Magnum Metro, UI5, UI6 rear racks


Active Member
It looks like these three models use the same rack and I worry about its support for pannier bags. It is short and set far forward, only one support bar on front side; I worry about bags getting hung up in spokes. Has anyone swapped out racks? Or found bags you feel safe? Topeak makes a side support frame, thinking about going that route.

I also posted this in Magnum forum, here hoping for wider exposure.
I have the Metro+ which looks to have a similar rack, and I use an Arkel Bug backpack/pannier that I found used and cheap on eBay. Early on, I had one of the backpack straps slip out of the velcro flap and get wrapped around the hub (that was fun!). However, I don't use it as a backpack so I just cut off the straps. I haven't any issues since and I commute 70 miles per day with the bike and bag (when the weather cooperates).