having a Torque based assist AND a cadence based assist works best for me as I can have on/off days and still ride everyday. I also have two torque based strictly offroad eMTBs