March 17 '21 order: 3-4 weeks until shipped; Waited 11 weeks until delivered on Jun 1 (OP) & June 3 (Tom J B).

You know, this time last year, customers waited 12 weeks before receiving said bike from Lectric. I'd say we are currently right in line with that amount of time, again, this year. I won't disagree that Lectric needs to work on this disconnect between themselves & their customers. There has been little to no transparency in their response to expected logistical delays, & outright lied to their customers, who have paid good money for the Lectric eBikes Co. products, when inquiring about 'where are my bikes' this company just told them what they wanted to hear. Furthermore, any trust those customers may have had in Lectric was discarded for the consideration of building their own business. This excuse of blame it on the pandemic has worked well for them & I'm sorry for all of us who have waited patiently all of this time.
From all of the post I read, last year at this time in 2020, the average wait time was 8 1/2 weeks from ordering to receiving the bike. We are about a week past that timeframe.
From all of the post I read, last year at this time in 2020, the average wait time was 8 1/2 weeks from ordering to receiving the bike. We are about a week past that timeframe.

Received a shipping notification today after I called even though they said the bike would not ship before the end of this week. It was a weird call as they kept pointing out they had the bike in stock even though it would not be able to ship this week due to being in a container outside the warehouse and would not get to it until late in the week. Will be interesting to see when it actually get's picked up by Fedex.... I even offered to switch to another bike if it meant quicker shipping but they indicated that would not speed anything up.
All things considered..
Maybe they're trying to focus on putting high profit on paper to help boost the price of the company.
Maybe it's the beginning of a "Cash out plan"? It wouldn't be unusual
Set the product line on coast for a few years and let the new guys build the brand from there..
It's a great bike.. Who would blame them? I hope I get mine.
As you wait, you search for info. I've read crazy rumors about lack of XP bikes, How perhaps they will eventually be forced to give 2.0 upgrades for free, due to lack of parts for the OG model.
Obviously its a bit difficult to avoid getting caught up in the rumor mill... I'm only on week 7, of maybe 10ish.
I'm waiting for my OG Black XP that I ordered April 7.
I've got a new front hub motor kit, Tannus armor w/ a CST 20x4 tire already on the rim and inflated, plus a pile of mods ready to bolt on.
My worst fear is as I said... That they are already gone!
I shop with amazon a lot...guess I'm used to that fast shipping.
That's the root of my frustration.. I'm really an optimist I swear!!
It's more likely that I just picked a horrible time to buy an E- bike.
Myself, and maybe just a few other folks with a fresh stimulus check...Hmmmm.
I'll see you all at the E-rally party!
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Update: First bike is in route with FedEx. Black XP. Second bike, White XP ST still lacks movement, but I am hopeful.
Update: First bike is in route with FedEx. Black XP. Second bike, White XP ST still lacks movement, but I am hopeful.
Good for you. It’s about time one of us sees some movement. I hope your other bike follows right behind very soon. I just can’t figure out there shipping order. You ordered the end of March the same bike Contractor and I ordered in mid March, and yet our bikes still sit in a container. But I truly am glad your bike is on the way.
Good for you. It’s about time one of us sees some movement. I hope your other bike follows right behind very soon. I just can’t figure out there shipping order. You ordered the end of March the same bike Contractor and I ordered in mid March, and yet our bikes still sit in a container. But I truly am glad your bike is on the way.
Yes, I don't understand the order of shipping or how it works. I feel like a lot of tracking numbers may be going out this week or getting update this week. Fingers crossed!!!
7days down. If it doesn't move Fri, I'm cancelling. I could always use $900 to enjoy my summer, bike or no bike.
I hear that!
You can build a bike for pretty cheap... 1000 watt rear kits are 400.00 or so. 250.00 tops for the battery.
You could get a pretty decent bike for a few hundred more, and your done... I'm leaning that way too.
Part of me doesn't want to let them off the hook though.
7days down. If it doesn't move Fri, I'm cancelling. I could always use $900 to enjoy my summer, bike or no bike.

So weird. Mine went straight to Fedex the same day. They did mention that Canadian orders have to go through a special process because its different Fedex paperwork to ship to Canada. Maybe that's the difference. Someone had to manually handle my order to Canada. Fedex does not have a delivery date yet though.
I like the bike, don't even mind the wait! It's just, well, they (Lectric) got to me yesterday as someone named Matt sent me an email saying that the bikes were on the trailer & that they had FedEx scheduled for pickup YESTERDAY. If that was true, FedEx would've scanned the bill of laden & I'd have seen movement or a notification from my SHOP App. Something, I got nothing. Just TIRED of Lectric's lies!
Truth is, I'm not interested anymore.
I was where you are currently in terms of frustration about 2-3 weeks ago. Lately I had just resigned myself that if it take another week or two so be it. I guess I figured the worst of the wait was over. And as mentioned did not want to start a new wait. Fedex has been slow in shipping the last few months (at least to Canada). I'm not expecting anything to arrive here in less than two weeks...
I like the bike, don't even mind the wait! It's just, well, they (Lectric) got to me yesterday as someone named Matt sent me an email saying that the bikes were on the trailer & that they had FedEx scheduled for pickup YESTERDAY. If that was true, FedEx would've scanned the bill of laden & I'd have seen movement or a notification from my SHOP App. Something, I got nothing. Just TIRED of Lectric's lies!
The other thing I stopped doing was corresponding by e-mail with Lectric. I started only ever calling them lately (once a week or so). Their e-mail responses never directly answered my questions and frustrated me. Since I've dealt with them only by phone they have not annoyed me nearly as much. Better experience since you can immediately get/provide feedback if they are not clear in their response.
Truth is, I'm not interested anymore.
I get it. You're frustrated. Me too. I haven't been waiting as long as you. But, hang in there. I suspect the wait will turn out to be worth it eventually. Besides, keep in mind that $900 could buy many different memories this summer but only one that'd have you cruisin' 'round on a fat tire ebike all smilin' and laid back. My only suggestion is to chill while we're young. We'll have plenty to complain about when we wear older men's shoes.
I think another thing that happened is Lectic’s business likely exploded with the pandemic and stimulus money. I mean they were doing well even before the pandemic, but now that everybody has all this extra money, it likely exploded more than they ever could handle. Sure, they’re making a ton of money but they’re struggling with just trying to keep up with everything. Of course that’s not our problem,
and it doesn't excuse misleading promises.
Anyone need a battery reference?
You know what’s interesting, and I didn’t pay any mind to it at first, but my first bike (the only one in transit so far) is shipping out of Pacoima, CA which is near LA I guess and no where close to Phoenix, even though the origin says Phoenix. It’s only made it to New Mexico so far..