Kids' trailers


Active Member
At a rest stop at Hudson Gardens yesterday I ran into a couple biking with their two children. Mom carried the youngest in a basket on the front bars, giving the kid a view of something other than Mommie's butt but I loved the older one riding in a WheeHoo trailer. It lets them pedal along or freewheel and secures the feet so they don't accidentally hit the road.

Don't get to deal with kids or grandkids but I like this. All the other kid trailers I've seen tend to make them look like cargo instead of a kid riding with parent. The trailer seemed very sturdy and attractive - and it is a Colorado company.

My 4 year grandson loves his trailer. We replaced the front soft window with a nylon screen so he feels the breeze. There are side pockets which he organizes with snacks, drinks, and a few Hot Wheel cars. Might change in the future, but he wears a grin from ear to ear now.