Lectric XP

Same here, Wisconsin for me. Just checked this morning on mine, label is made but FedEx has not received yet, saying 8/30 delivery, keeping my fingers crossed, I have all next week off, sure would be a great way to end the summer up here in the north.
Did you receive an email about the label being made? I’m asking people if they know their order number...thinking possibly they are sending by order number?
Did you receive an email about the label being made? I’m asking people if they know their order number...thinking possibly they are sending by order number?
Order #2153 on June 29th, not holding my breath on the 8/29 delivery date though, seen too many delays, I've also seen people who ordered their bikes in July and have them already.
Same here, Wisconsin for me. Just checked this morning on mine, label is made but FedEx has not received yet, saying 8/30 delivery, keeping my fingers crossed, I have all next week off, sure would be a great way to end the summer up here in the north.

I wouldn't worry - these things can go in the snow! Put those fat tread tires down to 10 PSI, layer up, and ride!
A Rad Mini example:

Order #2153 on June 29th, not holding my breath on the 8/29 delivery date though, seen too many delays, I've also seen people who ordered their bikes in July and have them already.
That’s what’s been frustrating for me. People who ordered weeks after me and have gotten their bikes, I’m still waiting. Not sure the process for processing the bikes. Ordered July 10th
I wouldn't worry - these things can go in the snow! Put those fat tread tires down to 10 PSI, layer up, and ride!
A Rad Mini example:

Wow impressive! With that kind of snow its possible to lose traction, slide and fall. Thanks for posting that snow ride video.

I guess the fat tires really help in that scenario. I'm in Illinois and some winter days look just like that. On really bad days I'll just leave the ebike at home and commute by bus and train to work. But on sunny days after the snow has been cleared off the roads I may decide to ride. I'll be bringing the battery into the office to charge at my desk and to warm up.

I know this was just a short 10 minute test run but did you notice a drop in battery level?

On weekends when the snow has been cleared I'll most likely take it out for a spin just to get some fresh air and exercise to help quell those winter blues.
Wow impressive! With that kind of snow its possible to lose traction, slide and fall. Thanks for posting that snow ride video.

I guess the fat tires really help in that scenario. I'm in Illinois and some winter days look just like that. On really bad days I'll just leave the ebike at home and commute by bus and train to work. But on sunny days after the snow has been cleared off the roads I may decide to ride. I'll be bringing the battery into the office to charge at my desk and to warm up.

I know this was just a short 10 minute test run but did you notice a drop in battery level?

On weekends when the snow has been cleared I'll most likely take it out for a spin just to get some fresh air and exercise to help quell those winter blues.

Haha this is not me riding! Just a random video I found on Youtube when I was doing research. So I can't speak to the battery life. But I will say that this particular video (and there are more if you do a DuckDuckGo search) really was a factor in my initial decision to buy a Rad Mini. I'm in the WNY snow belt, and I am hoping that being able to ride in the winter will help defeat the SAD I usually get. Better than a snowmobile! I do expect that the XP should be as capable in the snow as a Rad Mini, as the specs are quite similar.

There's a guy called Alaska John who has also posted Youtube videos riding a Rad Mini on snow-packed roads and trails. Do yourself a favor, though, if you watch his stuff - skip the first minute. The song is awful! This is one where he goes offroad onto a trail at about 9:40. Just skip to that part of the video to watch.

Thank you to the people who are putting up the winter rides, I live in Wisconsin and like poorplayer I too suffer with SAD and getting out and doing things like this helps a lot.
We received the tracking numbers last night with an ETA of 8/29. Nice long holiday weekend will be a great time to get aquainted.

I was a bit concerned they were going to use FedEx Ground which would have added 5-7 days to get it here.
Once a tracking number is issued, it is not accuate until it is scanned in at FedEx. The ETA is generated by zip code when the tracking label is generated. When it is scanned in at the FedEx terminal the date will change. Mine went from 8/20 to 8/26 delivery dates It is FedEx ground and it did take 6 days to Florida. Also Labor day weekend is coming and FedEx is closed. Just my experience on the bikes I just received Monday.
Dang. I was living in denial & really hoping they'd be here tomorrow!

Reality (FedEx isn't showing they've received the bikes yet) has set in. :(
Another question for the xp owners out there, is there room on the handle bars for a cell phone holder?
Isn't a lot of room for one although you may be able to squeeze one in it might be tight I found this work better (see pictures below)


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Does anyone have any recommendations for a lock? How about a locking strategy?

They're expensive (appropriate for an ebike I think), but I like the looks of the Abus Granit X-Plus 540 and the Abus Bordo Granit 6500 locks.

Is there space to go around the rear wheel and a frame member and enough reach to connect to a bike rack?
Do you know what your order number is? Wondering if they are sending by that number?
If this helps, my order number was 1827 that arrived 8/26. Lectric said they were shipping 1,000 bikes per shipment. Might be able to do the math and get an idea. Some order number will have more the one bike, so do take that into consideration.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a lock? How about a locking strategy?

They're expensive (appropriate for an ebike I think), but I like the looks of the Abus Granit X-Plus 540 and the Abus Bordo Granit 6500 locks.

Is there space to go around the rear wheel and a frame member and enough reach to connect to a bike rack?
Kind of depends on where you live, New York, Chicago, or any of the main cities I would go with at least two locks and stay away from any cable locks, any pair of hand held cutters will go through a cable lock in a split second. I bought the Abus Granit X-plus 540 and also an Abus chain for the wheels, would think you could get away a lot cheaper if you live in a more rural area.
Order #2153 on June 29th, not holding my breath on the 8/29 delivery date though, seen too many delays, I've also seen people who ordered their bikes in July and have them already.
The early Aug shipment went by order number. Canadians are held up getting customs clearance. Problem there could be different county of origin than the company/country shipping and the product has not been approved by customs yet for import.
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