Known Issues & Problems with Bosch Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

well replaced the intuvia/nyon display mount because f a missing nut in has some serious small screws that hold the wires mount in place. for some reason the replacement came with a super small seal on the power side but not on the remote side. but I just took one out of the old display. working with such small parts is a pain with my fumble hands but I got it and tested it before I mounted it. idid not work. but then I realized I didn't have the Nyon snapped in al the way that fixed it. But the quality of the parts and fit is a joy.
I'm very sorry for everyone dealing with Nyon navigation issues. I'll share your feedback with the team(s) this morning. In response to Steve's feedback from last week, I got additional people involved, so hopefully we can make more happen.
Thank you for your response William.

I've noticed in my city that some dedicated cycle paths (in streets, separated from cars and with dedicated traffic lights), that have been established for a few years, are not shown on the ebike-connect map but are on the source OSM map. Furthermore a route created with the web-based ebike-connect with start and finish points on a cycle path will deviate to streets.

Also, I have found that a GPX file with 1 km markers will load into the web-based ebike-connect (not displaying the markers) but will not load into the ebike-connect app.

Interestingly the recent ebike-connect app update release notes states that the maps are "as of October 2020".

Hope this helps.


Thank you for your response William.

I've noticed in my city that some dedicated cycle paths (in streets, separated from cars and with dedicated traffic lights), that have been established for a few years, are not shown on the ebike-connect map but are on the source OSM map. Furthermore a route created with the web-based ebike-connect with start and finish points on a cycle path will deviate to streets.

Also, I have found that a GPX file with 1 km markers will load into the web-based ebike-connect (not displaying the markers) but will not load into the ebike-connect app.

Interestingly the recent ebike-connect app update release notes states that the maps are "as of October 2020".

Hope this helps.


Thank you for this!

I've shared the specific details with the team.
I'm very sorry for everyone dealing with Nyon navigation issues. I'll share your feedback with the team(s) this morning. In response to Steve's feedback from last week, I got additional people involved, so hopefully we can make more happen.
Just want to chime in that it's not just a Nyon issue. Routing is just as bad (but slightly different) through COBI on the SmartPhone Hub.

I was out on a ride today and realized I wouldnt have enough juice for the loop I had in mind, so I tried to use the nav to plot my ride home then got suspicious after it had me pass the 2nd street with a bike lane headed in the right direction. Sure enough, it wanted me to ride about 8 miles on state highway 99 (Aurora Ave). Its a 5-7 lane busy road with no provisions for cycling.

Because I live about a mile from this road, it almost always tries to put me on it. I can get it to mostly avoid the highway if I use the 'quietest' option but then I get trash like this:

Those are parking lots that it has me detouring through and I don't even want to know if it expected me to cross the state highway 6 times just because the parking lots are quiet? BTW, there are a couple roads in the screencap that have marked bike lanes - not that you can tell by using COBI.
Here is a simple route that I know by heart but the very last part that makes a square. I started the navigation at the start of the long straight

Road run. The nyon kept wanting me to turn right or Left o guess to go back to the start. I was on track the whole ride and when I got to the last street if wanted me to go the opposite direction and never knew when I arrived. I turned off recalculate to see if it helps.
I'm very sorry for everyone dealing with Nyon navigation issues. I'll share your feedback with the team(s) this morning. In response to Steve's feedback from last week, I got additional people involved, so hopefully we can make more happen.
If you need a tester here in NYC, please let me know, I am shocked the last update made it out the door, I work in tech and manage a large team of devs, many people would have been looking for new jobs had that happened on my watch.
This is apparently a new indeterminate for our fearsome Bosch engineers:
We were on a 4 day bike ride with our group. One lady's new (last October) Trek Verve+3 with VERY few miles when we rode the last week of June, 2021 (<100 miles) had a battery failure. We all charged our batteries in our hotel rooms each evening.

For the first 1/2 mile of riding on the 3rd day (which was down hill), Ellen wasn't sure if her motor was on, but did not need it. She then stopped and realized that her Controller was blank and for sure, the motor was not running. Apparently the battery did not charge over night. Pondering options, her husband swapped his PowerTube from his Verve+3 to hers and her bike came to life. We rode back to hotel (she with his battery!). He then plugged in her battery and all light bars illuminated. Took the battery back to Ellen's bike and it did not work. Put it in his bike, it did not work.

