March 17 '21 order: 3-4 weeks until shipped; Waited 11 weeks until delivered on Jun 1 (OP) & June 3 (Tom J B).

Thanks for all of the tips. I also have a tip for all of your future E bike owners. Just last month Apple just came out with these little disks the size of a quarter that are actually tracking discs, they’re called Apple Airtags. They use the Apple application called “Find My”. They work really well and are not limited by distance. Of course you have to own an Apple iPhone and the latest update 14.5. They are only $29 for one or four for $99. I know I’m going to get a four pack and slip one of these small discs on my bike somewhere in the event it is stolen I’ll be able to track it down.|s43Yu6bTM-dm_mtid_1870765e38482_pcrid_518234306117_pgrid_120928559493_&cid=aos-us-kwgo-btb--slid---product-
Also, Boomerang (uses Verizon) & Verizon have available gps/cellular trackers available. Some can even be stowed in the handlebar, out of a thief's sight.
I ordered end of march. Still nothing yet. Last word was that step throughs were shipping before the other ones, and the other ones were shipping in chronological order. I don't understand why non-step throughs would ship later than step throughs, since the estimated ship date was longer for step throughs.

I have one of each coming. Still a bit salty that they have had my $2k for 2 months, and I have to put the effort out for updates. A better business model (from the consumer end) would be to charge when they ship and not before. I understand why they do it this way though.
Just got a tracking number for one of my bikes. Not sure which one, but at least one will be here next week sometime.

Edit: it is the non step through model in black.
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Seems my shipment information was sent to FedEx @7:43am AZ time May 19. So, if you were to look at the 'expected' delivery time of Saturday May 22, they (FedEx) would've had to have picked up my XP on May 19. Here we are on the 20th, & tbh, I never expected to see my XP picked up off Lectric's dock by FedEx until Sat or Fri @ the soonest. I'm thinking (since FedEx runs 24/7 365, unlike others such as UPS & USPS) this will push back my delivery date to, let's say, Tues May 25. Or, who knows, maybe even Wed May 26, if I'm lucky. LOL, carnival starts Wednesday here. May get to do a little drive by and see the sights, maybe even play one of the carnies' games, or, ride a ride. lol. 😏
I Bet!
I'm still waiting and watching this forum for any shipment updates...
I ordered on 4-7 2021
It should be any month now..Ugh!

I Bet!
I'm still waiting and watching this forum for any shipment updates...
I ordered on 4-7 2021
It should be any month now..Ugh!

I'd heard they'll be getting to the 'rest' of Mar orders "next week". IDK why it bothers me so, but if you look @ Lectric's track record, it's just another one of their (I hate to say it) lies when it comes to shipping transparency. They got your money already, I just wished they were geared more toward truthfully informing customers without this disconnect that happens ever year around this time, when it comes to them. 😑
@Racer-X I'm thinking you should receive tracking info (should be this coming week) late next week or the next. I'm sorry, wish you were getting it sooner!
@Tom J B . One guy named Aaron (over @FB) had gotten his shipping notice late in the evening Sunday night. His bike was 'finally' on it's way to his doorstep, he said, @ around 8:30 this morning. I'm looking @ maybe, hopefully seeing some movement Sat or Sun. Don't let us down FedEx!
Not a problem...
I've been watching this forum..
I've drastically lowered my expectations and settled in for the wait like everyone else.
I have my pile of parts all stacked up and ready to install when it does finally show up.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Not a problem...
I've been watching this forum..
I've drastically lowered my expectations and settled in for the wait like everyone else.
I have my pile of parts all stacked up and ready to install when it does finally show up.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Hey, @Racer-X , you're right! One of life's lessons I'd learned a long time ago. Keep expectations low, so when you do actually get it, you feel like you've really accomplished something, or got something, in this case! LOL
You know, other than Lectric’s fine customer service I’m not a fan of the way they do business. Shipping promises they can’t keep, pay when you order and poor upgrades.
Well Nothing here yet. I guess you guys were wrong or do they get the weekend technically? Another shipping estimate come and gone.
You know, other than Lectric’s fine customer service I’m not a fan of the way they do business. Shipping promises they can’t keep, pay when you order and poor upgrades.
You've hit the nail on the head! I tell ya. This next go-around, I'm leaning towards Juiced. From what I'm seeing, they've got that 'ride everyday' design that I like, they do 32mph+ (750w/1000w max), & the range is 100mi+ (closer to 150mi with the dual battery). It'll come @ a price of course. The good thing is, by the time I'm looking, price will be somewhere around 2k. There's always going to be that 'ideal' model, as always they usually command a higher price. Though, I'm completely content w/ what I'm getting NOW. It'll be a blast next week!