March 17 '21 order: 3-4 weeks until shipped; Waited 11 weeks until delivered on Jun 1 (OP) & June 3 (Tom J B).

You know, other than Lectric’s fine customer service I’m not a fan of the way they do business. Shipping promises they can’t keep, pay when you order and poor upgrades.
Exactly. Had they told me up front it would be 9 weeks before they ship plus maybe another 2 before FEDEX picks it up. I likely would have likely found another bike. I went with Lectric because someone I know has a couple and recommended them. But in hind sight I would have liked the option to choose based on facts and not made up ship times. At this point I'm kind of stuck so its not worth looking around as I've already waited this long. Don't want to start a whole new wait. I'll bet the current 6 week ship times are bogus as well.
Exactly. Had they told me up front it would be 9 weeks before they ship plus maybe another 2 before FEDEX picks it up. I likely would have likely found another bike. I went with Lectric because someone I know has a couple and recommended them. But in hind sight I would have liked the option to choose based on facts and not made up ship times. At this point I'm kind of stuck so its not worth looking around as I've already waited this long. Don't want to start a whole new wait. I'll bet the current 6 week ship times are bogus as well.
Yes exactly! 5 days & the bike is STILL setting on the dock @Lectric. I know of at least 2 persons who've ordered 2 whole weeks AFTER Tom & myself (Mar 31, exact same model/color), yet, they've gotten their bikes & have been riding them for at least 2 days as of present. Sucks waiting 11 weeks on a 3-4 week promise. 4x the time is NOT 'in a timely manner'. Any other trade would have had been fired.
Yes exactly! 5 days & the bike is STILL setting on the dock @Lectric. I know of at least 2 persons who've ordered 2 whole weeks AFTER Tom & myself (Mar 31, exact same model/color), yet, they've gotten their bikes & have been riding them for at least 2 days as of present. Sucks waiting 11 weeks on a 3-4 week promise. 4x the time is NOT 'in a timely manner'. Any other trade would have had been fired.
I couldn’t agree more with Contraktor and Skippy31.
Both mine are haven't moved as well. Though I feel as if they are playing the "create a shipping label" game, to make it appear as if Fed Ex just hasn't picked them up when maybe in reality, they still are not ready.

This is the exact reason I didn't upgrade. In my mind upgrades were meant to kick the can down the road for a few more weeks. Bonus for them that it would free up more of the 1.0 bikes to release as they may still have not had enough stock.
Still no movement or label for mine which is March 24th XP vintage. Shipping estimate at the time was within 3-4 weeks. And it stayed that way for at least a couple weeks after my order. Then the ship times increased by a week and then another a week or two later.
Still no movement or label for mine which is March 24th XP vintage. Shipping estimate at the time was within 3-4 weeks. And it stayed that way for at least a couple weeks after my order. Then the ship times increased by a week and then another a week or two later.
I ordered April 7th
At that time it also stated 3 to 4 weeks..
I am not a happy camper, they blame circumstances and congestion instead of taking any blame at all. They have blatantly withheld the truth and continue to to do so.
How long can a company delay shipping?
The 30-Day Rule for Shipping Goods

If the business is unable to ship within the promised time or within 30 days, the merchant must promptly tell the customer by mail, telephone or email, and give a new shipping estimate and give the customer a chance to cancel their order and receive a full refund.
I'd sent an email yesterday (Sunday), & received no reply. It was something along the lines of 'what gives?', I've yet to be contacted.
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I also sent an email and received no reply.
Thanks for reaching out!

We are processing and sending out those April Black XP orders next week!

We are only able to send out 200 bikes a day and we have reached our max Black XP numbers for this week that we can ship out. They should be picked up by Friday and then we can continue to ship out the Black XP's!

We are so sorry about these delays!! We appreciate your patience.

Once your shipping label has been printed it will send you a tracking number to your email.
Thanks for reaching out!

We are processing and sending out those April Black XP orders next week!

We are only able to send out 200 bikes a day and we have reached our max Black XP numbers for this week that we can ship out. They should be picked up by Friday and then we can continue to ship out the Black XP's!

We are so sorry about these delays!! We appreciate your patience.

Once your shipping label has been printed it will send you a tracking number to your email.
When was this?
Thanks for reaching out!

We are processing and sending out those April Black XP orders next week!

We are only able to send out 200 bikes a day and we have reached our max Black XP numbers for this week that we can ship out. They should be picked up by Friday and then we can continue to ship out the Black XP's!

We are so sorry about these delays!! We appreciate your patience.

Once your shipping label has been printed it will send you a tracking number to your email.
OMG, didn't we already do this last week?
It's a damn shame when I have to watch other customers taunting us with the white ST XP models they've ALREADY RECEIVED, NTM that these are Mar 31 orders, when our model was promised reduced shipping time when compared to the ST & we would've ordered 2 whole weeks before them. Lectric's bullshit.😑
@Tom J B !!!
7 minutes ago

my reply is going to be '
So if my order number doesn't fall into the 200 you can ship per day i.e. 1000 per week, my order will not ship until the following week?
That is correct!

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
This my reply I just received today at 5:00PM EST.

Hello Thomas,
Thank you for reaching out! We are working diligently to get your bike shipped out as soon as we can. At this point, we are loading hundreds of bikes into shipping containers to prep for FedEx's daily pickups. Depending on their pickup schedule, our goal is to get your labeled bike into FedEx's hands by the end of the week.

If your label only shows the initial "Shipment information sent to FedEx" scan, please disregard the estimated delivery date or "PENDING" at the top of the tracking page. FedEx will need to scan your bike for a second time in order for the estimated delivery information to be accurate.

We are so excited to get you riding soon! Please let us know if you have any further questions - we're happy to help!

Any lawyers on site who wanna start a class action lawsuit?
You know, this time last year, customers waited 12 weeks before receiving said bike from Lectric. I'd say we are currently right in line with that amount of time, again, this year. I won't disagree that Lectric needs to work on this disconnect between themselves & their customers. There has been little to no transparency in their response to expected logistical delays, & outright lied to their customers, who have paid good money for the Lectric eBikes Co. products, when inquiring about 'where are my bikes' this company just told them what they wanted to hear. Furthermore, any trust those customers may have had in Lectric was discarded for the consideration of building their own business. This excuse of blame it on the pandemic has worked well for them & I'm sorry for all of us who have waited patiently all of this time.