I'm aware of the "whining", however I just picked up the bike yesterday from the LBS and they had put in new parts, now at 5,600 miles.
Of course a new motor a few months ago (at 5,080 miles).
This week, a new chainring gear, a new cassette, a new chain, a new deurailer, so basically everything new.
Still got crunching, grinding noise (intermittent), and I'm dead tired of the 60 mile round trip back and forth to the bike shop.
Picked up my Super Commuter 8+ 6/22/19 from Trek Middleton (NJ) . It was there over a week. Again.
Sad to say, with new parts as specified, and the new motor, the very same noise(s) are occurring.
Given the fact that this bike has been in the shop more times than I can count. The last interaction/discussion was to have them (the LBS) remediate with a new chainring which Trek supplied.
I, being proactive and feeling that it would be in my best interest to replace all other potential parts that might be a contributing factor, which I did, has proven to be unnecessary, as the noises previously described, discussed and validated are still occurring, which, by the way, have never, ever, ever existed until my bike had accumulated a few thousand miles, hence the approval for a new motor after it was verified by the LBS that it appeared to be the culprit.
Unfortunately, none of those procedures have resolved the problem. These noises seem to be coming from the crankcase of the motor under hard pedaling, high cadence and Eco mode, all as previously described. I had then replace a new cassette, a new chain, a new chainring, a new
deurailer and of course the new motor.
I had initially requested that a Trek representative as well as a Bosch representative either be onsite to concur in the acknowledgement and or resolution of the problem(s), which has never occurred. I was told to do what I have done, and given the fact that I’ve had Trek Middletown attempt to remediate these unresolved issues, I’m declaring that I have a lemon product, and I’m at the end of my patience level and demand the bike be either:
- Investigated as requested by both Bosch and Trek, with onsite reps and once and for all resolved
- Replaced
- Refunded
I'll let all interested know how it turns out, I'm very disappointed.
I strapped on my Contour Roam cam today.
I have a few attached links (Dropbox) to show/hear noises (crunchy, under load, etc.)
Although there is road noise and motor whine, it can be heard.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/u1fo4twfvou6gsz/1st sample bike noise.mov?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/x4uttwo8y1k4ova/2nd sample bike noise.mov?dl=0