looking for quality commute / light off-road / dirt bike


New Member
We live in a hilly area with lots of forest service roads in the mountains. Looking for a bike that will give years of good service with replacement parts available. I can maintain it myself no problem.

A bike that "feels" good, so from my brief readings probably torque sensing.

Up to about $2500.

I have a few ideas in my head on the make/model but really curious where this discussion goes.
Sounds like where I live and what I’m looking for almost exactly. I’m leaning towards this...

Though if I had more to spend, the Cube Kathmandu 625 would be high on the list.

Honourable mention

Happy hunting.
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I think one of the earlier decisions that need to be made is what size tire you're thinking of?

Quite a few hub drive bikes in your price range, and a couple of Bafang Ultra powered mid drives. The Ultra is going to outclass about anything when it comes to off road/hills. Making a call on what kind of drive you find most interesting needs to be done here as well.

Many (most?) bikes are built using name brand components. As long as you stay away from anything proprietary, you've pretty much assured yourself of a long service life.
Biktrix Juggernaut Ultra 1000
some good ideas here but all are really heavy. I am currently on a 22lbs gravel bike... When I see 70lbs+ that really puts me off.
Anything that is more reasonable and not a tank? I will be mostly community, very definitely dont need fat tires. I dont need tons of power - I used to ride in europe on 250W Bosch and this was very adequate, the only problem was the small battery.
Light weight on a 2500 budget is going to be a struggle I think....

Did you have anything in mind?
You will not find a big battery on a light e-bike.
You will not find a light e-bike for less than $2500.
what about Surface shred? is this a good deal? I know the owner of this website believes it is, but it is so hard to find really unbiased opinions.
what about Surface shred? is this a good deal? I know the owner of this website believes it is, but it is so hard to find really unbiased opinions.
The Shred (500W Bafang hub motor) is the same money for less bike compared to the Biktrix Juggernaut Ultra (1000+W Bafang mid motor).
This sales-pitch for the Shred is actually a selling point for the Ultra: "In fact, you’ll swear it’s as so smooth as a mid-drive motor."
Even at the same W, a mid-drive will give you more power; the Ultra will get you up hills better.
Both bikes are heavy dogs to pedal unpowered.
The one advantage of the Shred is that you can still ride it throttle-only with a broken chain.
There are many opinions and experiences. It can be confusing. Make a list of each bike component and feature. Compare quality of components, battery, motor power with price and most importantly, your expectations and usage/environment. Without doing this, it can be confusing and ultimately a little frustrating.

where I live, there are steep, long climbs And I am surrounded by mountains. I weigh 200lbs. From my reading, I likely would risk overheatIng of a hub drive, so only went with a mid drive. Not trying to sway you, just offering a process.

I could not find a price/component/useage bike that could compete with my choice Given my budget AND the availability of the bike. , which is important. There are long wait lists out there. Your Rationale will be yours. Enjoy finding your bike.
This is a great bike IMHO. Not available to me. But more than you want to pay.
you all gave me two good options. Ryze and the Juggernaut. I just noticed the Juggernaut can be sold with much more civil (more narrower) tires as well. Very good.
Much different from the other suggestions but...Yamaha Cross Core? And use the rest of the money to install some nice hydraulic brakes?

-only a bit over 40 pounds
-really torquey Yamaha motor (70Nm)
-can accommodate gravel tires
-fender and rear rack mounts
-built-in headlight
I wish you well in your search, especially to have a reliable ebike with parts availability and a great motor for under $2500. I would start my search with what bike shops you have in your area to get a bike/parts from. I decided on my Trek Allant+7 for similar reasons but, of course, the cost is well above your budget.
Of course, times being what they are, parts from anyone are hard to come by!