Lectric XP

3M splicing tape around the bracket holding the front fender stopped the rattling. Now to work on the rattling battery...
Not sure if you saw my comment on here... use the plastic piece inside the box as a spacer on the side of the battery between the battery in the frame...works great... why wrap up the fender bracket all you need is a nylon washer in between
I founds 2 new videos I hadn't seen, but neither one was very helpful or insightful or told me anything I didn't know. 10 minutes each of "we got them, we like them" gushing. Still and all, the bikes are getting out there and people are impressed. I really also have to say I grudgingly admire their marketing/promotional strategy. Populating Youtube with videos from RV channels and "free" online reviewers is rather smart and, I would guess, cost effective. I remember someone asking on this forum for Court to review them, but I am willing to surmise that they will have no need to pay Court's "promotional fee" to get positive reviews.

The wait goes on....

EDIT: It is also not clear who gets to keep the bikes and who doesn't. The only people I've seen have the bikes taken from them were Squeaky Voice and her husband - and it was her birthday! The transparency of this strategy, in other words, leaves a little to be desired. I do look forward to seeing some of the knowledgeable people on this thread put up their reviews/impressions/videos.
The KevCentral reviews are the best in my opinion. Two well explained videos.
Not sure if you saw my comment on here... use the plastic piece inside the box as a spacer on the side of the battery between the battery in the frame...works great... why wrap up the fender bracket all you need is a nylon washer in between
Where am I putting this nylon washer?
Between the bracket and the fender or you could use a piece of innertube sandwiched between the bracket and fender... which would work really well... if you cut it to the size of the little bracket you wouldn't have to use that tape...just my thoughts..
Not sure a washer would stay in place
Ok I got my bike today. FedEx placed the box outside the condo in the main entrance, not nice and no safe either.
I'm charging the battery at this very moment.
I think that I got unit from the prototype batch. But I'm not sure. Can someone tell me what's the diagonal of the computer screen?
I have some missing parts and some different parts. Check the photos. Also my fenders are made of steel, not alloy/aluminum.
Does your bike have a stand for when the bike is folded, the prototypes don't, also the prototypes have a 48 tooth crank on the front and the production ones are supposed to have 52.
Does your bike have a stand for when the bike is folded, the prototypes don't, also the prototypes have a 48 tooth crank on the front and the production ones are supposed to have 52.
It has the stand but apparently the crank have 48 tooth. I just counted it manually. Don't know how find that out in another way.
It has the stand but apparently the crank have 48 tooth. I just counted it manually. Don't know how find that out in another way.
sounds like a production model not a prototype, and not really sure about the 52 tooth crank set, have not gotten mine yet, maybe Darceman can fill us in on this a little more, is yours a 52 tooth?
Somewhere in this old brain of mine is a recollection that the prototypes had a level of pedal assist other than 5 (can't remember if was 3 or 9). Maybe if you turn the bike on and you have an assist level that is not 5, it might be a prototype.
The prototypes I have seen in the many YouTube videos had three pedal assist levels. It looked like they were doing OK with just those three levels. I will find out when my bike arrives. I try to watch all the XP videos I can, as well as read the great posts on this forum. I've already read the new operators manual from cover to cover. ANYTHING to kill the time while waiting -- I am in the current Late August group. I do agree with a lot of the comments on here about Lectric Ebikes as a great, but not perfect. They come across as a group of smart people who operate with integrity and friendliness. No CYA with these guys, they seem to be learning as they go, something a lot of small operations have to do. Beyond them, judging from the comments on here, it looks like a nice community of enthusiasts are growing around this particular product. Signing off, I need to check my email for the millionth time to see if there is anything from Lectric!
Hey no problem ....glad your getting some use out of my ramblings....I'm fussy and like things perfect.. regarding the rattling battery I think I'm going to try a piece of 1/8th inch plywood the width of the battery and slide it in before I put the battery in, that might shim it up just enough... I think wood would work well as it doesn't compress....
How about some Thin peel and stick foam insulation stuck to the battery itself.