By this time you are all saying correctly: Battery swapping is a VERY BAD thing to do. As cautioned later by the Dealer, if the bike had been the origination of the problem, now 2 batteries may be blown and only 1 possibly covered by warranty.

Into the dealer's shop where the GM ran a full analysis with tests displaying an error code (not sure which) pointing to a possible open in the battery. He had his lead mechanic run the tests again with the same error codes. Called Bosch and was instructed to run the tests again (same results) plus a few other tests but Bosch has not been able to confidently identify a definitive problem and does not want to flip it into a warranty replacement claim until they have analyzed it further.

In the mean time, with the incredible shortage of lithium batteries, Ellen's bike will sit in the shop. BUMMER!

After what Chevy this week just cautioned their Chevy Volt owners per the new high risk associated with their lithium batteries, it gets one squeamish about my dependency on an addiction (riding my ebike!!).

So, I stopped into the shop the same day and had an opportunity to chat about the problem and decided to purchase a 2nd battery for my bike (upgrading from a 500 to a 625 PowerTube). At the time of order delivery was slated for 7/9/21, but the back order has become very soft.
So, I stopped into the shop the same day and had an opportunity to chat about the problem and decided to purchase a 2nd battery for my bike (upgrading from a 500 to a 625 PowerTube).
And the 625 will fit where the 500 goes?
Hi All,
In response to your detailed reports of issues with navigation, we've been working on some things. Please see message below, shared on behalf of our Marketing Director here in North America. As mentioned, I will make contact via direct message with a few of you in hopes of setting up a quick call with the Bosch team at HQ.

Thank you so much for your continued support of Bosch and our bike brand partners. We are humbled by your passion for cycling and our products! Between our love of cycling and folks like you all, it’s easy to be excited about the work we do each day.

We hear your feedback about navigation loud and clear. Rest assured that your voices have assisted in providing valuable feedback to the product and digital teams at our headquarters in Germany. Please understand that quick updates are not possible at this time, but ongoing, continuous improvement is the bedrock to our overall approach to making Bosch-powered eBike ownership a great experience well beyond the day of purchase. We’d like to reach out to a few of you directly for some 1:1 time to learn from you and understand your ownership experience a bit more. No pressure, by any means. Thank you all for your continued support.

–Jocelyn Vande Velde, Marketing Director, Bosch eBike Systems NA

Question for our Bosch Team. I have searched through the Forum but have not seen this addressed. If I missed it I apologize for asking again.
How long after reaching full charge will the charging process restart if the charger has not been disconnected?
I use a smart outlet and try to guess at how long to charge depending upon how many bars are displayed. My preference is for a full battery each morning, but don’t want to over charge.
I can tell when charging stopped before reaching “full” by the headlight being turned on when the charger is turned off by the smart outlet. (Also find this an odd but interesting indicator.)
Is there a “rule-of-thumb” to follow for maximum charge without over charging?
The 500W PowerTube for Allants and other 625-enabled bikes, has a spacer filling the gap-length of the 625W.
The 625 Tube is longer. Also, just found out my LBS has my back-ordered 625 battery from Bosch — now waiting for the Trek skin.


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The 500W PowerTube for Allants and other 625-enabled bikes, has a spacer filling the gap-length of the 625W.
The 625 Tube is longer. Also, just found out my LBS has my back-ordered 625 battery from Bosch — now waiting for the Trek skin.
Thanks, is the spacer easily removable eg. Could it be used with any Powertube 500 to fit in any other bikes 625 slot?
Thanks, is the spacer easily removable eg. Could it be used with any Powertube 500 to fit in any other bikes 625 slot?
Just make sure the battery type/orientation (verticle or horizontal), is consistent with the battery compartment and the orientation of the male battery terminals on the bike.
The Bosch battery will automatically stop charging when it is full. Overcharging is not a concern.
William, this is great info. I found similar charging instructions within the excellent Bosch manual “The ebike Battery Guide.

However, this statement from within said document requests interpretation: “Fully charged batteries should be disconnected from the power supply.” Can we assume this applies to long-term storage? Or does it interpret as “Disconnect power once charged to avoid restart of the charging program?” Over charging in this manner was once noted as a possible way to shorten the life of the battery.
Please confirm the appropriate interpretation of this publication statement.

FYI, having a 1,000 Watts powering the Speed motor is really cool! 40 mile loop today and still had many Turbo-level miles left!