March 17 '21 order: 3-4 weeks until shipped; Waited 11 weeks until delivered on Jun 1 (OP) & June 3 (Tom J B).

Tannus Armour arrived today. Got a roll of Gorilla Tape permanent adhesive sealant 4"x10'. Berryman tire sealant. I'm thinking tomorrow will be a good day to install.
go to
Any chance of yourself having a template I could borrow, if'n I wanted to do something similar? Thinking full logo, fender, rack delete w/ whitewalls. 😏
Randyrides's wrap tutorial on youtube has a link to the pattern. I did the neck in a separate piece
I have placed two orders:

78xxx on 6/6/2021 for black 2.0
81xxx on 6/22/2021 for white 2.0 stepthru

And about 3,500-ish orders separate my first order and second order.

And about 16 days between both orders.

Which means 200+ bikes sold per day and i’m inquiring with them now to understand if they are able to ship enough bikes to overcome that pace of sales…

That’s around 1,700-ish orders per week ($1.7M sales per week) so I am mostly curious how many units they are able to ship to customers per week on average, how many per day Fedex picks up and if they see that trend per day increasing or decreasing in the coming months.

I’ve suggested to them to consider adopting an estimated shipping matrix to communicate more effectively with the potential thousands waiting in the wings for their bikes and accessories. Many brands in other industries adopted these more transparent practices when covid hit and global supply chain issues became way longer than expected.

Either through a wizard or a table on the website a waiting customer could find where their order number (or order date) was in a range/batch of orders and then connect the dots to see better status indicators. see which order number/days just shipped, which shipping container “batch” their bike might be in, even which week was targeted for FedEx pickup.

I’m still waiting at the moment and could cancel snd find something else but i’m interested enough in what feels a popular budget brand with a good active community so i’m holding on for now.

Will revisit this thread if i have any news or new insights to share.